SHANE JONES may just have come up with a sure-fire MMP threshold-busting election strategy. He has committed NZ First to formulating a comprehensive “population policy”. If handled adroitly, this exercise will likely evoke a strong electoral response from “native” New Zealanders. Almost certainly powerful enough to guarantee the party’s return to Parliament.
Since the mid-1980s, both Labour and National have followed the population policy first enunciated in the 1986 Review of Immigration Policy commissioned by the Labour Party Immigration Minister, Kerry Burke. In essence, the Burke Review was about engineering New Zealand’s demographic transformation. From a “white” country – albeit one with an indigenous adjunct – New Zealand was to become a multicultural nation. NZ First has consistently opposed this policy. It has not, however, found a way of moving beyond rhetorical flourishes about “Asian Invasions” towards formulating a clear, “first principles” population policy of its own. That may be about to change.
The “activists” and “radicals” (Jones’ words) from the Indian community who took such strong exception to his remarks about Immigration NZ’s treatment of arranged marriages, may end up bitterly regretting their intervention. Jones is not the sort of person who turns the other cheek to his critics. He is, however, the sort of highly-educated individual who understands the wisdom of taking controversial issues right back to first principles. Shrewd enough, also, to recognise the advantage of undertaking such an exercise in relation to the rapidly changing shape of New Zealand’s population.
Unlike the young commentator on Maori issues, Morgan Godfery, Jones recognises the threat posed to tangata whenua by the dramatic expansion in the number of immigrants from China and the Indian sub-continent. In the space of less than 40 years, the percentage of the New Zealand population designated “Asian” has undergone a seven-fold increase: from 2 percent to 15 percent. If this extraordinary rate of increase continues, then within the next decade the “Asian” population of New Zealand will overtake that of Maori. Godfery insists that this need not be a problem since, in relation to the political position of the indigenous people, it is the Treaty of Waitangi that counts – not the size of the Maori population. Godfery’s optimism is heroic.
A population policy is, however, about a great deal more than mere immigration statistics. It begins, as the Burke Review does, by asking questions about what sort of country New Zealand should be. Back in the mid-1980s, the assumption of the Review’s authors was that New Zealand was much too deeply rooted in the values and prejudices of its colonial past. Though they did not express it in terms as explicit as our trans-Tasman cousin’s “White Australia” policy, New Zealanders subscribed to exactly the same notion that immigration should be shaped by the existing racial contours of the nation. This view limited the countries-of-origin of any new arrivals to the British Isles, North America, North-West Europe, Australia and the island micro-states of the South Pacific. The Burke Review dismissed this stance as racist and short-sighted. The Empire was dead. New Zealand and the rest of the world stood on the threshold of “The Asian Century”.
In the years since Jim Bolger described New Zealand as “an Asian country”, to the present day, the implications of the Burke Review’s repudiation of the “cultural fit” approach to immigration have revealed themselves in demographic and cultural changes that have altered New Zealand dramatically, if not irrevocably. Crucially, the whole process was facilitated by the consistent support of both major parties. Politically, it is not wise to challenge the “Multicultural New Zealand” consensus. Not unless you enjoy being called a racist and/or a white supremacist.
Jones may not enjoy being called a racist, but he is unwilling to let such taunts deflect him from what he clearly perceives to be his duty to defend the cultural and political integrity of his homeland. In this he is (like his leader) hugely assisted by his indigenous identity. Eight hundred years of continuous occupation of these islands gives Maori a slightly more solid position from which to pronounce upon Aotearoa’s core values than people who have been here for eight hundred days. It allows him to become the spokesperson for all those who have lost patience with a political class that point-blank refuses to listen to anyone whose views run counter to the official multicultural consensus.
The problem facing the political class of New Zealand (along with just about every other western nation) is that the impatience of these dissenters has grown to the point where its potential for serious political disruption is obvious to anyone with the slightest trace of populist ambition. And Shane Jones has considerably more than a trace.
Taking the NZ First membership back to first principles on immigration would likely produce a policy radically at odds with the official consensus. New Zealand would, in all probability, emerge from this exercise as a unique mixture of indigenous and western values: an egalitarian, secular and democratic nation under no obligation whatsoever to subordinate – or even adapt – its cultural values and political institutions to the needs of people arriving here from other parts of the world. To those who do not like this version of New Zealand, the members and supporters of NZ First would doubtless reiterate Jones’ advice to catch the next plane home.
It is not difficult to grasp why, all around the world, the immigration issue has become the ideal opener for some very large cans of worms. It feeds directly into just about every facet of life under neoliberalism. Jones and NZ First may begin by formulating a radically different population policy, but from there they are certain to move into a host of other contentious issues.
Not the least of these is likely to be the role played by the mainstream news media in defending the neoliberal/multicultural consensus. It is probable that Jones already perceives the enormous political benefits of casting the nation’s media as mouthpieces for the unmandated transformation of New Zealand’s society and culture. Alongside the “radical” and “activist” immigrants who daily assail him, he will be able to set “woke” journalists. Their increasingly shrill attacks, far from harming NZ First, will only highlight how little they have in common with “garden variety” New Zealanders. What else can they be but “enemies of the people”?
Neither Labour nor National will be able to do very much to counter this strategy. Their complicity in the creation of multicultural New Zealand precludes them from doing anything more than mumbling embarrassingly about immigration numbers. The Greens, naturally, will be rendered incandescent with rage by the “racism” of their partner in government. To no avail. Providing Jones is equal to the task of describing the New Zealand his party’s population policy is determined to preserve, protect and defend, NZ First’s worries about clearing the 5 percent MMP threshold can be put to rest – and Winston reassured that he has chosen a worthy successor.
The recent (literally) goosestepping of two clowns in Chinese Army uniforms up Queen Street is a wake up call for what ‘super multiculturalism’ is going to look like – less ‘everyone living together in harmony’ and more ‘prisoners in our own land’.
