BREAKING: TVNZ Poll- National beats Labour


For the first time National has beaten Labour in a major poll.




ACT: 8%

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Maori Party: 2%

This is a shockwave of a Poll.

As TDB pointed out at the time, over 50% of those protesting on Parliament’s lawns voted Green/Labour and came from the rural and provincial electorates.

Labour of course has lost that vote.

Labour’s inability to do anything meaningful on the Cost of Living Crisis is driving those who voted for Labour in the hope of transformative change  straight into the arms of National.

I think the manner in which very identifiable Labour and Green proxies on social media called everyone protesting ‘Nazis’ probably didn’t help.

The Woke’s  alienating devotion to attacking everyone who doesn’t agree with them is also a problem.

It’s hard pretending to care about poor brown people while screaming NAZI at them.

The real danger for Labour now is that they can’t win without the Maori Party and with the current level of criticism aimed at everything co-governance, the ease with which ACT and National can paint a Labour/Green/ Maori Party Government almost makes the election unwinnable for the Left now.

The political Left spent too much time on low hanging identity politic virtue signals and not enough time on making people’s lives easier to live.

We could have done more to feed the kids, make public transport free, welfare, housing and supermarket duopolies, but we decided to do a whole lot of woke bullshit instead.

As economic anxiety builds for the working classes in NZ, look at the NZ political left’s response.

  • Gerrymandering the Sexual assault laws so that any man accused of rape is convicted.
  • Climate change emergency declaration that doesn’t do anything.
  • Strangling off free speech with a blasphemy law and criminalizing the misuse of pronouns.
  • Ending Gay Conversion therapy that proponents can’t quantify.
  • Critical Racism theory in 0range Tamariki.

For the 200000 children in poverty, 25000 on emergency housing wait lists and generations locked out of home ownership, the NZ Left’s response is woke wankery.

Rather than focus on jobs, houses and poverty (because they are hard) we get middle class virtue signals.

The Right can’t believe their luck.

You know things are bad when Chris Luxon who owns 7 properties can make Jacinda look out of touch when it comes to a cost of living crisis.


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  1. I’m not surprised: Jacindamania by the MSM, then fortress NZ and the childish “be kind” mantra during a pandemic that was always going to reach our shores, all of the major promises not achieve or shelved. I welcome a change.

    • “I welcome a change.”
      Who cares what you welcome. Mind you, there is the rich, greedy, manipulative me first brigade who might .
      I’d not be surprised at all. Do you think the natzo’s with it’s limp-dick ACT add-on appendage might be more useful perhaps?
      They, the National Party with its quasi-Nazi ACT inserted into Labour got us into this fucking horrible mess so scape-goating the semi-erect quisling labour-ites means only one thing to me. You’re playing a tag team tactic pretending to be a curative when really, you’ll just be a slightly different iteration of the same fucking disease.
      Go to bed with Syphilis, wake up with gonorrhea. Great. Sounds like enduring neoliberal-capitalist politics to me.

  2. Hehehehehehehehe!

    When you cultivate a ‘culture’ of ‘Hate’, Elitism, Ageism, Generation-Hopping, day to day fuckwittedness and Yoofmisandry. You’re kinda going to get called out one day!

    It won’t only be the MP in the mix. Winston is waiting in the wings and I wouldn’t write him off completely, yet.

    • @ DP.
      Laugh it up chuckles. Are you really so emboldened by the smell of someone else’s money that you can brain fart such jaded gibberish? Maybe winny the puff piece IS closer than I hoped he wasn’t?

  3. All week I’ve been thinking that Labour seems to want to lose the next election so National can do all the neoliberal crap Labour believes in but doesn’t wanna be seen to do and then maybe the Nats reforms will prove so unpopular Labour gets in in 2023 and not undo them.

