The looming Police State response to Parliament Lawn protest will be cheered by the Left

The looming over reaction in police powers and state surveillance this avoidable Parliament Lawn violence provokes will be terrifying.


The SIS had infiltrated the protest in the second week and rushed intel back from hyped up fantasists about all the terrible things they were going to do, just like Police Intelligence had done 15 years ago with the Urewera Terror raids.

This intel scared the bejesus out of an already frazzled system and the decision to force them off the lawns was made.

Of course the protestors were violent – we spent 3 weeks winding them up and then call their reaction a hate crime.

This has given the far right a propaganda and recruitment win they could never have imagined but it’s also built momentum up from frightened Middle Class Marxists who demanded the Police Commissioner be sacked and the military sent in on day 2 of this Dumb Lives Matter farce.

This new Police State will focus on Hate Speech powers, vast new budgets and new surveillance capabilities.

Already the SIS and GCSB are drawing up expanded budgets to track the ‘Nazis’.

Police want their legally questionable face recognition mass surveillance network switched on to identify the ‘Nazis’.

The Woke activist base will want hate speech laws that effectively ban any opinion they don’t like from ‘Nazis’.

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The looming over reaction in police powers and state surveillance this avoidable Parliament Lawn violence provokes will be the true legacy of this bullshit.

The Police State in NZ will be cheered in by the Woke, it won’t be criticised.

Most MPs were ushered in and out under heavy police protection alongside the frightened Press Gallery, so their perception of threat is now magnified through their own personal ego, and when that happens any criticism of the new powers to make them feel safe will have you labelled a traitor or enemy of the State.

Once the Police State gets these extra budgets, they will never let them go. If they are paid to find monsters, they will find monsters even if it takes monstrous things to find them.

This huge ramping up of the Police State would normally be hidden and quietly done, but because easily triggered MPs are convinced they just survived January 6th, they will champion these vast increases in budget and state surveillance as the ‘cure’ we need.

Middle Class Marxists and their State funded media enablers will cheer the Eye of Mordor finally being switched on to punish the Lumpenproletariat Nazis.

The rest of us will shudder in horror at the abomination they are building.

Below are the words NZ Punk Anarchist Neil Roberts spray painted on the wall in 1982 before detonating a bomb inside the Wanganui Computer Centre.

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    Sitting in your favorite arm chair
    tuned to your TV screen
    your quarter acre section
    is looking rather green
    you know you have no problems
    you do nothing out of the blue
    you’ve got a steady record
    and a nice warm home to go to

    Yet you shrug and say what of it
    we all have demons in the closet
    and when it is too late to stop it
    will you remember Neil Roberts?

    When you’ve tried your hardest
    to make a simple dream come true
    people you’ve never met before
    seem to know all about you
    now there’s nothing you can do
    they’re tapping all your calls
    then you know the banana republics
    got you by the balls

    Yet you shrug and say what of it
    we all have demons in the closet
    and when it is too late to stop it
    will you remember Neil Roberts?

    They say that you’ll have happy years
    they say a good man has no fears
    they say that even walls have ears
    as freedom slowly disappears

    Yet you shrug and say what of it
    we all have demons in the closet
    and when it is too late to stop it
    will you remember Neil Roberts?

    …legendary Aotearoa punk band No Idea (1984)

    • I remember Neil Roberts I think, objected to having our records amalgamated on computers. Died.
      Good lyrics thanks.

  2. Wondering. Jesse Shane Kempson was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 17 years for the murder of Grace Millane. If we’d listened to the most vigorous concerns about CCTV and mass surveillance would there have been enough evidence to convict him?
    The video evidence of where he was, when was critical.
    What about all the other cases where street CCTV has assisted in solving situations?

    Should suspicion and fears about sinister use of such information mean we don’t have it at all?