NZ as a unique in the world mix of Pakeha / Maori / Pacifika is rapidly becoming a thing of past and as soon as Chinese / Indian populations here reach the point where politically they hold sway just watch how much respect they have for anyone else’s culture or rights (more Uighur concentration camps less Treaty of Waitangi).
We were all warned and we didn’t listen because we were all too afraid of being labelled ‘racist’ . .
And we can blame the neo liberal cabal and their decades of social engineering for this. And if anyone can recall, not so long ago the Double Dipper ( Bill English ) stated at a business luncheon when the ChiNational party was in power that the concept of the sovereign state is dead.
How convenient for the globalist neo liberal to offer such a statement ! And convenient for us because if that doesn’t raise alarm bells and give a strong indication of what these treasonous and craven people are all about, nothing will.
+1 James Brown & WILD KATIPO
James Brown: “The recent (literally) goosestepping…”
There’s nothing of political significance in the goose step. It’s just a marching step, used by militaries worldwide in parades and ceremonies. I don’t think that anything can be read into its use by Chinese military: it’s just what they do on formal occasions.
” less ‘everyone living together in harmony’ and more ‘prisoners in our own land’.”
Blithe assumptions about everyone living together in harmony are made only by people who know nothing about human behaviour. Conflict is part of the human condition; there will always be friction between different groups of humans. If it isn’t different ethnicity, it’ll be something else. It’s the way the world is.
It’s difficult to see how we’d become prisoners in our own land. In fact, going on what sundry radical Maori have been saying off and on over my adult life, it has always seemed as if somebody Maori would claw their way to power, then do like Idi Amin did to the Indians in Uganda: unceremoniously eject all of us pakeha. Well: at least those of us who don’t have Maori connections.
“NZ as a unique in the world mix of Pakeha / Maori / Pacifika is rapidly becoming a thing of past…”
Actually, there have been a number of ethnicities here, almost since the first European settlers arrived. Though in fairly small numbers, to be sure. But the point stands: NZ has never been just that ethnic mix that you adduce. It has never been that country.
“(more Uighur concentration camps….”
Again: as I’ve said repeatedly on various threads here, be careful accepting uncritically what the msm tells you. About anywhere in the world, really, but especially about the US’s enemy du jour, China. Look for corroborating evidence that doesn’t come from the msm. My reading says that this claim is mostly US propaganda.
“…..we were all too afraid of being labelled ‘racist’ . .”
I’ve also said – repeatedly on various comment threads – that calling individuals “racist” is a ridiculous inaccuracy. I’ve also – repeatedly – been called racist; it’s a ludicrous assertion, about which I don’t give a good goddamn. Neither should anybody else. Call out anything other people say or do that you don’t like, but don’t accuse them of racism: it’s jut an epithet, designed to shut down debate and make the accuser feel superior to the accused.
I’m pretty confident that accusations of that sort would be water off a duck’s back to Shane Jones.
On the Uighurs…
The USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world.
Most of the Uighur concentration camps propaganda is US based without fabric to base it on.
The USA is also involved with the Hong Kong US sponsored protests and related propaganda . Hong Kong has much more democracy now than they have had for many decades under British rule where they had virtually none.
John W: “The USA is also involved with the Hong Kong US sponsored protests and related propaganda . Hong Kong has much more democracy now than they have had for many decades under British rule where they had virtually none.”
Exactly. A bit of reading about the so-called “colour” revolutions – fomented by the CIA in eastern Europe through its agencies – will be enough for people to spot the similarities with the Tiananmen Square protests, along with the current unrest in Hong Kong.
At the time of the handover of HK to the PRC, the UK went all holier-than-thou about democracy: it wanted the PRC to guarantee democratic rights for HK citizens. This occasioned much hollow laughter among the Chinese people from HK with whom I was then acquainted: there had never before been democracy: it was a British colony.
Indeed, the citizens now have a democratic system of which they could only have dreamed, when the Brits were in charge, ran everything, and kept all the top jobs for themselves.
Interestingly, I’ve discovered that at least some UK citizens labour under the misapprehension that HK was a democracy under British rule. So they’ve been led to believe by their own government.
Looks like 50 cents army ( ) is alive & very active in New Zealand… no wonder the recent massive outrage in NZ regarding foreign interference from CCP CHINA.
You might very well be absolutely right on Hong Kong, except for the very fact that surveys done by reputable Universities in Hong Kong show “Meanwhile, 75 per cent, 74 per cent and 81 per cent of the respondents in the three surveys supported political reform in order to ensure that the whole of Hong Kong’s legislature and its chief executive be democratically elected.” …
Is that 5 or 6 MILLION very unhappy HK Chinese Citizens calling for changes & for CCP China to for once try to be ethical and to honour the Universal Suffrage clauses promised to Hong Kong Citizens in the handover to China contract that CCP CHINA signed with the UK? (see )
I guess the dictatorship CCP unfortunately has not given HK any democracy at all (not according to it’s citizens anyway!). They have cracked down on religion, free speech, free press, opened concentration camps, done organ harestly, used prisoners as forced slave labour on Belt & Road projects around Asia though… So yeah, why be worried with a wonderful ethics base like that to pull immigration of CCP citizens to NZ from?
Thanks for showing very clearly why Shane Jones is and should be concerned about anymore Mainland China nationalists getting immigration rights to live in New Zealand… Sadly, not any different to having North Korea try to take over NZ really.
Be nice NOT to see 50 cents Army so active in NZ (see )… but unfortunately you are so easy to spot Bro.
