Santa banned from NZ Santa Parade for saying only men can play Santa – people about to lose their shit in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


If you thought NZ was furious about cops being kicked out of the Hero Parade for wearing their uniforms – wait until they hear Santa has been banned from the Santa Parade…

Farmers sack Santa for Sunday’s Christmas parade after ‘inappropriate’ comments on women
Farmers is ditching its longstanding Santa for tomorrow’s Christmas parade, after the man behind the beard said he wouldn’t hire women to play Father Christmas.

My Santa director Neville Baker last weekend told the Herald on Sunday he does not cast any female applicants for the role of Santa.

“They apply, and you say, ‘have you misread the ad?’ Putting politically correct things to one side, there’s a certain character people expect to find when they come to meet Santa,” Baker said.

…my first thought was that Lizzie Marvelly, Alison Mau, Marama ‘white dudes delete themselves’ Davidson and micro-aggression policing millennials at The Spinoff had joined forces and had called Santa out for his heteronormative white cis male privilege, I mean how many other women and people of colour can just break into your house in the middle of the night and hang out with your kids?

Why stop at banning Santa from being Santa? Let’s get him to steal the presents from the rich kids and give them to the poor kids and only allow presents to be vouchers for a polyamorous vegan eco village in Wellington.

Personally I’m waiting for the Pride Parade Organisers to accuse Santa of war crimes and genocide.

Banning Santa over his belief only men can play Santa is the sort of satire you can’t actually write.

This inane self censoring sensitivity in an age of social media virtue signalling outrage olympics has finally  gone to a whole new place.

I’m laughing so hard I’m crying.

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  1. And we think we here in little ole NZ that the whole ‘world’ is mad! Fuck! I think we had better have a another look in the fuck’n mirror!

    • We are just as capable of delusion as anyone else, it would appear.

      Just like Netball New Zealand for not wanting a bar of men playing netball – had they never heard of social netball? Such a sport existed at my brothers school and my school (he went to St. Andrews College and I went to Burnside High) in the 1990’s.

  2. And you still only get crickets from these folks if asked about letting men play in women’s sports (and vice versa) in the name of the “equality” they so desperately seek. Who wouldn’t just love to see Gender Neutral Olympics with no separate men’s and women’s events? How about forcing the All Blacks having to have at least half of its team members women? How many women want to model for men’s underwear (and vice versa – think male Victoria Secret models)? Imagine if the US NBA forced white players into the teams in the name of “diversity” and “representation”? A female Santa? Oh wait – that’s real now? How about having a man play the Queen? Sounds great, don’t it?
    Basic common sense in this tiny minority of people who think the ultimate Gender Utopia can be found in any of the above is seriously lacking.

    • I thought the spat about the Pride Parade was the absolute giddy limit. Now this trumps that totally. This is hilarious. With any luck, unless these clowns get a grip on themselves, by Christmas all these weird groups will have self destructed and they will have retreated to their separate closets out of sheer embarrassment. At last – (a few moments) peace on earth.

  3. This is clearly a Human Rights Issue, or, if Santa is a Being who transcends time and place like God, it could be a supernatural issue and best left in the hands of the Church.

    The Catholic Church, being averse to women priests, may be too partisan.

    The main job specification is to be corn fed and say, “Ho Ho ho”, loudly.

    Several National MP’s of both main genders immediately come to mind.

    Being National, they are far more likely to go around swiping kid’s toys than gifting them, let alone spread any good will.

    Labour is out as they are full of fiscal holes and are too austere – good children deserve good toys.

    This leaves the Greens as the feel-good holistic benefactors, but I know of no sufficiently fatty Greens.

    What a mess.

  4. Santa … toss in air let the letters lay where they fall … S A T A N
    Oh yeah, that’s right. Christmas has never been about the “baby Jesus”. It’s about m o n e y. The o n e e y e.

  5. Hey, if a woman can play Colonel Sanders, they can play Santa. This guy was a moron, and probably breaking the law. Farmers are also idiots not to just hire their own Santa though.

