Why is Ministry of Health in NZ hiding possible covid-19 infections

Wellington bureaucrats disinfecting themselves from responsibility

Here we go, grotesque Government incompetence, the second shoe to drop. This is fucking outrageous and makes mockery of Jacinda’s claims of being all over this…

Coronavirus: Showing symptoms but tests refused at Wellington Hospital

People with coronavirus-type symptoms are reportedly being turned away from testing at Wellington Hospital because they don’t fit strict criteria.

As the Government awaits the results of two more people “highly suspicious” of having the virus, a senior Wellington Hospital doctor has told Stuff, under the condition of anonymity, that tests for Covid-19 were being refused for patients, even if they were showing symptoms of the virus.

These are people who had been to countries including the United States, parts of Europe, Vietnam, and Australia.

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“Each of these regions has instances of apparent community coronavirus spread,” the doctor said. 

…this means of simply ignoring the scale of the problem smells similar to the measles epidemic fuck up where we didn’t get enough vaccinations and so instead of vaccinating everyone, we just vaccinated the most vulnerable.

It’s the usual do it as cheap as possible parameters that any Government Agency in NZ operates under.

Here we have a situation that states because people arriving with symptoms aren’t from designated countries like Iran and China, then there’s no testing available.

Conspiracy theorists will claim it’s the Government hiding the true scale of infection, trust me, I wish our Wellington bureaucrats were that clever, this is just obscene stupidity based on their usual cheapness.

It’s a fucking joke and if Jacinda isn’t careful, we will see a pandemic break out and she will get the blame for it erupting because her incompetent Wellington bureaucrats are being their usual bureaucratic Wellington selves.

If anyone is arriving with symptoms they should be tested, it doesn’t matter if they aren’t from China or fucking Iran, the bloody thing can hide in the community, it needs testing now.

I’d demand to know where David Clark is, but it’s best he’s kept as far away from any crisis as possible.

In NZ we are always a day late and a dollar short. Usually that casual laid backness masquerades for what passes as charm, but in the case of a pandemic can someone please start, you know, being proactive and not our usual slack bullshit selves?


  1. A limp noodle attempt to avoid panic and exert “control”

    That will be a fail as all important confidence in the process will be severely compromised.

    It’s a given that fairly dramatic Government controls and restrictions are coming. The Chinese have been there done that which is why they are getting in early with panic buying….the very thing the Government wants to avoid.

  2. The woke would prefer a pandemic than the idea that someone from overseas could be infectious and their free travel to NZ is hindered (which is obviously racist in the woke (and MSM) bizarre obsession with the word and even worse, hindered overseas travel is against the first principle of neoliberalism.

    It has got so hysterical, that laughable ideas of racist micro aggression are now more important than public health and safety in NZ. Also probably doing the opposite of what they think! Oh and helping spread risk of a pandemic in NZ in a country where we struggle to fill winter beds in hospitals without a pandemic.

    Also although we like to save money on public health care like testing (remember the , there always seems plenty of money in the kitty for dodgy road building and Rio Tinto though!

  3. Why are you surprised? From the govt that brought us the TPPA, more taxes, a failed campaign on housing and poverty and may yet limit free speech just to top it all off, we get this. I’m amazed anyone can find anything positive to say about them. I really am.

    • Sean ,

      From a supporter of the previous Government that did absolutely fuck all to address the growing housing crisis….apart from profit from it, encourage it to continue and farcically deny there even was a housing crisis?

      More taxes? You mean a petrol tax to help address the gridlock on Auckland motorways. You’d prefer the actions of the previous Government that once again did squat to address the problem apart from turn their back on it? You’d prefer tax cuts for people who have no need for them? You did see what happened with the CGT? You know, the tax that was going to bring fairness into our tax system and share the load. The wealthy were bleating from the rooftops. Can’t have them shouldering some of the tax burden can we. Just give them a free pass and let the rest of us pay their share as per usual while their investment portfolios blossom. Selfish greed is quintessential National. I’m alright Jack, the rest of you can go eat cake and fuck yourselves.

      You’re against a Government that wants to address significant infrastructure issues? Much better to do what National did huh? Dramatically under-fund infrastructure and create huge issues all the while spouting off about a farcical rock star economy? Just leave all the issues for everyone else to deal with and with the funds you save due to neglect, have it appear National were on the right track. Epic false economy.