    This countrys a sinking ship whoever wins. A nation with a $225 billion gdp that has a private debt of a trillion dollars in to Aussie banks that’s a national security issue waiting to happen. When the housing market collapses, and it will , NZ is too small to withstand global economic storms for long, it’ll make Greece look fun, the IMF will be in charge but it’ll make no difference because we’re an insanely deregulated thatcherite paradise.

    Gen Y and Gen Z are pretty much out of here. The oldies made this mess, we ain’t sticking around for it to be cleaned up. We’ve had no economic leadership for decades. CGT should have been passed in 1989 after the 87 crash. There’s been no leadership just short term management of a house of cards.

    Noone cared about the protesters they were universally loathed.

    This is about living costs, lack of housing or rentals available, middle class people with good wages going to get without food grants, food parcels or going without because they can’t afford rent, power,gas food. That’s a disgrace.

    The left in this country is currently defending thatcherism as per.

    Start looking for rentals and jobs in Australia because there’s no point sticking around here.

    With our levels of private debt owed to Australia and our decades of incapable leadership we should just become a state of Australia, how NZ convinced itself that we are more left wing than a highly unionized, high wage, low cost , high tax nation with a capital gains tax is beyond me.

    My generation is majority childless and high skilled there’s nothing for us here, we’ll see ourselves out.

    NZ is low wage neoliberal shit hole thats a housing prices away from ruin.

    Labour or National. Doesn’t matter.

    You’d need a time machine and travel to 1975 and 1984 or 1987 to fix this country.

    Do the kids a favor and take up those two seats in the Australian senate so NZ can be bound Australian regulations and tax rates which are economically left af where NZ is a right wing billionaire paradise.

    If anyone from my generation is reading this, seriously do what just about everyone I know is doing, save whatever cash you can cobble together and start looking at houses and jobs in Australia, you can live a well paid comfortable life and what you’ll get in oz for what you pay in groceries/rent in NZ is just insane.

    Abandon ship. There’s no saving this place!

    • Hang on not so fast. What if we Norwayed and started exploring oil and minerals and made trillions if dollars…what then? What if we got ourselves dirty instead if poo pooing other nations that do the dirty work so we can have fuel and raw materials?

      • Yep.
        Adern acts as if we are green as long as we don’t actually produce the coal, gas and oil.
        The reality is that the countries we import this from are generally far less kind to the planet than we are.

    • As a Generation X I completely understand your frustration . . it was a lot harder for us than Boomers but even we had it a lot easier than young people today.

    • what you’ll get in oz for what you pay in groceries/rent in NZ is just insane.

      From the replies, some people seem to think Corey’s exaggerating. He is not. I have family over there and now know from direct experience (helping re-stock someone’s bare pantry via online shop.).

      1. Their GST is 10%, not our cruel 15%.
      Mr Key raised it to 15%.
      I had such high hopes that the NZ Labour govt would fix this – would re-set it at very least.
      Didn’t happen. Not a hint of a move in that direction. Shame on them!!

      2. Their basic foods are GST EXEMPT!!
      As they should be!
      Here is the link:
      Again, I carried this false hope that NZ Labour would fix our disastrous, ballooning, shamefully high cost of basic foods, by removing the GST from those items.
      Again, not a hint of a move in that direction.
      As an Auckland City Missioner said recently, it is “reprehensible” that we have allowed this present NZ food poverty situation to develop.
      [Missioner] Robinson says there are hundreds of thousands of people across the country who don’t have enough money to buy enough good kai for their families.

      “It is reprehensible and should never, ever be occurring – certainly not in Aotearoa.”

      And then there’s the rental costs over here. Not even going to start on that. I just feel very angry, and a growing despair, that no attempt has been made to fix the situation.

      • Not to mention the 100’s of unfunded meds Kiwis are paying up to several 100 thousand dollars fora year and crowd funding on numerous crowdfunding sites including facebook.

        New Zealand as she is today is an absolute disgrace.

        LABOUR LOST MY SEAT VOTE AT THE LAST BUDGET with their pathetic Pharmac funding increase and Labours bullshit attitude towards the review and it’s blatant refusal to include funding of meds in it.