    • Peter – It is hard, we catch the latest perps, we hope. Then what? There have always been perps, and the papers are full of the nasty stories. Do people take steps to improve things, keep themselves, others safe? Each case is treated as an aberration and the victim’s report is read out with the same phrases about hurt, and their lovely nature, and how the perp will be out in three years time if they behave, and the loved one has been wiped out for ever. People spend their whole lives working for the betterment of the community, trying to improve conditions, for children, for parents, for young offenders, for troubled youth, for drug takers and alcoholics, to cut out brutalising in prisons. Also to keep people in prison who are constant or repeat offenders.

      People could help themselves byttaking an interest in their own and others welfare, before they are jolted into it by some tragic happening. Grace Mullane was young, just out of uni I think. She was following a behaviour that apparently many young adult women do, go away from home and play up. But there need to be rules about how far the playing up goes. How did she know that pick-up for the night would do so? She didn’t. Prostitutes have to face this blank moral face regularly and try to keep themselves safe. But sometimes they lose their lives. Did Grace feel divine, deserving of everything going well for her especially, in a world where one’s heart should break reading about all the cruelties, not just when there are national fights as in Ukraine but everyday. But we aren’t troubled, we are all right, so we don’t read or listen to those stories.

      • Grey Warbler. It doesn’t behove any of us to judge the late Grace Mullane – more so when “thinking” facts, using abbreviations, and then having the nerve to suggest that this dead young woman was “ playing up “ because her social milieu differs so radically from that of times past.

        I suggest that you not speculate about whether Grace Mullane felt “divine.” Trusting people tend to assume that others are equally trustworthy; Grace was young, she had a lot to drink. How she felt is her business, and dragging her into arguments about surveillance and suggesting that she may have somehow contributed to her own shocking demise,sucks. Respect the dead please.

        • Applewood
          You have lost your sense of balance about women as citizens. Fact: Grace helped to bring about her own demise by her actions. Those who don’t look life in the face and watch out for themselves are lucky if they don’t strike problems. If someone has sex, it puts both in a vulnerable situation, but females are usually the most vulnerable. One should know it, and make an attempt to keep oneself safe. Do middle class women not face the sort of problems that prostitutes do; are they in a different better class? When a prostitute is murdered do all the nice women in the country set up fund raising projects to honour her?

          You say preachily respect the dead – I do. I think what sucks is your emotional, irrational attitude not mine. A way of preventing murder like this is not to participate in sex with someone you have only known for a few hours.. Grace looked young and sweet and expected to be treated as such, but objective assessment says that the news about treatment of women is often bad. At an age regarded as adult, with full intelligence, a careful woman should be adopting a self-protective approach with strangers.

          Someone who was very vulnerable and was murdered was Lena Harrap, who had Downs Syndrome. It is disgraceful that she could not be left alone to enjoy a lone morning walk. I feel extremely sorry about that, that women can’t have the freedom to go out into the community in a normal way, respected and not molested.

          I didn’t expect to be censured for what is an obvious conclusion to anyone interested in good relationships in civil society on this, a blog for thinking adults. I consider the response to my original comment is inappropriate, have replied, and will not interact further on this.

  3. gotta say I think the beehive will end up like downing st…when I was a lad it was fields…..sorry wrong rant…but on a school trip in the early 70s we went to downing st and were dutifully photographed in front of number 10…over the years it has become a militarised police zone you can’t enter…when I first came to NZ I was happy to see how open the beehive was and pollies wondering the streets at lunchtime….I fear that’s all over entry to the behive and pollies hiding behind muscle guys with a bald mans crop and an earpiece…
    so pollies become even more estranged from the people.

    • gagarin It was much worse than pollies just hiding. Trevor Mallard deliberately tried to torment the protestors via obnoxious loud music right at the very start. Not only was government giving contradictory messages, such as ‘ We know what you’re saying ‘, and ‘ You have no identifiable leaders so we can’t know what you’re saying,’ but also, ‘ We’re going to drown you out anyway.’ Government’s job is to listen to the people, that’s what they’re paid to do; they should also at least appear to respect all voices, and should be mature enough to know that in doing so they can occasionally glimpse wisdom, even from mad men. Hopefully, this was just one inadequate man’s response, but he really should step down now because so many see him as having let all of us down, not just the protestors.


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