Political Caption Competition


From the ‘your children are chattels you own’ school of politics.


  1. That election hoarding so beautifully captures the very premise of neoliberalism – the unconditional right of the powerful to perpetrate violence on the defenceless.

  2. Another version – That election hoarding so beautifully captures the very premise of neoliberalism – that it is all smoke and mirrors; it vows its belief in freedom as if that was the most important thing in the world, but fails to convey its core precept that it does not believe in love, generosity, kindness being at the centre of life. It is a hollow doctrine, when you look for the heart of it, it is not found as it has been removed and sold to the highest bidder. The hoarding shows the smile on the face of the tiger.

    • Spot on Greywarbler. When you deregulate and take away all the rules and protections, the only people that remain free to operate (with impunity) are the rich and powerful. So much for the fair and even “free market”.
      It drives ever greater inequality behind the mask of freedom. Truly “smoke and mirrors” as you say.

      • Hey thanks Jase. Good to know that my thoughts are on the right track with those of other thinkers digging below the surface orthodoxy-poxy.

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