UNDER THE RADAR – Someone hates Beth Houlbrooke, Liz Cheney finds redemption, The most important legal case right now is Mike Smith, American Military Industrial Complex in NZ & Hunger Stones


We here at TDB like to be first at pointing shit out, but in this never ending 24-7 news clusterfuck of a media environment we all live in, even we can slip up and miss something that should get more focus, so from time to time we’ll run Under the Radar News, things of note that escaped attention.

This week, Someone hates Beth Houlbrooke, Liz Cheney finds redemption, The most important legal case right now is Mike Smith, American Military Industrial Complex in NZ & Hunger Stones.

Someone hates Beth Houlbrooke:

Someone has spent a lot of time and effort to kneecap ACT Party flunky Beth Houlbrooke. Her odd decisions to hurt her own voters for the benefit of Big Auckland has been an extraordinary example of counter productive outcomes for very little perceivable gain. This is a very well played political hit job by pros.


Liz Cheney finds redemption:

Liz Cheney, daughter of Darth Cheney, has managed to find redemption for the obscenity of the Iraqi invasion by standing up to Trump and demanding the barest accountability for his failed insurrection. It’s amazing how easy redemption is in America for Republicans.


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The most important legal case right now is Mike Smith

Mike Smith taking polluters to Court for their climate crisis abuse of the environment is the most important legal case right now. These corporations know the scientific outcome of their pollution, in the case of the oil companies, they’ve known since the 1990s. Tobacco companies were sued for their damages to public health, the polluters should face the same damages and penalties.

American Military Industrial Complex in NZ

We seemed to miss that the US Military Industrial Complex was in town trying to pimp us into a closer arrangement with the possibility of a nuclear AUKUS. While we most certainly need to spend more on the military, we do not want to get sucked into a conflict with China because America wants a new adventure. Fuck that.


Hunger Stones:

The warning could not be starker. Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine (“If you see me, then weep”), reads the grim inscription on a rock in the Elbe River near the northern Czech town of Děčín, close to the German border.

As Europe’s rivers run dry in a devastating drought that scientists say could prove the worst in 500 years, their receding waters are revealing long-hidden artefacts, from Roman camps to ghost villages and second world war shipwrecks.

When the past is crying out to us in warning, ‘If you see me, then weep”, we really should be listening.

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