MEDIAWATCH: More Sharma Karma Drama (how to know his bullying allegations are snowflake trigger thresholds)


Oh Yawn.

He’s on The AM Show spilling his guts like a millennial snowflake begging for a trigger free safe space.

Sharma is riding the millennial micro aggression victimhood cultural wave to win over the simple.

Here’s how you know his bullying allegations are snowflake trigger thresholds begging for attention and B-E-L-I-E-V-E all victims shtick.

He’s made it all about him.

If he was genuinely standing up to a bully Party, he would point out Labour’s appalling failure in housing, he would point out the appalling failure of children in cars, he would point out the appalling failure of homelessness!

But he hasn’t has he?

Like every Millennial, it’s all about him.

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When we watch the All Blacks play, we expect a team to play, we don’t expect one seat warmer to bitch and complain about the team.

The Sharma Karma Drama must end with his expulsion and the rest of us need to question our love affair with woke Lynch mobs wanting to cancel people for bullying using the Salem Witch trial level of evidential threshold.

Sharma is abusing the total acceptance status every person making allegations gets now, perhaps we need to focus on that as well?

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  1. You stole my words.

    If only Jacinda AND the entire cabinet had gone to his office to give this light weight a cuddle each day and told him how clever and handsome he was, for oh I don’t know, 8 hours per day, all this B grade drama queen shit may have been avoided.

    FFS, expel him now, otherwise he’s going to cry to whoever will listen until we all collectively pass out.

    • /agree
      Except he’s an electricate MP as far as I’m aware, which means his electricate voted for him on the basis of thinking he was the best person to represent their interests.
      I seem to remember not THAT long ago that this crew of what is now 5 million fought long and hard to ditch FPP and implement something slightly better.
      As Jane Kelsey pointed out in one of her books, it moderated the power of a neoliberal Treasury because the need for negotiation was forced.
      Its interesting to watch commenters in here riff on tribal affiliations rather than being in full command of truthiness.
      I have likings for the McNulty – simply because he’s a no BS guy. He’s also the teacher’s pet, and it’s not beyond the realms of possibilities he’s also applied his no BS approach to an up and coming newbie who might happen to think he’s representing the interests of an electricate he was erected to represent in this space, going forwid – he (the McNulty) no doubt has ambitions, hoping to climb the rankings.

      The cult of personality over policy means we’re ekshully abusing the cistern of MMP (imperfek as it currently is), by the neolib’s agenda which is quite happy to have gummints of a minority of people reigning supreme.

      Let’s have seeings and hearings of the evidence and what it is each party has to say and present. I’d be quite happy whatever the outcome may be. At least we should do that because this team, comprising 5 million crew members, plus another 1 million offshore are rilly rilly suphusticated, and will vote in their own best interests – for Electricate firstly, and then for the policies a pary they think best aligns with their beliefs and ideology.
      “Ultimately” rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb; boffin after rogue boffin commenting about other rogues on vagabond platforms really only excrete after a brain fart materials as they feign expertise (often only on the basis of longevity to their membership to an Estate).
      [Btw, does anyone else remember Brigit Morten’s first ventures into the Realm of being one of the commentariat’s ‘spurts’] ? Ew – I felt embarrassment for her, bit what pits her, or any of the rest of them as superior to the Dr.

      • I hope you feel better after writing that comment.. It defines convoluted and waffly, yet is based almost entirely on assumption.. This is the country of my birth, yet I now find myself ashamed to admit it to people I meet around the world.. Thank you for demonstrating why..

  2. LOL. The mental gymnastics the left (most – not Bomber) are doing on the good Doctor are hilarious. Gone are the brickbats thrown against National’s culture and replaced with requests for cans of concrete.

    Let’s be honest the bullying aspect of this case is the red herring. What is of more import is the deliberate manipulation of the OIA (surely a crime) and realization that inside L9 it is not all rainbows and unicorns but brutal Realpolitik not dissimilar to Clark/Key. The façade of kindness has been blown off the side of the building.

    The good doctor is doing a JLR without the sociopath flavor. This is designed to run for a few more weeks yet. Only time will tell if there is anything out of the beltway worth mentioning.

