GUEST BLOG: Willie Jackson – Taxpayer’s Union need to grow up


It is outrageous that the so called ‘Taxpayer’s Union’, a right wing attack club fronted by Dirty Politics agent Jordan Williams, attacked the Māori custom of Koha this week as some sort of corrupt Ministerial bribe.

In a week when a racist blackface float won second prize in New Zealand, having Williams attack Kelvin Davis and Koha shows how ignorant some people are towards Māori customs and basic cultural respect. Koha is not a bribe, it is a way to show gratitude towards being hosted, to try and make political point scoring off a universal trait within Māori culture is dog whistling racism at its most underhand.

To allege something as fundamental as a cultural tradition of generosity can be warped into corruption and bribery without any evidence whatsoever is ugly and beneath us as a nation of people in the 21st century. This grim ignorance should not be allowed to pass without condemnation, the hundreds of Marae I’ve visited over the years would be insulted to hear that allegation and it suggests a group of people who are either ignorant of the cultural practise or are maliciously implying corruption where none exists.

To muddy the reputation of someone as honourable as Kelvin Davis in this manner is beneath contempt. Jordan and his mates at the so called Taxpayer’s Union need to grow up.

Willie Jackson is the Minister for Employment 


  1. Jordan Williams is so creeeepy…

    Ignore them, probably trying to distract with another race war, that politicians seem to fall for a lot.

  2. Koha is a complete joke.

    It’s a get-out-of-jail-free card for Maori caught poaching.

    The sooner New Zealand finishes the last tribal claim and shuts down the whole Maori circus, the better.

  3. the taxpayers’ union needs to tell us who funds them…

    their vritish version – the taxpayers’ alliance – has just admitted they are funded by an american rightwing billionaire…

    is the nz taxpaters’ union receiving funding from the same/a similar source..?

    have any journalists asked that trout who fronts it that question..?

  4. Andrew, your comment is incoherent – jumbled – ignorant. Helena are you new to NZ? Most pakeha find out about koha by getting involved in something where it is common practice. Perhaps if you google it, you’ll find an explanation.

    • Janio, thank you. But my question stands. I’ll rephrase: what was the Koha given and why was it given to a Minister of the Government?

      Andrew’s comment is clearly his opinion, blunt as it may be. I may or may not agree with Andrew. I do disagree with your condescending comment. Don’t bother looking up the word here’s the explanation:

      • No, Helena, Kota was NOT given to a government minister. The government minister gave koha to a Marae the minister visited.

        You know, much like how pakeha give gifts to visiting dignitaries, the Queen, other Royals, etc. But evidently when pakeha give gifts to other pakeha, that’s ok and not a peep from the so-called “taxpayers union”.

          • You ignorant moron.
            You don’t recognize white culture because to you, culture is something that you take out of the box from time to time and play with.
            The fact is that for most Maori their culture is actually western culture and barely a single Maori would swap it for traditional Maori culture which is still stuck in the dark ages.

  5. I like the photo of Jordan Williams. I like the look.

    It’s the look he probably had when promising Rachel MacGregor and her lawyer he would keep her story and documents she’d entrusted to him confidential. Which he used.

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