  6. Most people are just expect an “older adult” with a “High Body Mass Index”. So maybe he could compromise and hire some older Butch Lesbian’s? bet there would be a real market for that sort of thing.

    and you all can have that business idea for free..

  7. I think heterosexual white men, or ‘males’ if you prefer, should be banned for not being Gay womin of colour. Who would misandrists hate if there were no heterosexual ‘males’ to focus on? I have a friend who met a fabulous other fellow at a library. They hit it off on more ways that one. This new fellow was robust and hairy and had hands like meat pies. He had a pony tail and had an avid interest in trucks. ( I kid you not. )
    Turns out this woman-parts person who identified as being a fellow was a Gay fellow. It was revealed. In the fullness of time. I asked my devoutly Gay friend ” What’d you think then? When you… y’know?” with a knowing wink. He said with a far away look in his eye… “It was wonderful!” Oh, how we laughed.

    The Santa kerfuffle smacks of a beige fascism. Fascism that starts out beige and ends up being black and red and striding about making a racket. ( Jesus! Sounds like Santa! ? )

  8. Funny blog – both funny ha ha & funny peculiar. Bomber you’re desperate NOT to be PC. As a former female Santa I accuse you of being hung up over women’s rights. Also, of protecting Santa’s role in promoting a big spend-up.

  9. It’s fun how people are getting all frothy about a fictional character. I don’t see guys getting gwumpy when a leggie boobie woman slips into some Coca-Cola colors. You are all slaves. Face it.

  10. And it should also be pointed out that the ‘conventional’ iteration of Santa Claus is a Coca Cola marketing logo.

    “Santa Claus is instead a hybrid, a character descended from a religious figure (St. Nicholas) whose physical appearance and backstory were created and shaped by many different hands over the course of years until he finally coalesced into the now familiar (secular) character of a jolly, rotund, red-and-white garbed father figure who oversees a North Pole workshop manned by elves and travels in a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer to deliver toys to children all around the world every Christmas Eve.”

    A hybrid. Nothing’s more Christmassy and snuggly around the faux log fire than knowing Santa Claus is a hybrid.
    Fabulous Steven Hawking wrote that the ‘Universe’, the entire Universe, will become the way it’s observed.
    Don’t you then think we should all be careful of what we wish for.

    • CountryBoy:
      > “And it should also be pointed out that the ‘conventional’ iteration of Santa Claus is a Coca Cola marketing logo.”

      I too believed this for years, and it is true the sellers of the sweetened snake blood have used the image of Santa to flog their product, but apparently the modern image of Santa Claus had already coalesced well before they started doing that:

      Learning this taught me a) not be believe everything I hear or read just because it fits my prejudices, and b) to check my facts before I go around repeating things I’ve heard or read as gospel fact. Well … it was one experience that pushed me in that direction …

  11. Oh, let’s squish a European cultural practice lest it Offend Someone.
    (Even if it was annexed by Coca Cola for the whole festive marketing schmeer.)

    Naff off!

  12. Well, well, well, how interesting these times are.

    Let us look at who ‘Santa’ is based on, where the whole idea or fable like distortion comes from:

    So is ‘Claus’ the name of a woman, is ‘Nicholas’ a known female name?

    While I have no objections to a woman dressing up as ‘Santa’, with beard and coat, I find it a bit absurd to make this kind of scene.

    Next we will hear that churches have to stop claiming Jesus was a male, not a ‘son’ but a ‘daughter’ of so called ‘Virgin Mary’, or dare so of ‘God’.

    I presume to some PC mad idiots Jesus will only be allowed to be presented as a trans gender person, so to cause no further offense.

    And Mohamed will have been a woman dressed up as a male prophet also. Let us not stop there, abolish the genders male and female, as these are biased and thus offensive. Make every person gender neutral, so to not offend the few who may be offended by being categorised as whatever they would rather not be categorised as.

  13. Seems a bit like petty passengers on the sinking Titanic arguing about the dinner table settings, ignoring the ship is sinking (remember climate change catastrophe).