      Limiting free speech? You mean limiting what the dangerous, deranged and bitter haters out there can say regardless of consequence. Smart move.

      You’re amazed anyone will say anything positive because you’re drowning in the bitter misogynistic divisive drivel the entitled National party and their trolls spout all day everyday about Ardern / Government masquerading as facts. Bridges and his army of trolls have two goals. Score “hits” against the Government even if it’s 100% false and be returned to Government at any price. What I’m amazed at is that Bridges has soared in the polls as preferred PM to 10%. Come October, that will of course return to 2% and then 0% as your new God to worship, Christopher Luxon is appointed Nat leader.

      • I can tell you that the coronavirus did more to clear congestion in Auckland than the petrol tax. Our congestion is demand driven by tourism, temp residents and permanent residents coming and going which is more than the natural population of combined. As soon as that demand has been disrupted the roads are flowing much better in Auckland.

        We might even save more lives from better air quality with the cruise ships and additional cars and trucks than we lose from this virus. (Depending on how badly this virus gets out of control in NZ. )

      • Blinkered worship of Jacinda. I take issue with you on hate speech which is much more than your example i.e. questioning the physical make up of trans is one of them.

  4. Dr Clark is busy reading a book, schooling up on ‘philosophy’ because he’s not a real doctor ay?

  5. Our public health is in no way prepared for the risks of pandemics and would not surprise me, if they have been diverting/ not funding population increases for public health, while probably funnelling the public health money they do have, into talkfests and slush funds, private companies, not medical staff and supplies.

    Nor are our government probably interested in looking at how to fund the public health risks of NZ’s mass tourism boom (nearly as much as the entire population of NZ), constant free flow of increased permanent residents who come and go frequently and our no questions asked government immigration policy of cheap temp workers, that neutralises our natural protection of pandemics, from being an isolated island.

    When disaster next strikes in NZ, my bet is on we will do a clusterfuck version of Cyclone Katrina https://www.newsweek.com/government-response-katrina-disaster-within-disaster-118257

    This is based on past performance of when disasters strike in NZ it is the public who seem to be the most effective to stop it getting worse, while our officials often take a long time to decide to do anything. When they do get into action, their biggest response is generally marketing the situation to the public, not actually doing anything quickly to save the lives (which due to woke ideas of health and safety, saving immediate lives in a disaster is never the first priority as it is too unsafe).

    Aka Pike River disaster (occurred under a National government possibly consented under a Labour government) the officials never actually attempted a prompt rescue. The survivors had to walk back themselves. The mine was a known death trap and allowed to run neoliberal style.

    With the Chch massacre,(COL government), apparently it was the actions of the victims trying to disarm Tarrent and some off duty police that saved the day and stopped Tarrant. Whatever unwieldy public plan was there for alleged mass murder was not fast enough. They police vet checks under a National government were poor and they missed the massive warning signs in their haste to grant automatic weapons to a recent resident who had travelled to some unusual countries, his references were laughable and had never even met him, and he did not shoot as a hobby or had any reason to require guns, but they still granted Tarrent the right to automatic weapons here or smell a rat.

    The Christchurch CTV building,(Built during Rogernomics) had people who were alive and texting for hours but were never rescued in time. (National government). Again the clusterfuck of that building, from engineering design defects to the identity fraud of the construction manager who over saw the build were never picked up.

    In the White Island volcano eruption (COL government) the brave actions of locals rescuing, did more than the emergency responses, that came too late. In the aftermath, in now woke NZ, there was more interest in the media about Whakaari being pronounced correctly and what the name of the Island should be referred to, than looking closer at the disaster and why we allowed such relaxed tourism there and should we re think it, when we are starting to get disasters like this as well as constant injuries of tourists here like bus crashes.

    As well as the above NZ poor responses in the face of large loss of life, the above also illustrates another alarming NZ trend is that prevention is very poor in NZ for disasters.

    Getting profits quickly is the most important part of NZ life now for regulation since Rogernomics and quality is not an issue anymore. It is now acceptable to follow a flawed consenting process and do the minimum job as required under our preference for that style of workers. Whistleblowers are now rooted out of the NZ work force and obedient men/woman who believe profit over people or bumbling bureaucrats, are the best workers for business and government is our new mantra.

