Kiwis Sleep Soundly While Aussies Toss And Turn: Here’s How to Fix That


Although Australia and New Zealand have about as much in common as two neighbouring countries can have, there are plenty of differences that stand out. One has seemingly endless arid landscapes while the other is made up of rolling green hills. One has a nearly endless array of wildlife, while the other contains just a multitude of bird species and some sheep. The most interesting difference, though, is one that has to do with the people living in the two neighbouring countries: how well they sleep.

According to recent studies, New Zealanders are the best in the world at getting a good night’s sleep. Australians, by contrast, are in the grips of a nationwide insomnia epidemic. It’s a bizarre situation that seems to defy explanation. Perhaps the Kiwis have the secret to restful nights of slumber and are keeping it from the Aussies in some misguided expression of little brother syndrome. More likely, though, it’s that Aussies aren’t managing their sleep in the ways that they should.

To help, here’s a rundown of what Aussies should be doing to beat their insomnia and get the sleep they need every night.

Get on Schedule

Although Aussies are known to be laid-back and flexible, that’s exactly the kind of attitude that can destroy a person’s ability to sleep. As it turns out, the human body (even Australian ones) thrives on having a predictable sleep/wake cycle. It’s how we instinctively know when it’s time to get out of bed, and when to wind down when the day is through. To get good sleep each night, it’s important to stick to a schedule of going to bed and getting up at the same times daily – even on weekends. This one habit can restore a sleep-deprived Aussie back to normal and is the first place to start in the quest for rest.

Don’t Get Caught Napping

Although conventional wisdom holds that taking naps is a good thing for adults, when it comes to those with night-time sleep problems, they’re a killer. That’s because they can disrupt the sleep cycle you’re trying to establish and send the body mixed signals as to when is the right time to get some much-needed rest. So, for those having trouble getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to ditch your afternoon nap until you’re able to sleep through the night with no trouble.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Another important part of getting a good night’s sleep is to create a comfortable sleep environment in your home. That means making sure your bedroom is at the right temperature for sleeping, which is between 15.5⁰C and 19.5⁰C. It also means having a comfortable mattress and pillows to support you while you rest. Today, the best mattresses for the task are made from memory foam, but check out the pros and cons of memory foam mattress sets before making a purchase decision. It’s also wise to consider sheets and pillows made from bamboo, as they will help you to regulate your body’s temperature while you sleep.

Put Down Your Devices

In today’s hyperconnected world, it isn’t easy to force yourself to unplug. Still, doing so is essential to getting a good night’s sleep. That’s because many of today’s mobile devices emit a particular type of blue light that is very disruptive to your sleep patterns. Experts recommend that you turn off all light-emitting devices at least an hour before bedtime, and for longer if you can stand to do so. That gives your body time to recognize that it’s night-time and begin the process of winding down to get some sleep. Don’t worry, though – your social media pages, text messages, and other important digital stuff will still be there when you wake.

Sleep Well Without Problems

More than anything, these four simple adjustments could help afflicted Aussies finally get the rest they so desperately need. It won’t take too long for them to have an impact, either. Using these methods should lead to getting better, more restful sleep in as little as one week. It’s important to realize, though, that there are a variety of conditions that might still cause you problems getting to sleep, so if none of these steps have the desired effect, go see a doctor to make sure everything else is normal.

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And, if you need more motivation to change your sleep habits for the better, consider this: when you finally start getting the sleep you need, that’ll be one less thing your Kiwi friends can hold over your head. Although there will still be plenty to squabble about, to be sure – you’ve got to start somewhere.