Bashing beneficiaries and prisoners – Simon Bridges back on track with National


Simon Bridges ridiculous claims yesterday that beneficiaries need the cruelty his Government imposed on them to be brought back and that every single prisoner inside NZs overcrowded, violent and counterproductive prison system all deserved to be there will be music to the ears of National voters.

The fact National are still soaring in the polls despite the exposure of their grotesque underfunding for 9 years is frightening enough, that Bridges is choosing to go back to the basics of hate to appeal to them is injury to insult.

Fresh from his cross burning tour of the country, Bridges is resetting his narrative to fit in with the low horizon of his hooded followers. Trolls Troll and the worst strategist the Greens ever had, David Cormack, believes National are struggling and Bridges will be quitting soon, but that seems less like insightful political comment and more him writing up a date with someone from Labour’s front bench who felt sorry for him and took him out to the Backbenches Bar for a beer.

Such complacency will be the end of this new Government.

The most interesting insight to where Bridges will be driving National as his comments about Peter Ellis.

Ellis of course is the victim of the worst miscarriage of Justice in NZ. He was convicted during a witch trial hysteria into child abuse where the people of Christchurch ended up believing satanic child pedophilia cult was actually at work at one of their creches.

What was interesting about Bridges wasn’t him admitting our judicial system is corrupt or that there are no actual means to challenge cases that are fundamentally miscarriages of justice, oh no, Bridges honed in on the witch hunt element.

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With post MeToo becoming a left wing version of the Sensible Sentencing Trust, watch for the way Bridges uses the friction that causes for political purposes.



  1. Sanctimony and incompetence have been the hallmarks of this government since before they were even elected.

    Lacking any real policies, instead they’ve appointed over 100 inquiries into things they should already be fully conversant with.

    The voters only have so much patience…

    • “The voters only have so much patience”

      Isnt that why the public didnt re elect the Tories for a 4th term?

      • They did elect them for a 4th term, in that they were the largest party.

        By doing this deal with Labour, Winston has signalled the end of his career and his party in 2020, because nobody will trust him now.

        • It appears you still haven’t come to terms with the fact that National lost power last year. Whatever spin you put on it THEY LOST POWER.
          They lost power because no other parties in parliament trusted them enough to go with them.
          Being able to form a government means your side has more bums on seats than the other side, get it?
          National and ACT together did not have as many bums on seats as Labour, NZ First and the Greens together, get it?
          Ain’t life a bitch sometimes!

        • Is this the same as what happened to United Future and the Maori Party. And also the sham that is the ACT party next time around? By being associated with the treacherous National party, it was inevitable. At least now, we have a reputable coalition.

          I see today that Nationals media spokesman The New Zealand Herald have been going out of their way to promote Bridges,their party and the ever ungracious Hooten.

        • Its called democracy, Andrew. It involves more than one political party. And some basic arithmetic skills.

    • Simon no bridges, no mates and clearly no idea should not be allowed to speak in any Auckland council owned buildings.

      Andrew there is a serious reason why Labour are holding over 100 enquiries… over 100 appalling National party policies. Hardly surprising N.Z. voted the corrupt party out. The maori party, by association, has been destroyed.

      • They’ve had 9 years in opposition, and still haven’t got any policies.

        The real reason behind all this is because they were just ‘virtue signalling’ in opposition, never dreaming they would actually get into power…

        …until Winston came along with Utu in mind against National.

        So now they’re stuck having to live with the promise of a billion trees planted, a 100,000 houses, entry of the Pike River mine and the elimination of poverty and homelessness.

        Best of luck with that!

        So now they’re playing for time by announcing endless inquiries. Come the next election, nothing will have been achieved.

  2. I have always despised the Nats attitude towards beneficiaries. Embedded into the thinking their last 9 years was to diminish the ability of beneficiaries to access entitlements. The one thing that the current government can do is to publish on a website all entitlements available, and the associated rules. Open and honest, plain for all to see.

    I suspect a lot of employers might find that uncomfortable as well as they pay minimum wage that don’t justify getting a job doing.

    • hear hear why is that shiz all a state secret?, because they the nats couldn’t change the laws, all they could do was deny deny deny

  3. How come the media and journalist are saying he is no longer Mr nice guy when the prick has never been a nice guy its all an act trying to make out he cares when really he doesn’t give a fuck he just wants power like the rest of the turkeys in his party

  4. With every publicity seeking stunt and every comment he makes every time Simon Bridges comes across as stupid as stupid can ever be.
    Next he will probably provide a justifiable reason for his stupid comments.
    Well done to the NZ National Party for having such a perfect idiot as their leader. You have allowed yourselves to be open to every bit of ridicule due to the comments/statements made by someone who is quite clearly incompetent.
    Many years ago Jim Bolger’s cousin would often refer to the ordinary NZers and the time when National MPs just had to court the commoners – at election time – as National MPs as ‘having to shake hands with the great unwashed…”.
    The lowly regard that even a National Party supporter had towards the low income NZers shows to us all the lowly regard National MPs have always had towards NZers ALL THE TIME.
    Only earlier this week we have read of the example of a school teacher who so happens to be a solo parent of two children. She has, at the end of a fortnight, only $1.68 to survive on.
    I doubt not one National MP could survive on $1.68 but in the 90s one National MP claimed she could survive on the equivalent of the DPB. That was until her ‘doctors’ told her she couldn’t do so. And so that MP happily resumed the NZ taxpayer funded MP salary plus perks of the job.
    Not too many years ago the past National Minister of Finance claimed that NZers are living beyond their means and MUST experience financial cutbacks.
    My argument is to that former Minister of Finance(who was caught out double dipping on accommodation costs and gained a knighthood just recently in recognition of his incompetence)whether expecting a NZer to survive on $1.68 per fortnight is a perfect example of someone living beyond their means???!!!!
    Meanwhile Paula Bennett is on record of saying that poverty and homelessness is proof of a growing economy.
    Meanwhile over the past 9 years Middlemore Hospital experienced fecal matter and mould in the wards walls.
    And meanwhile National boasted of there being a ‘rockstar’ economy when in all reality things were all pure crap.
    Way to go National. In the race to the bottom of the barrel you have outdone yourselves.
    So please proceed in churning out Simon Bridges and his ‘words of wisdom and enlightenment’ to fool anyone who is stupid enough to want to vote for a stupid political party like National.

  5. Orphan alert: “Such complacency will be the end of this new Government.”

    What ‘complacency’? Which indicators of complacency are being presented? Whose judgement is it that we’re seeing ‘complacency’?

    How close is the vote of ‘no confidence’?

    If you were still in the phase of identifying the source of the weird smells from under the floorboards and up in the loft would you really charge out with your credit card to hire some dodgy tradie who claims she can fix it cheap?

    Or would you do your homework before executing a well-structured recovery and restoration programme?

    If that homework has been done, and the systems have been flushed of deadweights – well, let’s hear it – which heart-felt moves can we ‘go’ on – and what are the hoped-for outcomes?

    (Remembering that many of the people waiting for a lifebelt will have also grown up under neo-liberal BS and expect nothing less for ‘being losers’. Intergenerational propaganda and brainwashing on a national scale.

    Speed kills…)

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