You might very well be right on Hong Kong democracy except for the fact that surveys conducted by professional Universities in Hong Kong have all shown that:-
“Meanwhile, 75 per cent, 74 per cent and 81 per cent of the respondents in the three surveys supported political reform in order to ensure that the whole of Hong Kong’s legislature and its chief executive be democratically elected.” (see )
Is that 5 or 6+ Million Hong Kong Citizens calling your bluff and asking for CCP CHINA to please do for once honour the “Universal Suffrage” clauses promised to Hong Kong Citizens in the hand-over contract that CCP CHINA signed with the UK (& which was ratified by the UNITED NATIONS)… Yes, that internationally binding contract that CCP China now tries to say is obsolete (like so many others they have signed e.g. WTO, maritime agreement etc.) and which they will now totally disregard (Manzeal Man must be CCP?). This is something that works in a CCP CHINA Dictatorship dreamland, but not in the world of global democracies unfortunately (hence why the USA & UK are both talking very seriously on implementation of very serious trade embargoes etc. on China in regards to Hong Kong).
So sadly, I guess you just prove why Shane Jones is so very right on immigration policy and exactly why New Zealand needs to totally avoid letting even 1 more Mainland China Nationalistic CCP Member into NZ (& to avoid CCP China Uni students any access to NZ research)… HUGE RISK FOR NZ SOVEREIGNTY & INDEPENDENCE AS A NATION.
Which Kiwi really wants the CCP to take-over anymore Kiwi land (forests, dairy farms etc.), Kiwi factories, Kiwi politics or to participate in anymore foreign interference that the CCP is now so infamous for now in NZ & Aussie?
Not sorry for calling you out here comrade (before knowing Asia well, I used to think reds in the beds was a total joke, but China has caused Aussie to stand up and tell their citizens that it is the biggest risk to Australia today & it is time Kiwis did the same in NZ)… we do sincerely hope that you still get your 50 cents though Tongzhi!
Be nice NOT to see 50 cents Army so active in NZ (see )… but unfortunately you are so easy to spot Bro.
You might very well be right on Hong Kong democracy except for the fact that surveys conducted by professional Universities in Hong Kong have all shown that:-
“Meanwhile, 75 per cent, 74 per cent and 81 per cent of the respondents in the three surveys supported political reform in order to ensure that the whole of Hong Kong’s legislature and its chief executive be democratically elected.” (see )
Is that 5 or 6+ Million Hong Kong Citizens calling your bluff and asking for CCP CHINA to please do for once honour the “Universal Suffrage” clauses promised to Hong Kong Citizens in the hand-over contract that CCP CHINA signed with the UK (& which was ratified by the UNITED NATIONS)… Yes, that internationally binding contract that CCP China now tries to say is obsolete (like so many others they have signed e.g. WTO, maritime agreement etc.) and which they will now totally disregard (Manzeal Man must be CCP?). This is something that works in a CCP CHINA Dictatorship dreamland, but not in the world of global democracies unfortunately (hence why the USA & UK are both talking very seriously on implementation of very serious trade embargoes etc. on China in regards to Hong Kong).
So sadly, I guess you just prove why Shane Jones is so very right on immigration policy and exactly why New Zealand needs to totally avoid letting even 1 more Mainland China Nationalistic CCP Member into NZ (& to avoid CCP China Uni students any access to NZ research)… HUGE RISK FOR NZ SOVEREIGNTY & INDEPENDENCE AS A NATION.
Which Kiwi really wants the CCP to take-over anymore Kiwi land (forests, dairy farms etc.), Kiwi factories, Kiwi politics or to participate in anymore foreign interference that the CCP is now so infamous for now in NZ & Aussie?
Not sorry for calling you out here comrade (before knowing Asia well, I used to think reds in the beds was a total joke, but China has caused Aussie to stand up and tell their citizens that it is the biggest risk to Australia today & it is time Kiwis did the same in NZ)… we do sincerely hope that you still get your 50 cents though Tongzhi!
Spikeyboy: Thanks for the link. I’ve read something similar elsewhere.
“There’s nothing of political significance in the goose step. It’s just a marching step, used by militaries worldwide in parades and ceremonies. I don’t think that anything can be read into its use by Chinese military: it’s just what they do on formal occasions.”
You jest, D’Esterre?!
The goose step is to authoritarian regimes (Left or Right) as chauffeur-driven limos are to corporate elites: an expression of single-minded, party-unified, power.
Soldiers in Nazi Germany or North Korea did not march individualistically, according to their own preferences, to whatever tune ran through their minds.
They marched lock-step, in sharp, testosterone-laden precision. It is indeed a political expression of the most visceral kind. To suggest otherwise ignores hard reality.
Frank Macskasy: “The goose step is to authoritarian regimes (Left or Right) as chauffeur-driven limos are to corporate elites: an expression of single-minded, party-unified, power.”
I fear that you do not know as much about this topic as you think you do.
Never did like the term ‘ populist’ , as it has been thrashed to death by those seeking to dismiss what is, perhaps in NZ , a ‘ popular’ opinion. I find myself in agreement with Jones on this one. We , as a people , as a nation have every right to speak up and maintain our views as much as the next sovereign country.
And as Jones said, it is time we had a serious discussion as to the future ‘face’ of NZ, the amount of immigrants we allow in, and just what laws we are willing to compromise to these new arrivals. We also need to discuss the effects on our infrastructure regards health , education and housing, – and jobs. Jobs for current New Zealanders before immigrant arrivals. And that also implies investing in , educating , and bringing up to standard our own people first to fill those positions.
And just a word on that fake neo liberal multiculturism ideal.
Its bogus.
The ONLY REASON they wanted that was because THEY KNEW that once Unions were de toothed by the 1991 Employment Contracts Act, – and witnessed New Zealanders leaving NZ for Australia in droves forever to the tune of 650,000 ,- was because they wanted to repopulate this country with cheap , immigrant non Unionised labour.
DON’T EVEN TRY to tell me it was because they were / are a bunch of bleeding heart humanist sentimentalists looking towards humanity’s greater good when they were equally at home exploiting NZ workers ruthlessly and doing the same to immigrant arrivals.
