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EDITORS NOTE: – By the way, here’s a list of shit that will get your comment dumped. Sexist language, homophobic language, racist language, anti-muslim hate, transphobic language, Chemtrails, 9/11 truthers, Qanon lunacy, climate deniers, anti-fluoride fanatics, anti-vaxxer lunatics, 5G conspiracy theories, the virus is a bioweapon, some weird bullshit about the UN taking over the world and ANYONE that links to fucking infowar.
A well-liked Supreme Court judge has spoken out about bureaucrats(civil servants) hijacking the engagement process around all things Maori and also the (bs) consultation process too.
These concepts are designed to ensnare and hamstring whanau, hapu and iwi into conversations and agreements in favour of the crown and government departments and their hired gun advocates.
This ‘system’ of ‘managing’ an outcome that puts government officials in a position of power to continue to make important decisions for whanau, hapu and Maori leaving them all bearing the burden of those bureaucrat’s bias, and poor decision-making indefinitely.
He also doesn’t seem to think much of public servants and ‘consultation’.
I think, to be fair to government, Maori themselves can get frustrated at the slow ‘progress’ (but better than regress) in dealing with Treaty settlements. Some hapu can be tedious and too relaxed in their dealings, don’t want to cooperate and get information or confirm the correctness of something and sign off on it. You need to give pakeha a break Tane – we have done something over the years besides being annoying and mendacious at times.
I feel your pain G.
Yes, that does happen. But that could be ‘Tikanga’ in play which within the ‘Negotiation’ process. There is very little ‘space’ for this to play out because of the government of the day is under pressure to get things done within their political term, officials worried about scoring points for the advancement of their career(s) and snakes in the grass who are trying to screw the scrum in their favour.
There are many, many aspects to take into consideration.
People still misunderstand Maori.
We are not one homogenous group. Never have been and never will be.
Tupuna, Kaumatua, Whanau, Hapu. Create the identity for the ‘iwi’.
This creating the entity of an iwi in a pakeha construct isn’t an easy transition for many people.
The resentment too of officials dictating time, speed and lack of resources available as well as what’s on the table and what is not is a major impediment.
Then having to suck it up. 1% of the entire quantum is quite frankly an insult.
So if it takes time for the claimant group to decide, then that’s what it is.
1% is hardly an apology let alone reparations for insult and confiscation of Mana, Whenua and history.
Facts Tane, we need to remember what you have said. But pakehas are not good, and Maori are being asked to teach us better ways. We must press on doing our best and gritting our teeth. I hope that we can make allowances for our failings.
Breaking News!
Paul Majureys Supreme Court application to appeal the TMA ruling has failed!
Majurey is the Chairman of the Tupuna Maunga Authority.
It looks like his attempt to have the High Court appeal victory for Owairaka, Honour the Maunga iwi challenge in the NZ Supreme Court has been bounced!
And… Have you heard anything about the JT & Majurey, eke Panuku hearing at the Human Rights Tribunal hearing progress?
Panuku, Auckland council doesn’t do Social Housing for those that need a home.
It’s a developer investor landlord bias scheme for the investors to claim the Income Related Rent(s) scheme!
Social Housing development isn’t the priority.…
From the nz Herald link-
Eke Panuku is not a social housing provider, it is an urban regeneration agency. Part of our role is to enable the development of thriving communities by supporting access to homes across the full housing spectrum: from social through to affordable and market options. We are committed to facilitating a range of residential choices and aspire to promote an appropriate housing mix in our locations. You can see the results of our work in places like Avondale and Manukau where our agreements are enabling lots of different new homes.
Is Eke Panuku afraid of getting a cesspool of gang related types brawling and blasting music and preying on the neighbourhoods? (Crime research has shown that those experiencing most incidents are in poorer neighbourhoods.) Are they trying for pepper potting, so people don’t end up in small ghettos? Does Eke Panuku want to help Maori who are attempting good lfamily lives either two or one parent lives but are on low incomes and suffer disruption from not having settled and affordable accommodation?
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