        Then on top of that the almost total abolition of our DHB health system to keep the neo liberal business aligned bureaucrats happy to keep those boards who actually gave a damn about their patients i.e the Canterbury District Health Board being a classic example.

      • Not to mention the 100’s of unfunded meds Kiwis are paying up to several 100 thousand dollars fora year and crowd funding on numerous crowdfunding sites including facebook.

        New Zealand as she is today is an absolute disgrace.

        LABOUR LOST MY SEAT VOTE AT THE LAST BUDGET with their pathetic Pharmac funding increase and Labours bullshit attitude towards the review and it’s blatant refusal to include funding of meds in it.

        Then on top of that the almost total abolition of our DHB health system to keep the neo liberal business aligned bureaucrats happy to keep those boards who actually gave a damn about their patients i.e the Canterbury District Health Board being a classic example.

      • Kheala. Agree 100% about the shocking cost of foodstuffs and the removal of John Key’s punitive gst, but unfortunately the PM’s advisors are the same mindset as his, and the health and well-being of the populace is of absolutely no concern to them. Indeed had the National Party succeeded in privatising the health system, government revenue would be increased in addressing the quite substantial health problems resultant from bad diet.

        This impacts largely upon the women who are the majority of family food shoppers and providers, and especially upon poor women struggling to feed families on meagre incomes who have no voice, and nobody to speak on their behalf. We rarely have had. The day to day reality of the debilitating effects of poverty are unknown and of no concern to politicians because there’s nothing in it for them.

        The ever-increasing homelessness issues should see the whole lot of them turfed out regardless of whichever useless party they belong to.

  4. I don’t know what the panic is. With Mrs Tamaki in off the list to help, Chris and David will soon sort things out.

    Families living in motels will be a thing of the past. They’ll have 1,500 doctors and medical specialists in from overseas, 2,000 farm workers, thousands of fruit pickers and croppers, 950 truck drivers, a couple of thousand teachers, and with the 2,000 construction workers we’ll be on a roll.
    So many Kiwis will come home for the boom and the new hope of course. The 10,000 out of emergency housing and the newcomers and returnees will be relishing their little part of the tens of thousands of new homes twinkled up. Health resources including Mental Health? Pshaw! No probs.

    I can’t wait!

  5. “…with the current level of criticism aimed at everything co-governance, the ease with which ACT and National can paint a Labour/Green/ Maori Party Government almost makes the election unwinnable for the Left now.”

    We can but hope…& I voted for Labour

    …really Labours created their “own goal” with their undemocratic co-governance agenda they kept secret from the electorate and have no mandate for – they deserve to be kicked far & fast never to return

    • That’s a key point that needs underlining. We’re seeing apartheid implemented by stealth. Not a whisper of it in Labour’s campaign, so it seems even they are ashamed of it.

      Although Martyn makes a valid point about bread & butter issues like the cost of living, what’s REALLY grinding the gears of the middle class voters is them being turned into second class citizens because of their race. It’s pretty simple really – if you piss off the 80+% of the electorate that aren’t Maori, how do you expect to get reelected?

      • Fuck you have no idea Andrew, just shut up and at least then you’ll sound half intelligent. Oh and you are the definition of a racist.

  6. Yes not to mention the gender self I D bill.

    Long time labour supporter here. Never voted for anyone else. Have worked hard for the party…..

    I do feel sorry for Jacinda…
    but Chris T article about special working groups to report on issues eg supermarket duopoly and then they do nothing, etc, etc, etc really hit a nerve for me. He is 100% correct.

    The way they have allowed. Gender ideology to infiltrate the party, leading to crazy law changes. The way the Labour women MPs treated women who disagreed with gender self I D and made submissions to the select committee. The MPs treated them with utter contempt.