When I grew up there was NEVER any rough sleepers or massive amounts of jobless, people living in poverty , rotten hospitals and schools ,both parents having to work and STILL not taking home enough to feed and clothe their family’s properly.
There’s your stinking neo liberalism for you right there.
I agree with Jones on this point and I most certainly will be voting NZ First next election, – I may even join them and become a member.
I hear you WK and I agree with nearly all you say above. The problem to my mind is Jones. The line between “populist” and “opportunist” can be a thin one and Jones is certainly susceptible; as shown by his acceptance of Murray McCully’s cosy little sinecure to swan around the Pacific – at expense of Labour’s chances at the following election.
There was personal animosity between Winston and the National Party last election that made them unlikely partners in government. How can we be sure Shane won’t forget everything he’s said the day after the next election and take NZ First into coalition with National so he can enjoy a seat at the high table?
“How can we be sure Shane won’t forget everything he’s said the day after the next election and take NZ First into coalition with National so he can enjoy a seat at the high table?
An excellent point.
Jones is in the pocket of big business. He failed to drive Labour as hard right as he would have liked and accepted the cushy McCully job. He now sees an opportunity to take NZ First in that direction as Winston approaches retirement. Its a world wide trend. Lil ol nz takes a while to catch up which you’d think would give us the chance to go somewhere different.
Anyhow as ever, the playbook is to divide those at the bottom. Get one lot to scrap against the other so noone notices whats being brought down from the top. And its not money thats trickling down and the trickle will fast become a torrent. Trump, Boris anyone? They talk the same as Jones who will only ever deliver to his corporate masters
Wild Katipo: “I agree with Jones on this point and I most certainly will be voting NZ First next election….”
Indeed. I also agree with your entire comment.
Nor am I a fan of the term “populist”, which I view in the same light as the “racist” epithet. Both are intended to shut down debate and imply superiority on the part of the user: politically correct thinking and all that.
I, too, am tending to come down on Jones’ side in this matter. We the citizens who were born here, or have been here for many years, have rights, with regard to having a say in the sort of country we want this to be.
History shows us that when small numbers of immigrants arrive in a new country they are very respectful of local culture etc. As their numbers increase, that respect starts to melt away and more and more demands are made. Demands such as all of their culture and wants must be respected regardless. This invariably occurs at the exact time local culture is routinely disrespected by those immigrants. The UK, France and Sweden are just three examples of this being rampant and now out of control.
Immigration fraud is huge around the globe. Some countries are involved far more than others. Same old same old. Fake marriage is an enormous issue in this area and NZ is routinely hit with this scam especially from the same old places. Now India wants to wipe out NZ’s attempts at protecting our borders and is demanding we respect their culture at the very same time they are totally ignoring the NZ way of doing things. Those demands from Indians have now escalated to abuse, threats and the old chestnut of calling people racists if they have the audacity to stand up to your demands and threats. We as a country need to push back from this bullshit which will only worsen as their numbers grow. What next? The Hindu community telling NZ that the rapidly increasing numbers of “honour killings” are reasonable and justified and we must accept this part of their culture?
I’m with Shane Jones when he tells these people if you don’t like it here, the airport is that way —–>
+1 Jacindafan
The point is that killing is not legal but marriage between consenting adults is. You may not like the ritual that brings this consent but unless you can get one party to say they were forced it is legal. All your moralising about our wonderful arrangement for marriages that produces world leading levels of domestic violence seems slightly ridiculous and just consenting to ever more authoritarian laws that seek to mold society to your narrow view of whats right
Spikeyboy: “….our wonderful arrangement for marriages that produces world leading levels of domestic violence….”
Regrettably, arranged marriages are no protection against domestic violence, or we would not need Shakti.
How Left are the No Zealand Groan Party as they endorse the importation of tens of thousands of National Party voters every year, the likes of property investor slumlords Gary Lin and Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi? Not very Left at all, as it turns out…
Castro: “How Left are the No Zealand Groan Party….”
The Greens aren’t lefties in the sense that I’ve been all of my life. They have morphed into the woke Left; thus they’re hoist by their own petard. They cannot speak out against immigration, no matter where immigrants come from, because their woke leftery commits them to supporting it as a concept. They are utterly wrongheaded and richly deserve to be tipped out of Parliament at the next election.
Woke leftery !!!
Sweet as, mate !
Monumental blunder by Ardern. Backing down over this is so wrong on every level.
1) It tells the Indian community that their threats are acceptable and have hit home.
2) It opens up the floodgates to even more widespread abuse of immigration via arranged marriages.
3) It humiliates and totally undermines NZF and that will have serious ongoing repercussions.
4) It scores an epic own goal.
0/10 Ardern,
No longer a jacindafan.
@jacindafan, Wow! You were such a big supporter of Labour, I just hope the Labourites read this because it’s lights out for Labour, Greens and NZ First if they continue with their immigration policy to glorify migrants while ignoring any negative benefits including cultural beliefs like dowry, social welfare being spread out too thinly by the amount of people now able to claim it through immigration, housing and the down stream effects like Chinese military in our streets, owning most of the country and everyone being too scared to have freedom of speech anymore!
About time someone took a tougher line on NZF. Could even become a Jacinda fan
Realisation at last, you may be forgiven for your previous affection to J.A..
I am not a shame Jones fan but on this issue i agree with him 100%
+1 Michelle,
I’ve never voted NZ First in my life, but at this point, I might just go towards any party that has some reality check on the subject of immigration here!
I have never voted NZ First either but looks like it might be time to start.
TOP has an immigration policy worth looking at.
Yes but TOP is a neoliberal party as well, that thinks everything can be calculated with numbers like the neoliberals…. and even more likely to go with the Natz than NZ First…
Yes. Hes an opportunist in the Farage, Trump, Johnston mold. He knows where to gather votes. Never seen one of these types that has any concern or sense of responsibility towards anyone other than big business and don’t expect this pattern to be broken any time soon
I honestly think that folks in charge don’t understand New Zealand. Most of us have long since moved past the point of wanting a white or colonial New Zealand. Rather, we want to preserve those values which have largely developed in New Zealand itself–which developed from European and Polynesian values. I’ll say it: New Zealand is a better place than most countries. I don’t want to be like England. I definitely don’t want to be like Australia or America.