  3. Sharma isn’t going to be expelled IMHO. Because then he would feel free to voice what his real issue has been ; and what he is being bullied about.
    Watch this space.
    D J S

    • It rather obvious he couldn’t care less about his party because he’s throwing the kitchen sink at his cause as it is and its so dull. He will be expelled because Sharma being trusted is dead!

    • I think it’s quite clear he WILL be expelled.
      He was the bully, that’s where this all started and he is now showing why.

      • How do we know this? Seems to me his request for an independent inquiry would be a good thing to solve the he said she said confusion.

        The fact that Labour appear determined to avoid this at all costs clouds their claims as surely sunlight etc would show them to be the honourable parties not Dr Sharma

        • Yeti they are bullies so don’t want to be caught out.
          The Left breeds bullies just read the comments on this blog.

        • Sharma was suspended for breaching caucus confidentiality and for attacking the party in public forums. The fact that he has continued to act in the very way that earnt him the suspension, it follows that it will be upgraded to an expulsion.

        • Perhaps it was because he was being performance managed, the original offence.
          Or maybe we don’t know yet unless you have already, given your last sentence?

        • The first rule in Machiavellian politics is to “never ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to”

          Jacinda knows the answer to what the enquiry will be, that’s why she’s not having one.

          • Correct BG, she knows it would be a waste of time and money given Sharma’s complaint that he was being performance managed, that’s why Ardern is the intellect and you’re not.

  4. I don’t know for sure but a 55min secret recording that directly contradicts the PM’s assurances sounds like he’s got something to complain about?

    And the bit about the PM’s staff choosing which employer they had at the time they heard or received information when deciding to answer (or not) OIA requests sounds pretty serious and underhand. Certainly not transparent.

    • He has admitted he will release information slowly however he also stated his aim is not to harm the Labour party. Not sure he has any credibility with those two statements. He’s gone from being performance managed to claims of bullying, to claims the PM is lying, to multiple media performances( if conspiracy theorists believe the media is bought and paid for, I have a bridge to sell you). This is an MP who is trailing in Hamilton West and comes over as an arrogant Doctor. More to play out here but as you say we don’t know for sure but one thing we can say if you are looking at strong leadership, Ardern has nailed Sharma.
      On the issue of OIA’s you only need to remember how National had OIA’s so heavily redacted it was a complete waste of time requesting one and they took two years to answer!

    • If the “secret” phone call to another MP was recorded without the other party’s permission, isn’t that illegal? Then passing the same phone recording on to a media outlet … not good!!!

        • Not desperate, he seems quite a cheerful chappie, and recording telephone conversations is not illegal in this country as long as one party knows that it’s being done. The other party here is unlikely to be returning to Parliament next time, IMO.

          ….India … birthplace of the massive Microsoft call centres and pioneer of replacing persons with gadgets… looks like the good doctor spent his formative years there…

      • Mary a, I might be wrong but as long as you are actually part of the conversation being recorded it’s not illegal.

  5. He is doing perfectly what the ‘fake’ Dr Ardern does in her stand-ups.

    He’s doing the country a favour and exposing the corruption within the iron chamber and also how unkind the labour caucus are with having a kangaroo court to execute him.

    I hope he keeps this up!

    • He’s exposing the usual idiocy where some idiot says something idiotic and other idiots jump on board to expose their idiot partisanship. Corruption and a kangaroo court to execute him?
      Get out and get a Giveapiddle campaign going for him.

      • Your overuse of the word idiocy/idiots gives me a concern for you peter being slightly unhinged and stressed about this karma situ.

        Take a break, have a kit-kat and a cuppa.

        • If I get really stressed out and even more unhinged I’ll need to see a doctor. Will Sharma be available? Those seem to be his fields of experience.

    • JA stay true to yourself.
      The alternative is to apologise to the public, her caucus and to ask that they all act in accordance with caucus rules while she investigate this matter in full. And save face. Like display Mana!!

    • I hope he keeps it and exposes this Labour Government for what it really is a bunch of bullies completely out of their depth.


      “Most Transparent Government ever” / secret employment, discipline related, caucus meeting.

      “He never contacted me (PM) personally so I could not address his issues” / copied in and contacted the PMs chief of Staff.

      “He was fully supported by Parliamentary Services and the Labour Party Whips” / oversight of his office was given to an individual who opposed his nomination.