    And although I vehemently disagree with the protesters (although I am starting to question the mandates) they treated those citizens with contempt too. Labour brought in the mandate laws, then refused to meet with peoples whose lives they impacted

    • Anker Agree, but wasn’t it a sex and gender obsessive Green newbie who behaved so odiously at select committee ? What I heard of it sounded like the crass bullying of a young person, and it is the young people, the youngest people, who are being let down so badly by the bid to banish the Commissioner for Children, with the new dynamic being career public servants prioritising protecting themselves, and that is a barbaric step backwards in time, socially and politically unjustifiable, and morally indefensible.

  7. Yep accurate summary. Sad for the lefties but truth is that things will still get worse. Tomorrow the story of MSD firing the unvaxxed today, after they were advised not to…hmm Sepuloni must go. And soon Mahuta to lose her 3 waters portfolio…and all and sundry rejecting Grant’s insurance scheme, and Jacinda still not acknowledging the cost of life…add to that mortgagee sales coming up soon. Labour looks like burnt toast. A change is as good as a holiday.

  8. “It’s hard pretending to care about poor brown people while screaming NAZI at them”

    That’s the thing that perplexed me when the nazi label was being thrown a statement totally out of touch with reality

  9. Identity politics is cancer but it feels so good.
    For the sake of those in power feeling morally superior and virtuous, a given group is cast out and “othered” by the government.
    Trouble is those people cast out will end up absolutely hating Labour and the Green Party, so voters leaving are not coming back anytime soon. And it’s one group after another.
    Farmers, Ute owners, gun owners, white people, men, boomers, unvaxed people were all ostracized demonized and shunned.
    Then the attack on anyone who isn’t gender ambiguous culminating in the lunacy of the left attacking womens rights. Then anyone wanting mandates removed was part of a River of filth and “clearly misinformed”- when science (and the WHO) tells us differently.
    They are running out of people to make hate them.

    So there’s that.
    Which left this government one stuff up away from heading for the gurgler.
    The cost of living “non crisis” might be that stuff up, but there’s plenty of hate speech and Critical Race Theory and co governance to come.
    This government will be the most divisive and despised in our history.

    Also of major interest for this election is that people are hating the government independent of a far too compliant mainstream media.
    The team of $55 million.
    NZherald holding their live Q and A on media bias was very telling, they are clearly worried at their perception by the public.
    And none of it can be blamed on anyone but themselves.

    • I’ve read a number of articles in the past couple of weeks funded by the $55 million. If the information didn’t get out and you found out by some other means bits and pieces, would you be grizzling about local issues and local body stuff not being ‘out here?’

    • Farmers pollute the water and need to be regulated.
      Gun owners are right wing racist homophobic rednecks
      Unvaxed people should just get the jab. I dont know why this is so hard.
      Transgenderism is not a sin nor an abominiation. They deserve to live their lives.

      End of.

      • Millsy, the resident NPC. ‘I don’t know why this is so hard’ – spoken like a true NPC. (Obviously knows nothing about the recent pfizer documents via freedom of information)
        ‘Gun owners are right wing racist homophobic rednecks’, said the bigot.

        • Well, its just a little needle. People should just get the jab and protect them selves and their families and communities from COVID (which is REAL BTW).

          It is clearly abovious that you are a right wing racist homophobe whose devotion to the Bible is total.

          • Millsy, so you’re completely anti science. COVID has been through my unjabbed household and we are un afraid. Most of the people I work with have it or have had it (no working from home for me).

            As for your last statement it is clear you are detached from reality.

          • Bert, perhaps you could apply some of that potato level IQ of yours and tell me how many out of the 60 odd thousand deaths in NZ, since the start of the pandemic have been attributed to COVID. There’s a lot more going on than COVID so I suggest you remove yourself from the microscope.

            • 34 have been laid at the door of covid .
              The rest are still being accessed or had other health issues that caused their death.
              Details were published in a 1pm bulletin this week.

              • Geoff, the question was for Bert but thanks anyway. So that’s about 4-5 days worth of smoking deaths. I rest my case.

