National’s hate fest blitzkrieg against beneficiaries


Gangs, meth houses and anti-vaxxers targeted in National’s social services proposal

Gangs, meth houses and anti-vaxxers are targeted in National’s social services policy proposal, which also explores the prospect of putting a time limit on the dole for people under 25. 

The National Party’s Social Services Discussion Document released on Wednesday – the party’s fifth so far – asks the public for feedback on a range of proposals around welfare, social housing, poverty, children and parental care. 

National leader Simon Bridges said he understands that “sometimes people need help to get back on their feet”, but that help is “paid for through the taxes paid by all New Zealanders – so there needs to be accountability and obligations met in return”. 

No one lost votes in Nu Zilind by bashing the dirty filthy bennie, and Simon’s hate fest blitzkrieg against beneficiaries masquerading as social policy is a raw meat play to the petty prejudices of his snarling voter base.

Nu Zilinders love to bash the dirty filthy bennie the way American’s love handguns – it’s the same spectrum of petty spiteful insecurities falsely projected as righteousness.

This isn’t a dog whistle, it’s a canine trumpet blasting out a promise to all those seething ruddy necks who eye welfare cheques with envy and despise brown people getting something they don’t. It is an enticement to angry intolerance of the other with all the counterproductive blow back that brings.

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Some of National’s proposed policies:

    • making sure gang members and associates cannot exploit taxpayer support

Look, no one ‘likes’ gangs but draconian crack downs on a community of people already poised on an eruption of gang violence between domestics & 501s seems like the worst idea. There are reasons Gangs are growing now, so deal with those causes rather than exacerbate the symptoms.

    • returning the sanction for sole parents who don’t name the liable parent

If a mother isn’t providing the name of the father, it’s usually because that father is abusive and the mother is desperately attempting to get away from that situation. Punishing the mother for that is cruel and highlights how bankrupt the child support system really is if compelling women to do this is required.

    • not giving the benefit to parents who don’t vaccinate their children

Note the middle class yoga mums who read on Facebook that vaccinations and gluten cause autism won’t be punished here, just the poor who don’t have the money to visit clinics for follow up service will be punished.

    • making sure tenants who contaminate a house with meth be notified to the police and Oranga Tamariki if children are involved

The most audacious idea to dob any beneficiary into Oranga Tamariki if a home tests for meth is outrageous when you consider the enormous damage National caused last time with their state house meth hysteria which saw landlords and the Government needlessly spend millions on decontamination that wasn’t scientific. National want to extend this hysteria to all houses regardless if there isn’t any proof the parent is the one who has smoked the meth.

    • introducing a target of having 90 percent of pregnant women register with a Lead Maternity Carer in their first trimester

If all the policies are aimed at catching poor people out so they can be narked on for some breach, then those people will stop trusting health agencies and shun them, as is happening now because of Oranga Tamariki’s uplift policy.

This social policy announcement is an intellectually bankrupt vengeance fantasy, and will do nothing whatsoever in making the lives of those requiring welfare better in any way shape or form.

National want to make welfare a stick to beat the poor with, not help those in need maintain some dignity and agency to help themselves become more resilient and independent.

This isn’t social policy, it’s counterproductive bullshit and serves only to excite malicious voters to the ballot box.

It is embarrassing that this is the standard of debate in 2019.


  1. Martyn. Please. Most people get their pittance paid into a bank account. And I don’t think colour comes into this. Lots of pale people are beneficiaries, too.
    “welfare cheques with envy and despise brown people getting something they don’t.”

    Perhaps if they returned to calling it ‘social security’ ? Yeah, nah. They might have to actually get a few of the departments WORKING. (And Labour. Another shower all talk and no practicality.)

    Other than that – you’ve nailed it. Thanks.

  2. Martyn, you say “There are reasons gangs are growing now, so deal with those causes rather than exacerbate the symptoms.” but you dont say what those reasons are. I really want to know. I cant see why gangs are not banished or heavily fined for wearing a patch. Is there something I am missing here?

    • Bonash is it? Yes, I have been blogging relentlessly on how National Party legislation inadvertently reset the economic dynamics of the drug industry and have been responsible for converting cannabis growers into meth cooks, I have blogged many times on how Stuart Nash loses the election for Labour because of the NZ Police lack of focus on the 501s and I have written many blogs on the looming gang war and the economic dynamics that are fuelling it. I’ve ebven written a long list of solutions.

      I’d say maybe 20 blogs on this issue.