It’s comical to say that New Zealanders are white supremacists when among the most resented immigrants are white South Africans and the English, disliked because many of them have retrograde attitudes about race, sexuality, and/or gender. Frankly, the average Australian is a bit much for us and the average American far more so.
This is an unusually tolerant and non-religious society by world standards. That’s not to say that religion isn’t tolerated: it’s just viewed as a private matter to be kept private. I’d like it to stay that way or get better. Importing thousands of people from other countries that often do not share these values strikes me as a bad idea.
+1 A
+1 A
A: “This is an unusually tolerant and non-religious society by world standards. That’s not to say that religion isn’t tolerated: it’s just viewed as a private matter to be kept private. I’d like it to stay that way or get better. Importing thousands of people from other countries that often do not share these values strikes me as a bad idea.”
Hear hear! I completely agree. And also with the rest of your comment.
The Asian population just on aged parents alone, is expecting to triple against the Maori and Pacific Island community which is doubling, so that suggests that the Asian population is much higher than both Maori and Pacific Island already or we have plenty more aged asian parents in the pipeline to bring into NZ to be supported by the Kiwis.
“The number of Māori aged 65+ will more than double (from 48,500 to 109,400) between 2018 and 2034, as will the senior Pacific population (from 21,300 to 46,700), while the number of senior Asian New Zealanders will almost triple (from 59,500 to 171,900).”
“Mayor Len Brown’s Auckland is predicted to have a majority Asian, largely Chinese, population by 2040, with the existing long standing European ethnic and cultural base becoming a minority.”
The Rogernoms and Natz have deliberately created this immigration policy from 2010 to make sure that Auckland has a significantly higher Asian population than any other group going forward. Auckland has a 100 billion economy so that’s plenty of opportunity to make profits and sell assets cheap!
The great news for neoliberals is that free pensions and health care will no longer be sustainable opening the way for more private operators here! Yipee! The private prisons and social bonds have huge expansion with the amount of criminals we give permanent residency to and the boat loads of Meth coming in causing massive social harm driving up social bond spending for for-profit overseas based community groups like Compass!
That is not multiculturalism, that is a deliberate population strategy to reduce the influence of existing demographics here, especially Maori and destroy the welfare system for private profits!
Immigration is used as a tool to recreate a population for political purposes in places like Tibet and Israel.
Neoliberals want more consumers and more problems in NZ to drive profits, this is Rogernomics 2.2
“New Zealand’s persistently low productivity has long puzzled the OECD, despite expectations the far-reaching reforms of the late 1980s and early 1990s – which the OECD championed – would reverse that.”
“An estimated 35 percent of New Zealand jobs were at risk of disappearing or otherwise being affected by automation over the next 10-20 years, with 9 percent considered at high risk, the report said.
As in other countries, low-skilled and low-income workers were more vulnerable than high-skilled, high-income workers.”
So our immigration game going forward in NZ, is to add more aged migrants, low-skilled and low-income workers whose skills would disappear very quickly??? (while driving out high skilled people with zero opportunities?)
Sounds like complete social dysfunction here!
What’s happened to the left, oh, ok , they are worrying about their cunts, getting more subjugated women on dowries into NZ, the latest petty dispute amongst themselves as politicians, and racist micro aggressions!
Meanwhile Rome burns!
Less to do with the migrants more to do with political greed and stupidity, and fodder in the neoliberal game of Monopoly!
… “New Zealand’s persistently low productivity has long puzzled the OECD, despite expectations the far-reaching reforms of the late 1980s and early 1990s – which the OECD championed – would reverse that.”…
Yeah , funny that.
And its also funny that the IMF came right and said neo liberalism is a failed experiment a short while ago. Yet we still have this failed system in place in NZ and all the wankers who support it.
Maybe we should listen to people like COUNTRYBOY more often and start to hear the laughter… laughter emanating from Australian banks who drive up housing and interest rates and plunder huge profits at our expense and haul that bullion bank into their safe house bank vaults… watcha’ reckon?…
And while were at it, – start getting honest and grow a pair and stop listening to all these types who try to saddle us all with false guilt and call us intolerant and that we should accept a ‘ multicultural ‘ society. I’ve got a question for them though… since WHEN was this country NOT a multicultural one ?
And since when relative to most other country’s are we suddenly an intolerant one? When we start to disagree with their political agenda? Their schemes for using people for their pecuniary advantages?
And if any of these wankers want to start criticizing this country as being ‘intolerant’, – let ’em just remember after the ChCh shootings that
A ) It was a foreigner who committed that act,…and…
B ) The amount of grief that was poured out over that incident and went on for months and is still ongoing is not indicative of ‘ intolerance’ , – but EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE !!!
I dont know about you , dear reader, – but I get sick and tired of these self appointed characters trying to saddle us with their political agenda and whats worse, – trying to disguise it as some holier than thou bullshit delivered down from on high that is designed to educate and instruct the great unwashed of the error of their ways…
When all it is , is a crude , snide, cynical attempt to push their political agenda to cover up their real grabastic inclinations and intentions for greater profits and minimal wages.
If these same A – holes were that concerned about being so lovery dovey towards humanity they wouldn’t have a problem with higher wages and a healthy Trade Union movement to enforce fairness. But they do and yet are the same crowd trying to keep this cheap worker immigration kick alive and well.
Even that in itself proves they are just full of shit lying globalistic money grubbers.
No, I’m backing Jones for sure on this issue.
This is right on the money: “Stop listening to all these types who try to saddle us all with false guilt and call us intolerant and that we should accept a ‘ multicultural ‘ society. I’ve got a question for them though… since WHEN was this country NOT a multicultural one?”
