Political Caption Competition


Just another day with a totally rational anti Vaxxer harassing the Prime Minister and chasing her car while attempting to block her in and scream at her. Totally rational.


  1. “I’m bereft of class and had my half a brain brainwashed with bullshit by Pope Brian. Let me prove it to you “

    • And…… that’s a new record for the biggest leap without evidence.

      Most people hate Brian Tamaki (myself included) but understand jailing people for being unpopular is not conducive to a coherent society.

      If you harm others you can go to jail. Peaceful protesting should never be illegal and the lockdown queen should face the protesters and detractors with facts and logic, not running in fear like a little girl

      • “jailing people for being unpopular”

        Not what’s on the charge sheet. You have to be wilfully stupid the believe that was the reason.

      • Glen,

        Apologies, I assumed this part of blog was designed for quotes both light hearted and serious.

        I will respond but only in the interests of balance. Not sure if you noticed but our Police force stood by and did SFA while Pope Tamaki aka Eggplant who believes he knows more about SARS-CoV-2 and vaccines than experts held “freedom protests’. Those protest by a small percentage of expert-novices were an affront to almost 5 million Kiwis who mostly all did the right thing for the greater good. Most made huge sacrifices. The Tamaki protests undermined those sacrifices and pissed in the face of everyone who chose the freedom of not having themselves, loved ones and friends end up in hospital or deceased.

        Why do you feel the Police stood by and did nothing while those protests unfolded? Because in NZ, we all respect the right to protest. Having said that, protesting against essential rules during a pandemic is hardly the usual scene for a protest in NZ.

        Do you understand accused people being granted bail and why at times conditions are put in place with that bail?

        Pope Tamaki scoffed at his bail conditions and the court that imposed them. He clearly believed he was above the law. The actions of Tamaki in full view of the Police and the Courts forced their hands. Prior to that, Tamaki had been gifted chance after chance to respect bail conditions but chose not to. Do you understand how our laws and bail conditions work?

        Imagine this scenario. Bill beats his wife and threatens more of the same or worse. The court grants bail to Bill but puts conditions in place. He must not return to the property etc etc. Bill ignores those conditions and returns to the property. Bill has forced the hand of the courts and his bail is revoked. The integrity of the system worked.

        Do you understand the meaning of anarchy?

        Learn to pronounce
        a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
        absence of government
        absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

        Do you understand the need for rules in a civilized modern society especially during a potentially deadly pandemic? Do you understand how even narcissistic folk and their disciples can’t cheery pick which rules they will accept or reject in a relatively smooth running society?

        I’m confident a good portion of these “freedom” protestors believe they are acting on their principles and with integrity. With that in mind and in the interests of consistency and genuine personal integrity, I’m sure all the protestors and their families refused to accept wage subsidies and all other Government support during this pandemic. If payments arrived anyway they would have immediately returned them on principle. If they didn’t, there is a word for that also.

        Learn to pronounce
        the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case.
        “his target was the hypocrisy of suburban life”

        Are you familiar with the Gospel of Matthew?

        I refer you to Matthew 7:15

        Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

        Enjoy your day anyway Glen.

      • Glen, using a car as a weapon is a pretty serious offence. Turning up at a public meeting and shouting down the PM is an act of stupidity.

      • And criticising the P.M.,with labels, for her wanting to keep you and me alive whilst defending someone who clearly is only interested in a return on his profits(prophets), is logical Glen?

  2. Our PM needs to stand up and say, “This is NOT OK!”

    By tolerating it, she is sending the wrong message, – that violence is ok.
    How can she stand up for other women, for other mothers, if she does not first of all stand up for herself and end this as any sort of acceptable way of behaving. Someone will be hurt, further down the line. It may not be her – It may be another mother.

    The basic message her response of “the poor things, they are stressed” sends out, is that it is ok to act violently towards a woman. How does that make other women feel, when they walk down the street and are met with similar words and actions?

    Because it happens – and not just on the street.

    • Good points, Kheala. One of our kindergarten mums once told me that her husband’s probation officer excused him knocking her unconscious in front of the children because he was stressed.

  3. Greater Auckland flat earthers protest a vehicle seen in Queen St and for doing more than 5 km/hr.

    “Who is thinking of the children”?

  4. All the anti vaxxers and other peasant protesters are National and Act supporters. They are envious and jealous of Jacinda’s success with Covid. What a hopeless coalition Luxon and seymour are – dont they realise RATs are for Governments that have failed to protect their citizens and are used as a last resort after the virus has spread. Luxon should go back to flying his toy planes and Seymour go back to fixing cars – the covid sciences are beyond them.

  5. The government was more than willing to play covid politics with roading infrastructure by allowing vigilante groups to claim roads as their own, anything to gain allies and reinforce their righteous position on pharmaceutical tyranny. But whereas that kind of road blocking is good, this type of road blocking is bad.

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