  14. Outlets like The Spinoff just want to emulate American media and are total NPCs, having no internal dialog off their own.

    ALL media in NZ should be ashamed of themselves! NZ is rife with slavery and blatant exploitation of immigrant workers. It is so bad that the powers that be wont even investigate, due to both lack of resources and will. This situation should be front page news day in and day out~!!!

    Who cares about Santa, the man is dressed for winter in the height of summer, promotes consumerism, doesn’t embrace person grooming, promotes obesity and is often seen with rosacea of the nose – which is synonymous with alcoholism!

    He is a discussing character, even his name, ‘Santa’ can be rearranged to spell Satan. Also ‘St Nicholas’ was an early Christian bishop in Myra, therefore he was a Roman Catholic, this makes ‘Santa’ a heretic compared to the teachings of Jesus.

    Discussing character, ban him from NZ airspace I say~!!!

  15. This is tedious. Father Christmas is male. Section 27 of the Human Rights Act allows what would otherwise be discrimination if one biological sex is a genuine requirement for the job. If only the average IQ in New Zealand were higher.

  16. I want to make sure I understand this before I am crucified…. this argument is about the gender identity of an imaginary being whose main purpose is to encourage overconsumption and retail spending….. yeah I’m good with that.

  17. In the Dutch tradition of SintaKlaus he has helpers called Zwarte Piet (Black Pete’s) who are blackfaced to represent the Moorish Spanish

    In some Dutch interpretations, the Black is made to look like soot from the chimneys

  18. It was a very brief item seriously and briefly read out in the main news tonight, on one of the Channels (TV 1, I think).

    We have polar ice melt at record speed, we have the highest CO2 concentration on the atmosphere since 800,000 years of history, we have record methane emissions, we have ecological and humanitarian crisis all over the continents (species dying, becoming extinct, forests chopped down to make room for cattle farms or palmoil plantations, oceans filled with plastic, sealevels rising, pollution everywhere, wars in Yemen, mass starvation and diseases, anti biotics becoming ineffective, etc, etc.), and people argue about SANTA, to be allowed to be presented by a man or a woman.

    FFS, people have LOST the PLOT, we have a society ripe for the white coated mental health workers to mass incarcerate them, as they will become a danger to their own, and others.

  19. As Santa, or Mother Christmas, I did not wear a beard Marc. I was asked by a group of friends, home schoolers, to do the deed. Not consciously earth shattering, just pleasant.

  20. My knee-jerk reaction to this is to agree with Bomber. Taking away someone’s job is a heavy sanction, and in a democracy, people ought to be protected from being fired for having unpopular or outdated opinions. Seeing the “left” demonstrate a complete lack of solidarity with a fired worker, because they happen to disagree with his outdated opinions, is sad and concerning.

    However, it does occur to me to wonder what purpose it serves for this kind of trivia to become front page news. I mean, think about all the stuff going on in Aotearoa that desperately needs to be reported, and has much more significant effects on people’s lives than one guy being fired from a short, seasonal job for PC reasons. The editors who make these decisions know that reporting this as “news” will provoke shrill reactions both from the PC and anti-PC brigades, and have them at each others’ throats over it on the social medias for weeks. What else might be going on that might not get discussed in any depth, or not noticed at all, because all the available media oxygen is being taken up by Santagate? Food for thought …

    • It was not purely an employment matter, the man is running a kind of contract business, so they ended the contract with the business. He was not an ordinary employee working as Santa.

      So it is thus not really an employment matter. Here is the business he is running, ‘Santa’ from Auckland:

  21. This was another load of BS that was announced today:

    Apparently for the first time in twenty years this was the case.

    While there was some rain in the morning, it stopped for much of the lunchtime, and only after 2 or 2.30 pm was there brief heavy showers.

    It has rained during earlier Santa Parades, so I would suspect, the rain was not the reason for the cancellation and adjournment to 2 December 2018.

    Perhaps they have trouble finding a replacement ‘Santa’?

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