How Much Should Your Engagement Ring Cost in New Zealand?


If you’re gearing up to buy the special lady in your life an engagement ring, you may be wondering: how much should you spend on an engagement ring in Auckland?

The classic rule of spending two months’ salary on an engagement ring has become obsolete. So, what’s the new metric? How do you know how much is too much and how much is not enough?

Here is your guide to buying an engagement ring in Auckland that suits your future fiancé’s taste and also your budget.

Do You Know Your Partner’s Taste?

The most important thing to have a grasp on before you go shopping for an engagement ring is your partner’s taste. Would she prefer understated or big and bold? Trendy or vintage?

If you aren’t familiar with engagement rings, you might be surprised to learn how many variations there are. Have you given thought to the shape, size, and cut of diamond your partner desires? If not, that’s perfectly normal. Start by taking a look at the jewelry your partner already owns to get an understanding of her overall taste.

Next, it’s a good idea to consult her friends and family. There’s a chance she’s already told her best friend or sister what her dream ring would look like. If you’re left still feeling in the dark about her taste, don’t guess. It’s better to propose without a ring and shop together than to propose with the wrong ring. After all, your wife will be wearing it for the rest of her life!

Remember the 4 C’s of Diamonds

When it comes to diamonds, the 4 C’s are cut, clarity, colour, and carat weight. You’ll need to consider all of this when selecting the perfect engagement ring. 

Cut determines how much a diamond will sparkle. When a diamond is well-cut, light shines through it and reflects on the surface, giving it a brilliant shine. 

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All diamonds have something called inclusions, but higher quality diamonds have fewer of them that are harder to see with the naked eye. This is what’s meant by clarity. Diamonds with high clarity have fewer visible inclusions.

With colour, you actually want a diamond with less colour. D grade diamonds are the most desirable, with no color visible. The lower down the alphabet you go from D, the more colour you’ll see. This is not to be confused with other colour preferences, such as white gold or platinum. 

Finally, carat refers to a diamond’s weight. A high carat diamond will be more expensive. In most cases, you’re better off prioritizing clarity and colour over carat. It’s better to have a smaller diamond that is high-quality than a large diamond that is not. 

Your fiancé may also have a specific diamond shape in mind, such as the popular princess cut, which is square. Other common shapes include the emerald cut, which is rectangular, and the round cut. 

How Much Should you Really Spend on an Engagement Ring?

You may be wondering where the “two months’ salary” rule of thumb even came from. The truth is, it’s completely made up and arbitrary. De Beers, the company credited with making diamonds a staple in wedding engagements, were the first to mention how much an engagement ring should cost.

However, the De Beers slogan initially referred to one months’ salary, proving that the standard has distorted and changed over time. The truth is, there’s no right amount to spend. You should decide how much to spend based on your engagement ring budget. 

How Do You Know Your Budget?

If you’re feeling unsure how much of a financial burden an engagement ring should be, the answer is it shouldn’t really be one. Saving money for something you know your future wife will love is fine, but you shouldn’t go into debt for an engagement ring.

When you’re ready to pop the question, and you know what type of ring your partner will love, start looking. Find something you can reasonably afford that you know she’ll love. It’s totally possible to find something stunning on your budget. 

Don’t get carried away by carats. Instead, choose the highest quality diamond you can afford within your budget. Size is not the most important thing. 

Engagement Rings in Auckland, NZ

For engagement rings in New Zealand, look no further than Diamonds on Richmond in Auckland. They can answer all your ring selection questions and help you find the perfect diamond engagement ring. 

You can even have your engagement ring custom designed in the Diamonds on Richmond Auckland shop. Visit the website at for a wide range of engagement ring inspiration and knowhow.