The most intolerant races are people migrating to NZ shores based on world data!
It beggars belief that you can apparently be so anti neoliberal and support Shane Jones who is so obviously neoliberal? It shows that either you dont understand neoliberalism or are only committed to it in name. Shane Jones is good with all the immigrant and migrant agriculture and horticulture workers as well as some of the horrific work conditions of the fishing industry as exposed by Mike Field. Why? Because it makes money for the business people that support him. But of course Shane will be quite happy to turn the screws so that these workers lives will be more of a hell than before all egged on by people who say they are reclaiming their sovereignty. I guess it will be gratifying for some who can then just say if they dont like it they can just not come? Talk about goosestepping towards authoritarianism.
As for me, I observe the neo liberals over the last 3 decades and conclude NZ First while having to work in and around the other neo liberal party’s and govt’s, – including this one, – is a centrist nationalist party. And by nationalist I mean a mild one, – that has many policy’s and values of pre 1984 vintage. If you recall, Peters left National and formed NZ First because of asset sales and fundamental disagreements with Nationals neo liberal direction and Ruth Richardson and Jenny Shipley- who effectively sacked him.
Peters and NZ First still maintain that stance today.
Its all in the name, – NZ First.
Not India, England, France or China, – New Zealand.
And that also includes our local customs and values , – along with our laws.
+1 @ SaveNZ
Shane Jones , its good to see some body calling a spade a spade and not a bloody shovel .
Trouble is, most modern day ‘urban liberals’ have never seen a shovel or spade, and would not know what to do with it. That is part of this country’s problems, they also run down ‘polluting’ farmers, yet drive their SUVs everywhere everyday, polluting the air, thinking they ‘need’ to do this to get around.
They do not care who fills their bags at the supermarket, who pumps their petrol, or serves them cheap meals at the take away, they are quite happy to have low paid immigrants from where-ever do this, as they simply want cheap goods and convenience.
You forget to mention all the ‘polluting’ overseas trips and cruises that the zero carbon people often are taking…
or how our gig economy means that people need to drive more from their job A to B, B to C, C back to A etc…
all very well talking about the neoliberal fantasy of expanding NZ to the population of the UK, but not only do many of those people in Europe have a set 40 hours working weeks at the same job and exceptional public transport.
In NZ people are scolded when travelling to multiple jobs by the woke spreading like a plague through government organisations, but also fail to understand that workers/contracters are not expected to use their own vehicles for work and drive all over the place and there is zero opportunity to use public transport as it simply does not go anywhere apart from main hubs, is expensive and slow moving, examples… can anyone imagine support workers, construction workers, uber drivers, fast food drivers, chorus workers and people with zero hour contracts going to work on public transport?
In addition our workforce is increasingly being made up of low wage part time workers on zero hour contracts who are being laid off, then being called in back to work in particular the retail, tourism, food industry…. it was even discovered that bus drivers are apparently laid off during the afternoons unpaid when it is quiet only to be expected to work again in the evenings… wonder why they can’t get anyone to work for them anymore apart from temp workers expecting to get citizenship for their troubles….
Labour and Greens have no credibility on most issues now, for example while Greens are starting identity wars and getting constant press around ‘ok boomer’, delete yourself bro, old, white men, polluting farmers, evil homeowners and landlords, everyone apart from Asians are racist especially post CHCH… you realise that everyday it’s an insult to another identity group as the current Greens manage to insult and alienate 95% of the NZ population, and their champions of the 5% that qualify not to be insulted are often migrant wage exploiters and fraudsters or refugees who are somehow given a hallowed status even if like all the other identity groups are both good and bad with completely different views and circumstances, so it is completely stupid to put people into identity groups in the first place!
Labour is pretty much the same in their inability to stop fraudsters, criminals and exploiters coming to NZ and like their ghost houses that can not be created for the amount of inward migration, people are also expected to now travel on ghost public transport!
Meanwhile Labour back down for any identity group (aka Indian arranged marriages, migrant aged parents) for immigration visas to bring more people into NZ to the ghost housing, ghost transport, ghost decent jobs, which is the opposite of what they got into power on!
It is an absolute nightmare as a voter, as the Natz are even worse!
What to do?
Sorry, edit should read , “understand that workers/contracters are expected to use their own vehicles for work and drive all over the place”
We should go one step further and restrict the right to vote to new Zealand citizens only.
And make citizenship harder and taking more than 10 years to do, because at present you can buy it with a political donation within days and then move on… What does that say about democracy here!
don’t worry about paying your debts back
Mainzeal’s Yan says NZ laws don’t apply in China, won’t pay back $18m
Criminal activity not an issue!
Not even mentioning all the hundreds of thousands low waged workers gaining citizenship and permanent residency and then bringing more people into NZ via marriage, relatives and work permits and making money out of the growing Ponzi and militant demands on more and more visas and welfare to be paid to them here!
I can only assume from this comment that you don’t actually have to be a citizen to vote in elections here . . if that is indeed the case what the hell are we thinking? What do you have to do then to be eligible to vote in our elections? Proven ownership of a K Bar and a vague understanding of what a jandal is? A donation receipt to the National Party?
Yeah mate- lets not confuse a jandal with a thong,… the latter is the Aussie term. Like prawns on the barbie, – when it should have been kebabs or lamb chops.
But yeah ,…what was it about when we learned one Chinese is supposedly worth two Indians when it came to donations to the National ( ChiNational ) party?
And that the same party likes to give MP positions to former Chinese spy trainers ,… something even the Aussies wouldn’t do?
For a party boasting about being the ‘sensible economic managers’ , – they sure seem desperate… still I guess, when you’ve become the opposition, … anything goes,… right?
I think you might find that being a nz citizen is already a requirement for voting…
Who can vote in NZ elections?