              • We can be thankful for the mandate and vaccines that the covid death numbers are low, condolences to the families of those that have passed.

            • As my potato IQ is higher than your embryo IQ, any pandemic death is higher than a preventable smoking death( fuck you really are thick)
              34 laid at the death of Covid dip fuck Off Wit, seems your anti vaccine microscope has got something on it’s lens called success. Now off you go back to your Qanon site.
              Or should I say back to kindy.

      • How’s that attitude working out in polling for you and your lot millsy?
        It’s going to be really hard for you when no one is worthy of voting for your team.

        • So you admit to hating trans people and wanting every single clean water law on the books repealed so farmers can put that they like into the rivers.

          You do realise that the ICC has now listed posioning the water supply a crime against humanity. Farmers in this country with their sick desire to posion the water for profit, are no better than war criminals and should be treated accordingly

          • I should know better than engaging wth the living embodiment of hyperbole but here you are millsy:
            I couldn’t care less about other peoples sexuality, it’s not my business and mine isn’t theirs.
            Making laws to weaponise the offence that people choose to take is a stupid game that will never end and a waste of everyone’s time.

            Farmers aren’t all big polluters, many care deeply about their land and water and the legacy they leave.
            Not all, I’m not a big fan of corporate farming in NZ.
            Did you know that Iwi are some of the biggest corporate dairy farmers in NZ and you and the government are looking to give them effective control of water?

  10. They can’t say that you didn’t warn them over and over again. Rightly or wrongly, the Greens appear to have driven the identity politics divisive nuttiness, and for no good reason, and the Maori Party clowns now holding the balance of power is the circus come to town. Had speaker Mallard had the grace to resign his post after his shocking antics when the demonstrators came to town, it may have signalled that Labour does have integrity, and does acknowledge others’ right to differ. But he didn’t, and they stayed silent, and they were mistaken in doing so and expecting nobody to notice.

  11. LOL warned you, you miss the elephants in the room. All the silly reforms, three waters, hua papa, education and zillion others. It will be a landslide for National and Act. If Labour and the Greens get 30 mp’s all up, I will be surprised. Sad when NZ ad a chance on progress the bro’s ruined it. Get ready for baldy!

  12. I could gloat but I realise for every broken promise from this government over the last 4 years there is a person hurting. Whether it is the child still in poverty the couple losing their chance of buying a home growers losing their crop because it cannot be picked the overworked health worker and mental worker or the teacher trying to deal with FASD .
    At least now with a new leader there is a choice to change the captain of the ship and set a new path

    • Surely New Zealanders can be employed.

      For over 20 years, New Zealand employers have flown in cheap overseas labour, locking thousands of New Zealanders out of the job market, and condemning others to a life time of working on the same (low) wage.

      National will impose austerity like never before. We may not even have a public health or benefit system by 2030. It will be like India or China, people going through rubbish dumps

      • Millay – “We may not even have a public health or benefit system by 2030” . True. National worked towards privatisation of the health sector, both overtly and covertly, and as usual it is the have-nots who will be further crushed should the Nats ever get power again.

        The numbers of persons being directed to NGO’s food banks by government agencies suggests that food scavenging is already happening in this country of food producers.

        People do search the rubbish bins at markets to retrieve the fruit and vegetables they can’t afford to buy and I know one well. There are families who live on non-nutritious processed foods, and that is all that they know. The Sunday roast is a ghost from the past and fish is a portion of something battered out of a coloured cardboard box, but the box makers and the fishing companies do so well that they get themselves the soiled knighthoods which signal success on today’s terms.

        I will never forget, when the same-sex marriage bill was passed, the MP for one of the poorest demographics in the country, stating that the most important thing in her life was for same sex persons to be able to marry. Kids hungry or cold or homeless or being bashed or skipping school or crowding hospital wards in winter were not as important as servicing the wants of a relatively small select group of adults.

        There may be no big picture persons in Labour, but nor are there in National or Act and we do need a party which represents all the people and the planet fairly urgently if Labour can’t reform.

