GUEST BLOG: Pat O’Dea –’Operation Mobilise’


A bayonet is a weapon with a worker at each end.

In the 20th Century the world went through two major paroxysms of imperialist violence.

The capitalist powers of the world are again preparing to throw millions of ordinary men and women at each others throats.

As I have written before, imperialism is capitalist competition writ large on the world stage.

The capitalist powers of the world are again mobilising their armies to fight world war III for capitalist redivision of the globe.

The Head of the British Army, General Sir Patrick Sanders has delivered an address on the global situation.

The comments below General Patrick Sanders’ speech are worth reading, every single commenter is clear on what General Sanders speech means, The world’s powers are taking us toward World War III

We must stop them!

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British Army Chief warns UK and allies facing ‘1937 moment’

@ 0:18 minutes; “I believe we are living through a period of history as profound as the one our forebears did 80 years ago…. ….This is our 1937 moment.” General Patrick Sanders

@ 2:10 minutes; “This is not the rush to war at the speed of the railway timetables of 1914…. …..This process, we will give it a name, “Operation Mobiise” General Patrick Sanders

@ 5:42 minutes; “In meeting a revanchist Russia we cannot be guilty of myopically chasing the ball. Defence [sic] cannot ignore the exponential rise and chronic challenge of China not just in the South China Sea, but in sub-threshold activities across the globe.” General Patrick Sanders

It is obvious to any thinking person who follows global events that the capitalist powers are mobilising for confrontation and war. It is up to us, the people of the world on both side of the lines, to mobilise to stop them.

We need our own ‘Operation Mobilise’ for peace.

To able to build a powerful united peace movement we need to be united.

We can not build a powerful peace movement if we choose to side with one imperialist power against the other.

Think Global, Act Local.

A peace movement in this country cannot become the powerful organisation it needs to be unless it is joined by both the Ukrainian and Russian expat communities in this country.

The biggest obstacle to uniting the two communities is the Russian Federation ambassador in Wellington, Georgii Zuev. Georgii Zuev is guilty of encouraging a campaign to intimidate to silence the anti-war Russian expat. community as well as demonise the Ukraine community.

The first move of a united peace movement must be to get Georgii Zuev sent back to the Kremlin, Removing this silovki thug from this country will be to give Russian expats the freedom to take a leading role in the united peace movement alongside their Ukrainian and Kiwi brothers and sisters.

Pat O’Dea is a trade unionist and human rights activist.



  1. Russia are not blocking peace.
    They wanted a peaceful resolution and agreement with their neighbour about the military forces deployed on their territory and the persecuion and ethnic cleansing of Russians in Ukraine.
    Since the 2014 coup, the Ukrainian government has chosen not to engage in peaceful relations or respectful relations with Russian speaking Ukrainianians.
    Instead, they chose to continue with their militarisation, hate spech and persecution, thumb their nose at Russian needs and interests, and count on US/NATO to back tem up.
    It is only US/NATO propping up this failed proxy project of a country. The onus is not on your obsession with the Russian ambassador, but our “Western alliance” to withdraw all war operations and force Ukraine to peace.
    Unfortunately for US/NATO That step away from war is undesirable for their agenda of globalist control.

    Pull your head out of the cold war and into the era of the globalists. Until then, everything you utter is worthless.

      • An assertion from the Western war machine media.
        All the actual evidence is to the contrary, just as in Syria. But you can’t scoff McMedia all day and expect to know what’s going on. And sadly you can’t correct it overnight by looking at alternate sources, because during war you have no basis of comparison to check the authenticity of information in which to build trust in a source.
        Fortunately there are lots of us who have been paying attention for decades. So the mind-prisoned can either choose to keep parroting the lines fed to them; or at least at least listen to those highlighting facts concealed in the Western story-telling, and consider for a second that everything the Western War Media says about a war it has a side in might be a radical interpretation of the facts.