    Judging from the lack of response to save water in Auckland which is quite different from previous years, I think the neoliberal style of society and our preferred worker, is not going to pick up the slack anymore for the officials when the next disaster strikes… so we might get a disaster with hundreds of thousands of deaths in the future. The conditions have been brewing for 30 years as looking at overall risks objectively in all aspects of NZ policy is gone.

  6. Shane Jones is doing his bit by saying racist comments and taking people’s attention off the weak response this government t has made so far . As Sean says why are we sureprised as they have achieved so little so far ..As talk starts about the financial impact being equal to that of the GFC in 2008 in worry how this government will react .They were left a pot of gold by National but have frittered it away with little to see for it.

  7. what’s she gonna do when the health system falls over and people are dropping dead on the floor waiting to see a Dr for a ffn test?? should have just locked down the borders weeks ago, now we have people walking through airports and out into the public domain. Oh well, she’s gonna fuck this one up. Still much rather her as PM then that other idiot. You really just have to take care of yourself and your family because these morons spin absolute BS to stop widespread panic but it’s too late and it’s only going to escalate once winter is upon us. Watch the health system implode they don’t have enough resources (beds and staff) to deal with the numbers. People are going to die its just a matter of how many and the Director of Health is a complete ffn idiot he’s been like a wet noodle throughout this event. Wouldnt trust that MF as far as I could spit.

  8. Surely any serious attempt for containment for the protection of the NZ population would involve

    1. A clean bill of health medical certificate for inbound travelers prior to travel , and

    2: a 2 week quarantine period in a medically supervised secure facility before mixing with the general community .(It worked well for the evacuation of Kiwis from Wuhan and we remained virus free.)

    3. A compensation package for the tourism industry.

    The notion of voluntary self isolation is a flawed nonsense .Foreign students and tourists self isolating in university halls of residence , flats and hotels ?Great . Poping off to the mall for some takeaways and a little shopping . May be a movie or two or checking out a couple of bars ? Even better.Who is checking and supervising these people 24/7 ? No one .”This ain’t gunna stop nuttin .

    I just don,t see Labour being up to the job .They are acting more like a marketing company than a political party .Air Lines and airports have now become airborne virus exporting incubation tubes and we still haven’t stopped the imports .Spin it all you want but we are not on top of this .

    Typical mortality rates with flu are around 0.05 to 0.1 % but according to a Cambridge Virologist interviewed by Kim Hill on RNZ last sat ,C-virus mortality is around 2% or twenty times more deadly than the flu .

    On current projections with a population approaching 5 million we can expect around 10,000 extra kiwis to die compared to around 500 with the flu.God help those in densely populated aged care facilities and anyone over 50 .

    I rarely if ever use the f-word but this is a major major fuck up .

    • Agree Black Lemming. I have mentioned already that I wrote to David Clark pushing for mandatory isolation, not voluntary. Over a week and no reply. I heard him on RNZ today being a real smoothie (but it tasted like shit). Apparently the voluntary thing works well, all over the world. Fits in with most DB comments; the government is avoiding effective measures in order to save money. We know it won’t save lives. Who is expendable? The usual suspects. Those who have limited access to public healthcare – the poor which means large numbers of Maori and Pasifika and the already sick plus the elderly. Overseas research so far shows children are not susceptible. Let’s hope that extends to our beautiful young here in A/NZ.

  9. Martyn summed it up beautifully – “In NZ we are always a day late and a dollar short.”
    Doesn’t matter who is in government. Accountants rule Neo Zealand.

    It’s cheaper to imperil citizens health and wellbeing than be proactive. Oh – except when you’ve got a sizeable proportion of your workforce off sick and supply lines stretched to breaking point. Then we’ll see how fucking clever these accolytes of the Invisible Hand of the Market are.
    Bring it on I say.

  10. Nothing is being hidden and he was in the house making a ministerial statement on the virus. suggest people watch that to get informed.

