The Signs of Female Pattern Baldness and How to Treat Them


Losing between 50 and 100 hair strands each day is normal and often goes unnoticed. However, the severity varies. Whether it’s a gradual hair thinning all over your head or a bald spot where your scalp is visible, female pattern baldness can appear in various forms that challenge the typical male pattern baldness. And each subtype has its own unique root cause. For example, hair that is getting thinner because of female pattern baldness is different from the hair that is falling out very quickly because of telogen effluvium.

What Causes Female Pattern Baldness?

Hair loss in women can result from various factors, including but not limited to dietary deficiencies and emotional stress. For example, stressful or traumatic events can cause telogen effluvium, a condition in which an abnormally large number of hair strands shift from the growth to the shed stage. Some of these things are giving birth, losing weight quickly, losing a loved one, not getting enough vitamins and minerals, and so on.

Other causes of female pattern baldness include inflammatory scalp disorders like dermatitis and serious health issues like autoimmunity. Hair loss can be caused by any style that puts stress on the roots, even a loose ponytail or braid.

What Are the Signs of Female Pattern Baldness?

The hair-growing phase gradually decreases in female pattern baldness. Furthermore, the time it takes for hair growth to increase. When hair follicles decrease in size, the hair strands that develop are more delicate and thinner, due to which hair becomes weak and brittle. 

Women facing female pattern baldness see an increase in hair loss compared to normal hair loss, although total baldness is uncommon. Moreover, female pattern baldness begins at a random part of the scalp and may spread over the whole head. Also, hair loss at the temples is possible.

How to Treat Female Pattern Baldness?

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A change in hairstyle can help hide the condition in the early stages of female pattern baldness. However, thin hair is challenging to hide and frequently becomes impossible to do so. Thus, getting treatment as soon as possible is recommended so that you may begin therapy and perhaps reduce the severity of hair loss in the future. Your treatment plan will likely include medicines that have been shown to help treat the illness.

If medications and topical treatments are ineffective in treating female pattern baldness, hair transplants in Perth are your best option. It is a permanent solution, as it involves a medical practitioner removing a narrow strand of hair from one section of your hairline and surgically implanting it into the balding spot. The graft will continue to grow normally.

Another solution is PRP therapy. A small amount of blood is extracted and spun down to promote hair development. Then the patient’s own platelets are re-injected into their scalp.

To Wrap Up

Seeing a doctor is a good idea if you’ve started losing your hair. They will be able to identify the type of hair loss and possible causes.  They will also know what treatments to suggest and provide. It’s important to get treatment immediately so that you can halt the hair loss and, in some cases, see new hair come back in.


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