GUEST BLOG: Arthur Taylor – Double Bunking Prison Rapes, my submission on prison narks and punishment for watching Lisa Owen


Double Bunking Prison Rape:

Corrections Dept negligence and the double bunking policy caused this by giving rapist & Black Power member William Katipa his opportunities . No Corrections officer has been held accountable & 50 potential further victims are not being individually notified .

My submissions on prison narks:

My submission (per lawyer Richard Francois ) for next Tuesday’s sentencing appeal by Roberto Harris at the Court of Appeal.

Harris was sentenced to 8 years , 7 months for perjury during the Tamihere trial ..

The case set New Zealand records
– the longest sentence yet imposed for perjury
– the only perjury conviction of a prosecution witness.


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The Visiting Justice ( a solicitor ) sent me to the punishment unit until Sunday , so I’ll be incommunicado . My “crime” was watching my Lisa Owen interview on TV in someone else’s cell while off privileges ( for wearing a beanie in the cold foyer ). This means I’ve lost 6 out of 8 hours computer time this week for preparing my court case against Corrections for arbitrary rules and double bunking.


Arthur Taylor is TDBs prisoner rights blogger currently serving time inside prison.



  1. Good one Arthur how does double bunking inmates rehabilitate people??? I have been in and out of prison for years had the kitchen sink chucked at me for misdemeanor charges all the time double bunked at every prison I was situated and did it teach me anything positive!!!!
    Reforming the Justice system is a priority starting with body cams on every police officer interacting with the public and potential criminals

  2. gee that is childish them stopping you from watching that Lisa Owen interview. I think many of the others raped by katipa would be too embarassed and ashamed to come forward they wont want others to know especially if they are still in prison but even if they are out. 50 potential victims that is a lot of victims and damaged men.

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