  11. The lack of a proper response can be directed at the doctors. Their basic medical approach, -use evidence based decisions, and therefore rely on experience verified evidence of the corona flu virus. This is a dangerous flaw as the covid-19 thus far has its own unique pattern which is far more contagious than the flu version. They believe the virus can only spread by droplets and contact, irrespective of warning from China that the virus transmit in aerosol form and survive up to 9 days on surfaces. The very reasoning for the limited monitoring of passengers on the flight, whilst considering the Chinese warning everybody on the plane is at risk. So most of these flawed decisions is attributable to medical arrogance and ignorance. They will consider it their operational responsibility and any effort to convince them otherwise will result in a tantrum. The government will rely on the medical profession to lead them in decision making and not realizing that those who they rely on is not capable to lead them on how to manage the corona response. Furthermore we should not ignore the possibility of a political motive as the medical professions political preferences is not a secret.

    The hospitals wont test if it does not fit within the scope as guided by the doctors. This is the same problem in the USA where the CDC would not let a person in the USA be tested as she did not fit the medical paradigm and now they have a run away crisis building. If you trust a doctor for your well being you gamble with your life. The profession have been hijacked by the pharmaceutical companies and there training and decisions is modeled to serve the industry.

    • +100…Agree…” If you trust a doctor for your well being you gamble with your life. The profession have been hijacked by the pharmaceutical companies and their training and decisions is modeled to serve the industry.” This is particularly the case for the elderly. Survival will depend on being prepared to look after our own at home….and look out for our neighbours R

  12. I have the flu. Went to the doctor and was asked if I had been out of the country? No. All good then. What about my interactions with sizeable numbers of customers at work? Wouldn’t that be a screening criterion?

    Air travellers entering NZ were not screened. My pick is the virus is already spread in pockets around Auckland.

  13. this is a copy of an email I just sent to Stuff.
    Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield is lying to the public
    “Dear Stuff
    Please hold this government bureaucrat to account , he is directly lying to the new zealand Public and putting everyone in danger by providing a false information and a false sense of security

    He stated in your article below”
    at 4:57 on the Morning report “evidence is very strong that People do not transmit this disease unless they are symptomatic” this is a direct lie and he is not in any position to say this when that is been found in other studies to not be true.

    and last night in your article


    His press briefing Update 4 at 5:53 he said the same thing.

    Compare this to :
    From the Harvard School of Medicine


    Can people who are asymptomatic spread coronavirus?

    “A person who is asymptomatic may be shedding the virus and could make others ill. How often asymptomatic transmission is occurring is unclear.”

    From the Medical Journal Lancet


    Furthermore, transmission from asymptomatic infected individuals has been documented for COVID-19, and viral load is particularly high at early disease stage.

    Pharmaceutical Technology


    Asymptomatic Covid-19 patients can transmit virus, study finds
    If you search medical journals there is plenty of evidence that contradicts his statements.

    This person may be a Doctor but clearly he has become a “government stooge” trying to lower panic.

    The best antidote to panic is the truth.

    • sorry correction

      “at 4:37 on the Morning report “evidence is very strong that People do not transmit this disease unless they are symptomatic” this is a direct lie and he is not in any position to say this when that is been found in other studies to not be true.”

  14. this is a copy of an email I just sent to Stuff.
    Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield is lying to the public
    “Dear Stuff
    Please hold this government bureaucrat to account , he is directly lying to the new zealand Public and putting everyone in danger by providing a false information and a false sense of security

    He stated in your article below”
    at 4:57 on the Morning report “evidence is very strong that People do not transmit this disease unless they are symptomatic” this is a direct lie and he is not in any position to say this when that is been found in other studies to not be true.

    and last night in your article


    His press briefing Update 4 at 5:53 he said the same thing.

    Compare this to :
    From the Harvard School of Medicine


    Can people who are asymptomatic spread coronavirus?

    “A person who is asymptomatic may be shedding the virus and could make others ill. How often asymptomatic transmission is occurring is unclear.”

    From the Medical Journal Lancet


    Furthermore, transmission from asymptomatic infected individuals has been documented for COVID-19, and viral load is particularly high at early disease stage.

    Pharmaceutical Technology


    Asymptomatic Covid-19 patients can transmit virus, study finds
    If you search medical journals there is plenty of evidence that contradicts his statements.

    This person may be a Doctor but clearly he has become a “government stooge” trying to lower panic.

    The best antidote to panic is the truth.

  15. sorry correction “at 4:37 on the Morning report “evidence is very strong that People do not transmit this disease unless they are symptomatic” this is a direct lie and he is not in any position to say this when that is been found in other studies to not be true.”

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