      “He is a rogue MP with poor staff Management skills” / His ability to manage his office effectively was curtailed by Parliamentary Services working together with Labour Party Whips.

      “He himself is a bully” / he is clearly mild-mannered, easy going and in-offensive without any previous bullying allegations in pre-parliamentary employment.

      “Option to redeem himself by the Kind and caring Labour Party providing he behaves between now and December” / shut up and say nothing and we may bring you back into Caucus in the new year before ensuring that you are never again nominated for a seat and are placed so low on the Labour Party list you will never get into Parliament again.


    • Denny you just talk bollocks. Where is there evidence of corruption in this case. What has he actually provided in terms of evidence?

      • Right here, right there

        “He never contacted me (PM) personally so I could not address his issues” / copied in and contacted the PMs chief of Staff.

        Fwiw, that was quite a silly thing to say for someone as seasoned in PR as the PM.

  6. MEDIAWATCH? Media people will be positively orgasmic what with rugby coach Foster over some weeks and as that dies down Sharma arrives with all the form and style of DJ Trump.

  7. Sounds like what he is saying is True. He needs to tell the public what other Lies the labour Party has been saying. Because we are supposed to be an Open and Transparent Government.

    • Sounds like what he is saying is a huge ‘look at me.’
      Sounds like he didn’t like the ways things are run and threw a tantrum when he couldn’t get his own way.
      Sounds like to distract from his shitty attitude and inability to work well with people, he’s created a big front, making out he’s Mr Right and everyone else acts is an arsehole.

  8. Sharma isn’t saying anything that people who file OIAs aren’t already aware of, but it’s good to see it get some attention.

    If you’ve ever filed an OIA to the current so-called ‘Labour’ government in regards some matter of public importance like their open support for the zionist strategy of torturing and murdering Palestinian children, Ardern and her cronies are far more concerned about delaying their responses revealing their complicity than anything else.

  9. When or if you are burgled do you complain to the police of the ongoing theft from the entire working class and the developing world?

    It would be a manipulation to attempt to play the hero of the people and stir-in a heaped tablespoon of virtue signaling.

  10. Oh my God! I don’t believe it! I’m shocked ! What’s just happened to me… Suddenly, I don’t give a fuck.

  11. It seems a bit narcissistic to me (aka gaslighting), but I’m not too sure from which side. Maybe a bit of both? More facts needed

  12. I feel you have once again correctly identified the critical underlying factor at play here Martyn.
    The current focus on perpetuating victimhood through the debasement and gradual erasure of the evidential threshold meaning an allegation alone may pass that bar is dystopian. It is occurring right now, across our society. We are spellbound by the outrage Olympics and miss this perversion of law which goes a very long way to removing the presumption of innocence, a fundamental plank of our legal system. I find myself asking who guards the guards?

    • The presumption of innocence? I’ve seen a few sites where the presumption of innocence was well and truly buried. Sites where Ardern, McAnulty, and the Labour caucus and people who work for Parliamentary Service are dead set bullies, and Ardern is a liar to boot.

    • Interesting that the 2019 Francis report on bullying and harassment in the parliamentary workplace has had no mention.
      How far down the track is it’s implementation?
      Has the policy broken down through one party refusing to abide by an unpalatable decision?
      The Francis report wanted an independent cross party appointed Parliamentary Commissioner to adjudicate in just this situation.
      ACT would not agree to this appointment on the grounds that individual freedoms would be compromised.
      What is more important….. The good of the group or the individual?

  13. Im a Doctor, how dare you speak to me like that, i have never been questioned, or spoken to the way you people do. Got a place, A.C.T.

    • goneby100. So the problem is that he’s a doctor is it ? So if he was a chef, or a courier, or yet another exploited Chorus sub-contractor, then his concerns would be valid ?

  14. ” If he was genuinely standing up to a bully Party, he would point out Labour’s appalling failure in housing, he would point out the appalling failure of children in cars, he would point out the appalling failure of homelessness!

    Yes and every other LINO MP but they aren’t interested until next year when they will expect to solicit votes from those vey people.

  15. At the moment, it has the feel of right to me. Labour has always been about hardmen, and even more so when they’ve left behind the people. Empty halls for the bullies. I think in Brit Labour they have a better culture.

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