    • Wow Trevor that’s not going to happen and I am not sure why you would think it will. What on earth makes you think Luxon will look after potential first home buyers. Look at what he has suggested for the bright line test and interest deductibility. Labours biggest sin has been to say one thing but then act like National. Why would children be better off(?} and the crop situation is probably not going to be a challenge for National because ( with fingers firmly crossed) the virus will have become endemic/seasonal. As for the health sector National have a track record that would suggest the cheque book is tucked away in the safe. But hey, at least we will have 20 DHBs and post code treatment

      • Sorry wheel on July 1st we will only have 4 Dhb’s .
        Where have you been.
        The bureaucrats in wellington don’t want local input.
        That was blatantly obvious in the take-down of the Canterbury district health board.
        Also the blatant refusal to accept a specialist cancer hospital /research centre in Christchurch even the new cancer agency doesn’t want a bar of it.

  13. The supreme irony is National is the same failed party they’ve always been.

    Theres no hope there either!

  14. I actually thought we were going to see something truly Inspirational from this Government with an outright majority, however without Winston’s guidance they have lost their way. Evidently most of the policy put through under the last Labour/NZF Government was actually NZF Policy Come back Winston all is forgiven.

    • Ngungukai- I believed them on the ‘ climate change is our nuclear moment ‘ proclamation, and that was swiped from David Lange’s successful Oxford Union moment, and it sounded convincing because it is true, but I don’t recall Winston being a climate change person, but if he is, then, yes, bring him back.The Greens could do with grown-ups on board too and a booting out of the haters- or slinking back en masse to the swamps.

  15. The reality is that Adern was never up to the job and would have been a 1 term PM without the pandemic to scare the shit out of people.
    She came into government as arrogant narcissist and this has only exploded in her 2nd term.
    She has all but told people to eat cake and allowed her senior ministers to treat the protesters like shit.
    Completely incompetent and needs to go.

  16. Millsy

    Farmers are the largest single source of export income funding for NZs society of socialist wannabes

    It’s not legal gun owners who are responsible for the ongoing increase in firearms offenses (since the ChCh mosque murderer).

    • So you think it’s OK for babies to drink water that has been poisoned with nitrates by greedy farmers.

      30 years ago, people were able to swim and drink in our rivers and lakes. Now they can’t, because farmers are so f’ing greedy, they want deprive future generations of that by polluting our waterways.

      Give me one example where deregulation has helped improve water quality. I tell you what, India and Somalia have no regulations whatsoever and their rivers are open sewers. Look at the Ganges.

      • Millay. Farmers are doing pretty well at cleaning up their act what about you. Never flushed anything sus down the shitter. No meds you don’t want. No wipes. You a perfect recycler Millsy, no plastic in the wrong bin. Pick up your dogs poop do you Millsy and talking about shit are you confident yours is processed properly or if you live in Auckland is your baby swimming in it. You can check your water is clean by popping your head down the porcelain and pulling the lever. I’m a retired Mum and Dad farmer Millsy, you know the ones that are more dodgy than the corporates. You don’t amuse me with your toxic unsubstantiated bullshit and I don’t believe others here are that impressed with your comments either. Try taking your meds and help the environment.

        • You don’t deny you want any and all water quality laws repealed. You are a war criminal. Plain and simple.

  17. Why the first Labour Govt lost the ’48 election. We are all tired of govt control. Zero to do with anyone. All Luxon offers is Key stopness for a time. As Putin offered Russia.

    We need more govt control than Labour but the cliff is not here yet despite us knowing it’s coming. It’s an area of study for the psychology dept.

  18. Poor corey and his generation. Maybe they should all enlist and head to Ukraine and help out there to create a more woke friendly country where they can re-image Ukraine into a fun loving yoofool peace-loving country.
    You’d probably need a bit more than a keyboard though and plenty of spare undies too.