      • But yet people remained silent when nearly 10k mainly civilians were bombed to death in the Donbas between 2014-2022 by the Ukrainian neo Nazis supported and trained by the West. And that’s a fact…..
        It’s all irrelevant now anyway Trevor, BRICS (Eurasia) now control over half of the Worlds resources. We’re screwed as its growing daily.
        Permanent members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.
        Wanting to join: Nearly all of south America, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran.
        India has just announced trading in Rupees.
        To put it into perspective the above named countries now control the majority of the Worlds Oil, rare earths for electronics, electric cars and weapons and just about everything else, so its now game over. The days of the US being the global currency are also now over with a more fairer and equal World emerging like a butterfly.

        If you want to stop the “War” by peace protests knock yourself out as even the West has quietly admitted they cant do squat. Sure Russia is outmanned and out gunned on paper but the reality is, if the West goes Nuclear they are guaranteed to merely be a footnote in History as Russia’s nuclear armed and nuclear powered torpedo’s will bury half the East coast under a 80 foot tidal wave. Think about that for a minute. A torpedo that can remain silent underwater for years ready to strike anytime.
        Game, set, Match.

        What does B.R.I.C.S countries all have in common? The belief in a just international law with no wars off aggression (The SMO is permissible under international law) building a more just world and recognizing all countries have their own unique customs and culture, and the belief in fair trade that meets both parties needs.

        Want irrefutable proof? Over the last 40 years China has lifted 850 million people out of poverty.

        Want proof? Google the scary Chinese infrastructure projects around Eurasia in conjunction with the local government’s.

        • “People will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough people will sooner or later believe it.” Adolf Hitler

          Fingrinn applies the Big Lie strategy.

          “10k mainly civilians were bombed to death in the Donbas between 2014-2022 by the Ukrainian neo Nazis supported and trained by the West. And that’s a fact…..” fingrinn
          That’s not a fact, it is a lie. It is not just a lie, this so called ‘fact’ is a completely unfounded ‘Big Lie’ with no evidence to back it up. If anyone doesn’t believe me, try to find, (and I welcome anyone to do so), any evidence at all, from anywhere, from any source, that backs fingrinn’s claim that between 2014-2022 10k mainly civilians were bombed to death by Ukrainian forces.
          There is a trove of evidence of the atrocities carried out against civilians by the Russian Federation, Pictures and video of bombed out apartment buildings, To-camera-testimony from civilian victims of Russian attacks, Names places and times that can be verified and cross referenced with real people places and times. Nothing like this exists to back up Fingrinn’s ‘Big Lie’.

          The fantastical tale that “the Ukranian army killed 14,000 ethic Russians in Dobas between 2014 and 2022
           Jim Denham  Conspiracy theories, History, Liars, Putin, Reactionary “anti imperialism”, Russia, Ukraine, War  June 20, 2022 9 Minutes

            • Hate that about this site.

              Russia have provided all the evidence about the persecution and shelling of Ukrainians by Ukrainians for 8 years. Pat O’Dea “can’t find it”.
              If you don’t stick your head outside the Western propaganda umbrellla, of course not.

              And you just have to go to the UN records and the history of the Minsk Accords that Russia having been trying to avoid this war for 8 years, more if you view it in the wider Nato frame.

    • “Russia are not blocking peace.
      They wanted a peaceful resolution and agreement with their neighbour about the military forces deployed on their territory and the persecuion and ethnic cleansing of Russians in Ukraine.” The Magician