  3. Simon has confirmed his position as the Trump of the South Pacific. He is now a political caricature exhibiting pathologies consistent with a late-stage failed career. He is a dog-whistling projector of abusive, tired rhetoric which he is using to disguise his own life. He preaches morality openly while doing dirty deals and abusing his colleagues in private. He is the leader of the largest gang in New Zealand however he doesn’t have the support of the patched members of the National Party. As a flaccid crime boss he is a welfare beneficiary to the tune of over $300,000 annually, more than 20 times what a job seeker receives, while jobseekers often work much harder than he. His words are repetitive and juvenile, his attacks empty and dull. We’ve heard it all before from Simon and his enablers, and God it’s boring.

  4. Quintessential National Party.

    Divisive class warfare. Attack the most vulnerable and those not in a position to defend themselves. Gutter politics but exactly what we’ve come to expect from National.

    There are only two things that come out of their announcement. One intended and one not.

    The intended goal was throw raw meat to their supporters who think people on benefits are just lazy feral scum. The unintended result is National has again proven they have learned nothing from previous beneficiary bashing policies and the devastating impact they had.

    In 1991 the National Party introduced benefit cuts. Tens of thousands of struggling folk at the bottom were again treated with contempt by National. The cuts had a devastating impact but were very popular with Me Me Me Party supporters. I’m surprised they didn’t advocate having all beneficiaries put down. I assume the hypocrisy of conservative Christian pro life brigade within National saved those on benefits from a Hitler style extermination policy.

    From day 1 of this Government all National have done from the sidelines is throw shit, ridicule, undermine and misrepresent. They produce absolutely nothing yet when they do put their own cards on the table, all they do is prove yet again what divisive latrine rodents they really are.

    Our Government is setting out to fix Nationals 9 years of divisive carnage better known as a “rock star economy”. So many people were treated like human garbage while the investment portfolios of National Party supporters blossomed in epic fashion. The difference between National and Labour is epitomized by three individuals.

    Jacinda Ardern.

    Simon Bridges.
    Paula Bennett.

    Here we go……again.

  5. Anti vaccination folk and gangs are seen as soft targets by the Nats so targeting them will gain them new support….beep! wrong again. Closer examination is required. Much closer.

    It is correct that not having your child vaccinated can potentially result in devastating consequences for your child and others. Not vaccinating can be incredibly selfish and seen as such by the Nats who are attempting to tap into that with voters but shortsighted cosmetic policy will help nobody.

    My wife has worked in numerous vaccination campaigns. There are three groups. Number 1 group understand the risks and don’t hesitate vaccinating their children. The second group are those that have very likely read totally false anti vax propaganda. They become convinced their child may suffer some horrendous event if vaccinated so make a decision they believe is in their child’s best interests and refuse to vaccinate. It’s widely accepted that these people are NOT beneficiaries. The third group are the “I can’t be arsed” group. Their demographic is also widely accepted. Punishing those families is absurd. What’s really needed is more positive incentive. Education and a Countdown voucher would work perfectly. That would reach the very heart of where the recent costly outbreak began and grew.

    A positive approach is necessary. Punishing a small group who feel convinced they are protecting their children is not the answer. Same applies with the larger can’t be arsed group. Incentives and education are the answer.

    Go head to head with the anti vax brigade and destroy their incredibly damaging well funded misinformation campaigns.

    Very simplistic to attack all gangs as one size fits all. There are big numbers of disillusioned people around. They are round pegs who don’t fit into societies square holes. They often reside in areas that don’t have a lot of hope for them but that’s where their whanau is. Being part of a gang is not something I’d ever want for my loved ones but I do understand that not everyone is suitable to join Rotary and Round Table etc. People join these groups for a lot of reasons but a big reason is to be around like minded people. Why would you want to punish such people? If there is proven criminal activity within such groups / gangs then lock them up. How are WINZ going to prove someone in a gang is making money from criminal activity if the courts have been unable to prove that? Ridiculous situation that would cause chaos and hurt.

    Some gangs are doing everything possible to help young people and others make positive changes in their life. They are making a huge positive difference and we should applaud that….NOT condemn it. One size does most definitely not fit all in this area.

    What a shame that wanker Bridges declined a genuine invite from a senior gang leader to witness the positive changes being made. Bridges would rather pedal ignorant divisive hatred. Nothing good will come from that. Only bad.

    • soimon is a wanker but i prefer to call him a c…t he lives in Tauranga where there are many just like him. Just look at the Tauranga council unlike Rotorua it does not reflect the diversity it reflects red neckism

  6. If we band gangs from wearing patches are we going to ban women wearing head scarfs because in the Hutt Valley people were angry that women can wear a full head scarfs total cover in the mall but our teenages are banned from wearing a hoody. And the same applies to Maori with our ta moko, this is our culture but we get ban from bars/restaurants, now is this fair.

  7. Seems to me the choices are between bad and worse when it comes to govt in this country. Maybe time we all got off the two party round a bout.

  8. I was under the impression that three parties formed the coalition government-that is two more than Sean stated.

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