Let’s be honest about low Covid numbers – Kiwi’s have gone into stealth mode


Let’s be honest about the low Covid numbers – Kiwi’s have gone into stealth mode.

Most see that Covid will be a minor inconvenience to them health wise, some might get really sick and a few in specific target demos will die.

If you are double vaxed with the booster, your chances of getting really sick and also infecting others is incredibly low.


If the State finds out you are infected, you suddenly have Bureaucrats running your life. You have forced house arrest and might have to stay in isolation for over 3 weeks.

Most Kiwi’s are beyond that now.

We aren’t scanning and we aren’t getting tested. We have gone into stealth mode and if we get sick we will self isolate without alerting authorities and if we get really sick, we’ll go to hospital.

Now sure, the ultra aggressive virtue signallers who have wrapped zero tolerance of Covid into their identity are still aggressively policing things, but look at the drop off in QR scanning and testing as a sea change against this.

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Sure, this casual approach to avoid the State up in our grills will probably make the explosion of the Omicron wave far far far worse, but Covid fatigue and the ever increasingly bitter ranker social media hate algorithms have generated means less solidarity and more ‘fuck you’ responses.

Until the numbers of sick become titanic, most Kiwis will fly under the State’s radar.

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  1. And another factor given the significant poll numbers still in support of keeping the border closed, is likely to be people in voluntary lockdown where they limit exposure to others one way or another and do observe distancing etc. The “team” may no longer be doing it en masse but even hundreds of thousands should have an effect on transmission.

  2. if I get it and my self isolating and sacrificing 14 days will protect my friends and my loved ones from me….that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make….and anyone who isn’t needs their bumps felt.

  3. ‘Covid fatigue’ is a myth. How on earth can we be fatigued when we are facing the most transmissible variant yet. Booster uptake is strong and scanning is as common now as it was back in Lev3-4. And wherever Omicron goes, so too do testing rates skyrocket, even though the downside to this s now significant. When it comes to protecting ourselves, we are anything but fatigued.

    Actually I’ll amend by argument a bit – masking at this time of the year – is fatiguing.

  4. When Jacinda Ardern decided to abandon the elimination strategy and the “team of five million” to more closely follow “the rest of the developed world” (read “the Five Eyes”) she completely lost the people of Aotearoa. The colonial regime’s petty, punitive and ineffectual new approach has been socially divisive and politically disastrous – as we predicted.
    The regime has to go. It has become intolerable. End of story.

  5. They say get a ‘buddy’ to look after you if you live alone, but we’ve been forced to shift homes so frequently in recent years through the housing crisis that we find it impossible to come up with a trustworthy neighbour.


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