Similarities between a resident and a permanent resident visa[edit]
The holder of any resident class visa is entitled:[1]
to stay in New Zealand indefinitely
to work in New Zealand or in the exclusive economic zone of New Zealand
to study in New Zealand
to receive free or subsidised health care at publicly funded health services.[2]
to free education at state-run primary and secondary schools, and subsidised fees for domestic students at private schools and tertiary institutions.[3]
to enrol and vote in elections (after one year of residence).[4][5]
to receive a social security benefit (after two years’ residence for Jobseeker Support, Sole Parent Support and Supported Living Payment; after ten years’ residence for New Zealand Superannuation; varies for other benefits).
to sponsor a partner, parents or dependent children during their visa application[6]
(Who in their right mind allows voting after living one year in a country, free health and education, jobseeker, DPB, & assisted benefits after 2 years in the country, free super within 10 years)
Relatives also free to tag along and join in the freebies!
I totally agree with Jones on this issue and heard the interview on RNZ and found myself agreeing with everything he said.
We decide who comes here and the rules in getting citizenship should not be changed too suit a particular migrant group.
As kiwis we don’t inhabit other countries and expect special treatment or a say that countries affairs.
The only exception is Australia and you either accept the rules or come home.
There are some issues i don’t like their stand on but on this they have my support.
It is time we started too speak up and not be afraid any more.
Arranged marriages are racist in intent and effect, and Ms Ardern has only agreed to facilitate them because she wishes to maintain a “divide and rule” multi-cultural policy in this country.
However Mr Jones also upholds racist policies, not least the constitutional requirement for the New Zealand Head of State to be of British descent.
The colonial system offers no way forward to a non-racial mono-cultural nationhood which is the only hope for future peace and harmony in this land.
Rangatiratanga and kotahitanga is the one and only viable alternative to colonialist policies of divide and rule.
The issue is less about immigration and more about human rights – it is a human right for a woman to freely choose her own partner.
Until Indian women demand this right, NZ should not condone forced/arranged marriages – just as NZ does not allow FGM.
A good article from Chris Trotter.
Birds of a feather flock together.
“Multiculturalism” contrary to what its proponents assert creates heterogeneous societies. societies that are fractured, clanning trumps assimilation especially where the cultural divides are great. And all of that is great for rulers as a divided society is a much more compliant society.
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Back in the early 1990s,my family suffered badly at the hands of one of the Sikh community,who had been granted refugee status.
In the nearly thirty years since then I have taken note of the endless litany of offences against our customary way of life, the previously unheard of crimes, often against their fellow Indians.
At the next election, 250000 current or former licensed firearm owners are going to, almost certainly, give their PARTY vote to ACT.
NZF might just have lured a few their way.
Either way, good bye J and your clueless friends, and good riddance.
Dude, you’ve stumbled into the wrong blog. The one you’re after is:
Jones is not a leader, rather a panderer. He gives comfort to some of the provincial white blokes and their women folk with the blonde bobs and sunnies.
US uni trained Shane’s blind spot is that he sometimes forgets he is actually Maori, such has been his personal privilege and co-option into what passes for the NZ elites of politics and business.
He could be formidable if his talents were devoted to the service of the working class. As it is, he is no better than any other anti migrant politician rarking up division to attract votes.
… ‘ He gives comfort to some of the provincial white blokes and their women folk with the blonde bobs and sunnies ‘…
Oh no,… he also gives comfort to Maori community’s in Northland who have long been bypassed in regional development. And other Maori community’s up and down the country , – as well as a ‘ pan ‘ Maori continuity of Maori representation in parliament.
All of which is good and right.
Well said Tiger Mountain
I do not usually think much of Shane Jones, but he is right about his comments re immigration policy and arranged marriages that the Indian migrants kind of demand as a privilege for themselves:
Jacinda Ardern has made a statement now, that does basically support arranged marriage for Indian migrants.
What is next, some will ask, having multiple wives as some Muslim men claim they are entitled to have, the Sharia law in New Zealand to be enforced besides the normal judicial system?. We are already moving towards special judicial treatment of Maori, which some find difficult to accept. But Maori are at least native New Zealanders, having their existing culture, or what is left of it.
If arranged marriages are ok for Indians, I want my right also, as a non Indian, to exercise arranged marriage then, e.g. for my kids. Otherwise we have cultural discrimination, favouring Indians.
And what do feminists say about all this???
Let us wait and see, I expect NZ First to announce very soon the end of the ‘coalition’ government, given disagreement on something substantial, e.g. immigration policy. They will force an early election and get at least eight percent in the vote.
Read between the lines and watch developments closely, NZ First is looking to get out of the deal with Jacinda, as she is one trying to please all, but also one that will try to make NZ First dispensable.
I would like to see a public referendum on the immigration situation. It has been many, many years since I have heard a New Zealand born citizen support what is happening in this country re immigration. Someone, somewhere else is dictating New Zealand’s course in the world and it is time we claimed New Zealand back and ran our own country, “by the people for the people”.
And you think Shane in the pocket of big business Jones is the man to do that? Hope springs eternal I spose
All for one, and one for all.
In most political-administrative units of this shared globe, speaking of nation states, it is very easy making political capital by appealing on perceived traditional or cultural sentiments. Reaction and attention from by-standers are always guaranteed.
People who regard themselves in the tradition and history of rational argumentation, enlightenment and open-mindedness may avoid using this spring-trap of often twisted emotions, as the ghosts released possibly come back to haunt them.
Once out of the bottle, it is difficult getting the Jinni back in.
Certainly, population policy is very important, but for practical reasons of getting some sort of control over population growth, exploitation of human and natural resources, and the devastating ecological footprint presently associated to it.
The main antagonisms are not these between ethnic groups, men and women, old and young, different spiritual experiences, but those between capital and labour. If this central yardstick is getting out of sight, orientation is lost and confusion starts to reign.
No place for romantic longings.