      It’s amazing how many blood thirsty excuses and lies for continuing the war in Ukraine can be contained in one small paragraph. Ukraine has no military forces deployed on Russian territory, that’s one lie for a start.
      And the real truth of the matter is that Russia has blocked all efforts to make peace, and has also arrogantly refused to agree to even any temporary ceasefire to allow for any proper peace talks to go ahead.
      In the so called negotiations in Turkey, the Russian negotiators kept arrogantly demanding Ukraine’s surrender. Russia flatly refused to consider Ukraine’s offer of a ceasefire during the negotiations and continued their full on assault throughout the talks.
      In the negotiations, Ukraine offered to stop the fighting and offered to hold a referendum in Ukraine on becoming a fully neutral country between Russia and the West. Ukraine also offered to stop the fighting if Russian forces agreed to return to the areas of the Ukraine in the Donbas that the Russian forces had occupied before February 24, 2022, with an understanding that negotiations would continue for a permanent peaceful resolution to the control of these areas.
      Russia refused all offers of a ceasefire or a pull back to the pre 2022 occupied areas and persisted on continuing their advance into Ukraine and attacks on Ukraine’s cities and civilian infrastructure.
      President Zelensky, whose first language is Russian, then went over the heads of the Russian fake negotiators to put Ukraine’s peace terms directly before the Russian people.
      In a video interview posted on Youtube, with Russian journalists in their own language. Zelensky put Ukraine’s peace offer directly to the Russian people. The Kremlin regime made the possession or sharing of the video of Ukraine’s peace offer, a criminal offence in Russia, with a penalty of 15 years in prison for spreading ‘Fake News’.

      Does that sound like Russia wants peace?

      The other lie is that Ukraine was persecuting ethnic Russians. There is no evidence of this.

       This article is more than 4 months old
      Ukraine says talks in Turkey with Russia fail to make progress towards ceasefire
      In comments after the talks broke up, Lavrov said the west had caused the conflict by forcing Ukraine to choose between Russia and the west. He dismissed concerns about civilian casualties as “pathetic shrieks” from Russia’s enemies and denied that Russia had invaded Ukraine….

      ….Kuleba called for Russia to allow the evacuation of civilians from Mariupol. He said Ukraine was ready for diplomacy but also able to defend itself as it appeared that Russia would fight on and was seeking a surrender from Kyiv that it was not prepared to offer.

      The Zelensky peace offer video interview posted on Youtube

      On occupied territories

      Zelensky told the journalists his goal was to “minimize the victim count, end the war as soon as possible and withdraw the Russian troops to ‘compromise’ territories… I realize that it is impossible to make Russia leave these territories. It would lead to World War Three,” he said…. 

      ….A large part of the conversation touched upon the talks between Ukraine and Russia. According to Zelensky, the neutral status of Ukraine was the most important part of the agenda. “We are ready to do this,” he said. He added that Ukraine was interested in turning this agreement into “a serious international treaty” that would guarantee the country’s security. Zelensky also stated that it would be vital to hold a referendum on the neutral status of Ukraine. 

  2. Trying to argue that there was not 14,000 victims of the ongoing conflict in the Donbas is bovine byproducts Pat. You can not argue the facts that the Azov deliberately bombed schools and civilians still to this day. You can likewise not argue that it was not done without the leader’s approval after all there is clear video evidence of him begging the neo nazis to stop to no avail, and what do you know their main nazi leader was awarded the medal hero of Ukraine one month later. You can also not argue that the Democrats tried to designate the Azov brigade as a terrorist organisation in 2018. How about photos of a known neo nazi posing for photos in the White House with senators? And lastly try arguing with Amnesty internationals report of war crimes committed by the neo nazis pre SMO. Including documented evidence of the targeting and torture of Russian speakers in the Donbas. Trying to argue that civilian deaths caused by mines or “friendly Fire” as insinuated in the link is pure BS after all it was Ukraine that bought the fight to the Donbas for wanting to be free of the neo nazis yoke. The simple fact is when John Bolton admits to regime change who the feck think he was referring too? There’s your real culprit