    Keyboard Warriors are exactly what they’re looking for too to pump out that western propaganda.
    It’s tribal stuff so the mels and genz will be perfect recruits!

    Guaido Zelenskyy will be so happy to see you all!

  19. Just read the article — have you thought of going off to the Right, mate?

    A great sadness. None of these identities are wrong. Maybe they get in the way of the great cause persuasion-wise but they’re not wrong.

  20. Don’t get too upset lefties, there is still what 3? Lolly scrambles (sorry, budgets) from Santa Robertson to come yet…the windfall for the poorer in our society 100 bucks a week better off, a trillion dollars over next 5 years to build solar/wind farms up and down the country….a million kilometers of cycle lanes will be built in next 6mths!
    Wait….sorry I thought we were playing Labours promises game?
    100,000 kiwibuild homes, a billion trees planted, child poverty to be reduced, emergency housing reduced….
    So Labour can just throw numbers about and the lefties will believe and vote for us!?
    Well worked last 2 elections why not the 3rd time???

    • Does that upset you im right isn’t that the benefit of being in power having a budget to deliver. The next election is shaping up to be nasty and divisive. NZ is just falling in line with all the other western countries, where there is a huge divide between the haves and the have nots.

  21. I actually feel a bit sorry for Jacinda with some of the whacky people she has to try and keep in line within the Labour and Greens Party, it’s probably like trying to control a herd of wild cats on Meth P. Even one of her right hand men the Duck went AWOL on her at the DLM Protest, and started acting like a little kid when piddling on the protestors with the Parliamentary Sprinklers. I think she has got some discipline issues she is struggling to deal with, I wouldn’t blame her if she took a new job at the UN.

    • I feel for her too.
      I would like to see her take a complete break from it all for a few days – away in the mountains or somewhere, – just her and Clarke and Neve.
      And when she returns, to consider a reshuffle – to seriously appraise the worth and the role of her Ministers. She’s relied on some of them too heavily, IMO, without evaluation.
      If she could just remember her original goals and values – moving towards ending the wealth divide, and towards ending poverty. And then to make the hard calls, to instigate some real changes while she still has the power to do so.

      • Kheala. I don’t think that the PM is a mountain or bush sort of person. She announced that she would be spending her Christmas break on the beach, and that she intended reading a book, and it rather looked as if reading a book, was a task.

  22. In news today the government have been sitting on advice that we’re running out of motel space for emergency housing. Honestly, how bad is that?

    You would think any government MP worth their pay would say enough is enough, our housing model has failed, let’s stop the bullshit and start a mass state housing build. But not this terminally retarded Labour government.

    Jacinda, this Is a big reason you are dropping in the polls. Pity you can’t see it!

  23. Does that upset you im right isn’t that the benefit of being in power having a budget to deliver. The next election is shaping up to be nasty and divisive. NZ is just falling in line with all the other western countries, where there is a huge divide between the haves and the have nots.

  24. Does that upset you im right isn’t that the benefit of being in power having a budget to deliver. The next election is shaping up to be nasty and divisive. NZ is just falling in line with all the other western countries, where there is a huge divide between the haves and the have nots.

  25. Does that upset you im right isn’t that the benefit of being in power having a budget to deliver. The next election is shaping up to be nasty and divisive. NZ is just falling in line with all the other western countries, where there is a huge divide between the haves and the have nots.

    • Covid is PA….I know how to post one fucking comment at a time rather than repeat the same one 3 or 4 times!

        • Haahaa Jacinda Fan (sorry Bert)…
          You must go into The Standard, they don’t allow dissenting voices, it’s what you asked from Martyn on this blog… cancel all the non lefty posts and ones that criticise your beloved Jacinda, and I’m glad you are here posting, you , yes YOU Bert, calling everyone a Nazi that is not of your political views, plays beautifully into Martyns salient point of many posts on here, over the last couple of years, of Woke Fuckwits like you alienating the left and being a millstone and a hindrance.
          How does it feel Bert, being a hindrance, must be used to it now hahhahha

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