Arranged marriage are not necessarily or even commonly forced marriages, so the issue is not about women’s rights as one commenter has suggested here.
The problem with arranged marriages is that they are always, without exception, designed to perpetuate class, caste and racial divisions.
In short, they are a disgraceful evil.
Arranged marriages are designed to prevent inter-racial or inter-caste marriages and cultural assimilation of the second and subsequent generations of immigrants into native New Zealand society.
I can see why Ms Ardern is in favour. Her policy is to maintain racial and cultural distinctions in order to divide, rule and exploit all ethnic elements in her vaunted multicultural society. But I do not think that right-thinking decent-minded New Zealanders will have a bar of Jacinda’s arranged marriage immigration policy.
The average kiwi was better off when the population was 3 million. Who profits from immigration? Bosses and migrants from poor countries prepared to undercut kiwi living standards. There is nothing in it for the average Joe.
We live in a beautiful pacific island why overpopulate it. Cap the population at an environmentally sustainable 5 million. And cap the tourist visitors at 5 million too.
+1 Joseph
A population limit globally will be determined by how much environment we destroy with over population that we have had for decades.
NZ looses environment as our population increases and we follow the wasteful false “economic” dreams to make the rich richer and promise crumbs to the rest.
The environment is crumbling globally and in NZ
Less people and more local community resilience for food and shelter security.
By the way we need to learn how to use much less energy, much much less.
I don’t think you’ve ever confiscated a mobile phone from a millennial. It’s like the French Revolution all over again.
Why would anyone imagine Shane Jones would be any more honourable than Winston Peters when it comes to fulfilling pledges on the campaign trail about immigration?
Peters went into the coalition negotiations with Labour in 2017 with a pledge to cut net immigration to 10,000 a year but emerged having effectively dropped the issue… yet, he managed to extract a $3 billion slush fund to be spent in the provinces.
He could easily have wrangled a promise out of Labour to make a serious dent in immigration (given Ardern had made noises about doing just that) but he didn’t. Jones will be exactly the same as his leader. It’s simply an election ploy to pass the 5 per cent barrier.
That is why NZ First is on the rocks, they abandoned their key tenants, aka low immigration and keep NZ assets in NZ and workers Kiwi’s…
“He could easily have wrangled a promise out of Labour to make a serious dent in immigration (given Ardern had made noises about doing just that) but he didn’t.”
That is what makes voting so hard for people, Labour, Greens and NZ First got into power and abandoned their promises, just like the Natz!
Voters who want to hold politicians to account can’t, because they all reneged on their promises!
There is still parties like Mana that work against the neoliberal and for local interests, to consider if they come back…
The reason is because you can only do so much with 7%. Also NZs economy is a pyramid scheme and our economy would hit a brick wall if immigration were to drop to 10000 net so quickly – although in the long run it would be a good thing.
In other words they are actually doing what a lot of New Zealanders actually want which is what govt is supposed to be about. That said they wont be getting my vote again after supporting Labours stance on the CP-TPP.
Yes, it was disappointing when NZ First along with National and Labour ganged up on Hone Harawira to demolish MANA and by association,… entrench the illegal Police raids on Kim DotCom,… ( one of the biggest abuses of power of the John Key led National governments , and to NZ’s shame … ) I voted for the MANA / Internet party that election,… and was also a disappointment regards the TTPA.
I can respect the Greens on abstaining from that disgusting episode, however… regards this issue, I am with Jones and NZ First.
There is time for action , there is time for diplomacy , and there is time for putting ones foot down. Immigration levels need to be trimmed right back.
One can have whatever view of arranged marriages, and mine are not positive.
I also don’t think some in the Indian community are right in expecting themsleves to be treated any differently from other migrant communities when it comes to requirements for residency, on account of feudal practices – however I don’t know all the details, so my comment is simply one based on a preliminary understanding.
But whatever the case, that does not give Jones the right to indulge in wildly racist rhetoric, that stirs up ill-feeling towards any group of people.
People from all groups can do bad things, make unreasonable demands –does not justify attacks on them along ethnic lines –otherwise it would be the Chinese one day, Samoans the next, etc
The govt could certainly hold fast to making Indian partners wait in line exactly the same as everyone else on the one hand, while condemning Jones for his wildly inflammatory statements on the other hand. There is no contradiction here.
“Threat to tangata whenua?” REALLY?
You sound like a limpid british colonialist HANGOVER.
Grow up.
My opinion is that arranged marrages are not part of our culture and it appears that the Indian communuty wants New Zealand to change to suit their culture.
There are also two other issues. The Dowry paid by the brides family to the bridegrooms family. Is this just another scam. What is a New Zealand citizenship worth.
Secondly is cousin marrages or interbreeding which is common with arranges marrages.
I agree with Jones that if you don’t like the way we do things then don’t come.
There are around seven billion people in the world, the vast majority of them would be better off if they lived in New Zealand with our standard of living and our environment. But if they all come everyone will be far worse off. especially those of us fortunate enough to live here already. The solution to world poverty is not to flood NZ with migrants. Solutions need to be found in the countries that migrants want to come here from. If we can help with that in any way we should, But handing the heritage of our children and grandchildren to strangers and foreigners is not what we should be doing. I have to agree with Mr Jones on this though I suspect his convictions are as flexible as any other politician’s .However all one can do in the voting booth is to assume they mean what they say, and even if you doubt their sincerity at least you are still making a statement as to your own priorities, and perhaps that’s how democracy should work. With politicians having no convictions of their own and just adapting to what the voters seem to want, as long as they then work toward that.
Good grief. And what if they are serial liars? This time is different?
But what if they aren’t,… after all, we have only had a see saw back and forth between Labour and National… so how do we know? And by the same token, neo liberalism. And it was neo liberalism that imposed this unwarranted out of control immigration on us all.
Jones seeks to address that.
And the more you type , the more I’m convinced doing something about it is the right way to go. I’ll be voting NZ First this coming election.
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