  3. Trying to argue that there was not 14,000 victims of the ongoing conflict in the Donbas is bovine byproducts Pat. You can not argue the facts that the Azov deliberately bombed schools and civilians still to this day. You can likewise not argue that it was not done without the leader’s approval after all there is clear video evidence of him begging the neo nazis to stop to no avail, and what do you know their main nazi leader was awarded the medal hero of Ukraine one month later. You can also not argue that the Democrats tried to designate the Azov brigade as a terrorist organisation in 2018. How about photos of a known neo nazi posing for photos in the White House with senators? And lastly try arguing with Amnesty internationals report of war crimes committed by the neo nazis pre SMO. Including documented evidence of the targeting and torture of Russian speakers in the Donbas. Trying to argue that civilian deaths caused by mines or “friendly Fire” as insinuated in the link is pure BS after all it was Ukraine that bought the fight to the Donbas for wanting to be free of the neo nazis yoke. The simple fact is when John Bolton admits to regime change who the feck think he was referring too? There’s your real culprit

    • “You can not argue the facts that the Azov deliberately bombed schools and civilians still to this day.” Fingrinn

      What facts are you referring to? Where are they?

      You still haven’t provided any.

      How’s about you give us the name of one of the bombed schools? How about just one name of a bombed civilian? What cities were they in? When did these alleged events occur? Is there any photos or videos of the destruction? Any witnesses to these alleged atrocities?

      The ‘W’ rule of good reportage is, What, When, Where, Who, Why.

      The only name of a real person you mentioned, was myself.
      Lots of text pushing an infantile pro-war narrative is not proof of anything.

      I guess internet trolls ain’t what they used to be.

      • Yawn. Stating facts is not pro war, what irks me is people like yourself who claim to be “Activists” who really practice double standards and pretend to care about Human rights. Human rights are not one or the other, but everyone’s irrespective of Nationality, color or Religion.

        Case in point. You ponce about about the “Capitalist’s” but fail to comment on the Wests failures and Warmongering and pretending to care about Human rights all the whilst ignoring the Human rights of Russians that don’t fit into your agenda or narrow narrative.

        Democracy and people expressing their opinion only matters if it aligns with yours. How many comments about the Russian ambassador now? Where’s his right to free speech and expressing his own personal opinion? Oh that’s right he’s Russian so therefore he must be parroting the party line.

        So Pat, I’m going to do what most people on TBD do, and not bother commenting on your drivel.

        • “Yawn. Stating facts is not pro war,”

          But that’s it. You have stated any facts!
          just a lot of empty blather and lies to support your pro-war position and not one single fact anywhere.
          Just saying things happen, doesn’t mean they did, you have to provide some proof, some shred of evidence even a little bit would be better than the zero fact free conspiracy theory zone you are happy to inhabit, because facts that don’t agree with your pro-war narrative make you feel uncomfortable.

          Great to hear Fingrin that you have banned yourself and are not commenting any more. Even you realise that you have got nothing concrete or real to add to this debate.

          • Oops typo, (bloody auto correct):

            “Yawn. Stating facts is not pro war,”

            But that’s it. You haven’t stated any facts!

        • i think both pat o’dea and fingrinn should spend equal time in russian and ukraine before they start spouting what both think as the truth – get it straight from the horse’s mouth guys

  4. and whilst the argument between these two guys goes on, not once have they zeroed in on the real truth, and that is that the globalists have just warned us of the imminence of ww3 via this wef muppet above who will always blame russia for everything that goes wrong in the world knowing very well that they themselves are the culprit – but i suppose if you have nefarious plans to take over the world, it’s always a good idea to have a scapegoat to blame

    • Personally I’m well aware of what is really happening and am looking forward to a multipolar World. I don’t really see the point re-educating Pat as he’s too far gone. Big fan of the Saker….

  5. Pat, you can argue “facts” with Finngrinn but there’s one thing he’s completely correct about.

    That is how the unipolar US $ centric world is being replaced with a multipolar world where trading currencies are underpinned by commodities and products (as opposed to US Treasuries aka debt).

    You contend this is an imperial conflict between capitalists. I’d say that there’s only one imperialist power, and that is failing, the US. A new international order will emerge, we can’t predict what with precision. All that we know is that it won’t be the old unipolar order.

    And that is the real significance of the Russian SMO. Ukraine is a sideshow.


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