MY OPINION – as a former hard line detective, second in command of the nasty Red Squad, inspector in charge of police spies and Member of Parliament of a committee which reviewed police (and other government departments).
What a massively different personality this new commissioner presents; to outgoing (gone) Mike Bush.
When CORVID-19 hit and the police emerged as enforcers; I was not impressed and in fact was intimidated, by the stance of Mike Bush.
The impression Mike made with me (and others whom I communicate including two former police inspectors and more significantly; with under 40ies) was sort of, like Clint Eastwood:
“Go to the beach? Make my day.”
But hey! Afterall. Mike and I were of the same genre of cops – he a mere decade behind me and a detective senior sergeant when I was an inspector.
Mike’s approach to CORVID 19 reminded me of my approach to the Springbok Tour – as 2/O/C Red Squad.
“We are here to win. We don’t come second.”
Andrew Coster, on the other hand, presented the face of an intelligent man; a new generation. The first impression he made with me on the CORVID 19 affair was:
“We are not here to arrest people for breaches. Most need help, not punitive measures.”
(Note: Above quotes attributed to each man, are not exactly what they may have said but is the impressions left with me and others with whom I have discussed this New Broom.)
I have been a regular critic of police: from the persistent prevarication to put two police officers identified by a Royal Commission of Enquiry, before a court of law for fabricating evidence in a double homicide; To police avoiding determination of culpability for killings.
Rule of Police superseding Rule of Law.
I don’t know Andrew Coster. He joined the police 10 years after I had resigned to enter parliament as MP for National in the electorate of Hobson.
But I am greatly encouraged by the impression he has made on others with whom I associate – let alone the good impression he has made on me.
In my opinion; the police are in a safe pair of hands.
Well done Jacinda and police Minister Stuart Nash.
Ross Meurant; a former high-ranking police officer, former Member of Parliament, formerly with commercial interests in Syria and Iran and currently Honorary Consul for an African state.
Ross i have always thought that the New Zealand Police with their firm but fair approach was about right.
We are sometimes just a little too relaxed and that includes the Police when it comes too enforcing the law.
I think our cops on the front line are exceptional kiwis and have a hell of a job dealing with the often dangerous tasks they are sworn too confront while protecting our lives.
They do like all of us get it wrong and the service is far from perfect but they are all we have as a line of protection against the unthinkable happening to anyone of us every day.
When i have needed too call them in an emergency they have been there too sort things out.
Whenever i see cops on the beat i make a point of saying thanks for doing the job they do ( especially after the mosque attacks here last year ) , it doesn’t cost me anything too do that and more kiwis should do the same.
I could see the fear in their eyes as they responded too the situation after March 15th , not many of us would be prepared too put our lives on the line like that but these men and woman do.
i understand your point about Mike Bush but the warnings were pretty clear about staying home and that any risky behaviour would be dealt with as we face a dangerous situation and it wasn’t like you would be arrested after being warned not too surf for example only then if you were caught again.
Sometime the message doesn’t always get through but the warning is clear.
Andrew Costner seems like a good bloke and i was impressed with him after seeing him interviewed.
His staff will want too be reassured he will support them and build confidence going ahead.
His next test is probably not far away.
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