The Liberal Agenda – House of Boring Dragons Review – 2 stars


I still remember watching the excitement of the first Game of Thrones.

The internal dynamics of Muti-perspective, multi value, political scheming and machinations story telling was fresh and new to TV taste buds shaped by Luke Skywalker and the individual hero narrative structure.

Game of Thrones crackled with all the energy and intensity of early Twitter.

In fact, Twitter is just like Game of Thrones, 240 Characters and most of them are evil shits.

You were on the edge of your seat each episode wondering what twist and character would rise or fall.

The spectacular roller-coaster of Game of Thrones ended teaching us all that most important of lessons: The millisecond a woman gets absolute power like a bloke, she’s going to fuck shit up and go dictator mass murdering pschyo on us.

In a way, Game of Thrones was the ultimate in 5th wave feminism, that day of glory when women can achieve the same level of barbarism than men can!

Hash tag dragon feminism. Hash tag equality.

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In comparison, House of Boring Dragons is so boring I fell asleep.

There’s arsehole Albino Dreads King.

There’s bastard Albino Dreads brother.

There’s albino Albino Dreads daughter.

There’s Albino Dreads boring.

It’s very slow.


Like the Magicians Nephew from CS Lewis after he wrote The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The ‘backstory’ is only interesting to the author and people who Plane and Train watch.

If I’m this bored by House of Dragons, God knows how bored I’m going to be with the new lord of the Rings series, that’s set thousands of years before the Hobbit even happened.

First question – why hasn’t there been any technological advancements?

I’ll keep watching House of Dragons just like I kept watching the second series of True Detective (and third) out of respect for the first one, but I’m not enjoying it.

2 stars.

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  1. Prequels have an annoying characteristic of choosing the worst periods of history. The initial Westeros invasion was a far more entertaining story.

    Oh well at least Dumb of Dumber can’t fuck this one up when the novel material runs out and there is no Briane of fucking Tarth in this story.

  2. Lol. I thought it was ok. I got excited at the end when I clicked he was the white walker so I’m looking forward to seeing how that transpires. I didn’t like the albino princess much, but maybe she’ll improve. There were some gruesome scenes (I look away) that added depth to the story line. No doubt more of that as war unfolds. Plus it had dragons. 4 stars.

  3. Luke Sky Walker had flaws comment Ng in very late when a good was lost.

    Anikin had flaws, hit head, trajic love story, lost mother tragically.

    All GoT characters had flaws.

    These lot with there new “rules,”

    Female characters have no flaws

    No backstory

    Are instantly the best at everything

    Can not be outclassed by male characters

    I’m sure there’s more I just can’t be arsed rewatching any of this bullshit and neither can the 5th wave feminist these 5th wave movies are supposed to cater to be arsed watching this shit.

    • it’s compounded by bad writing and lack of subtlety.

      I recently watched a french detective series which featured what appeared to be a dwarf(or short person) facial features and legs etc but not comedically small….now her role in the narrative was to be good detective who gets better and ends up heading the dept…her stature, sex, struggle against the patriarchy never mentioned..she’s just a good detective and initially at least not one of the leads she develops as episodes pass…..but the message is clear enough.
      the best euro drama does ‘woke’ better than the bludgeon employed by US shows. which ultimately undermines their aim, it’s like the 50/60s hamfisted anti communism in TV series which we can now only appreciate for it’s comedy value….yanks just lack subtlety and ‘team writing’ rather than 1 or 2 authors doesn’t help, tending to turn stuff into flat grey porridge.

      and as far as ‘woke’ goes star trek TOS and pre revival dr who was as ‘woke’ as you can get it’s just action figure buying fanboys don’t know or understand the subject of their fandom.

      • “and as far as ‘woke’ goes star trek TOS and pre revival dr who was as ‘woke’ as you can get”

        @Gagarin i’d respectfully disagree, pre DISCO Star Trek was always concerned with social justice the ideal that all are equal in the MLK sense. TOS was groundbreaking in racial representation (and had a Russian on the bridge during the height of the Cold War). There were flaws, in the early days of 2nd wave feminism, TOS had cringe inducing sexism at times. Later Star Trek incarnations pushed the needle further towards a wider ideal of equality, often imperfectly.


I’d argue that the more inclusive show you referenced and similar, (a recent example is ‘Arcane’) follow this earlier 2nd wave tradition where where identity is secondary to character. This is not ‘Woke’.

        Woke by contrast is concerned with ‘critical’ social justice, rooted in 3rd and 4th wave feminism. The perception that society consists of oppressor and oppressed identities. Identity and your privilege or oppression is the most important thing about you. This is bundled with a downstream ethical worldview and imperative for action that engenders. This elite cultural zeitgeist naturally infuses a lot of modern writing with a flavour of moral righteousness, self entitlement and lack of nuance which over time turns off audiences of all identities.

        Entertainment media has repeatedly tried to blame lack of success on toxic fandom (which exists but is tiny part of fandom) rather than their own poor story telling.

        Baggage Claim (who happens to be a brown woman) elaborates on some issues around Woke entertainment from a (non-woke) feminist perspective.
        and for Marvel phase 4 in particular

  4. why can’t HBO make another series like “the Wire”? which was ten times better than GOT. i still don’t understand why people get all excited over dragons and elves…

  5. stand you have to go with subtitles to get anything of that standard…
    though the yank series atlanta and snowfall might be worth a look.

  6. “The millisecond a woman gets absolute power like a bloke, she’s going to fuck shit up and go dictator mass murdering pschyo on us”

    I was having a discussion with my daughter while listening to Keb’ Mo”s “put a Woman in charge”
    Her response – not anymore! Just as aggressive and overly competitive when driving; just as big egotistical ladder-climbing and ladder puller upper arseholes; and just as devious as spin and bullshit merchants as blokes
    Funny ole Whurl eh?

  7. indeed tim the ‘frocks and spanks’ mafia is no different from the old ‘school tie mafia’….on the one hand it does prove men and women are equal and on the other ‘protected status’ is over.


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