New Zealand must expel the Israeli Embassy


Now Israel has become a full blown Apartheid State, the NZ Government has no choice but to close the Israeli Embassy in NZ.

We can not have any official interaction with an Apartheid State, and that is exactly what the Israeli Knesset has just passed into law last week.

The ‘nation-state” bill is the exact definition of Apartheid…

The “nation-state” bill, which was passed by a 62-55 vote in the Knesset, says that “Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and they have an exclusive right to national self-determination in it.”

The law strips Arabic of its designation as an official language, downgrading it to “special status,” and says advancing Jewish settlement is a national interest. A number of Arab lawmakers ripped up copies of the bill as the law was passed, and they were removed from the chamber as a result.

…we can not in good conscience allow a country with a two tiered system based on race to continue to remain on NZ soil in any offical capacity.

NZ desperately needs a moment of genuine independence right now as we are increasingly seen as the 53rd State of America (after Israel and Australia obviously). Nothing would tell China that we aren’t Trump’s puppet more than a righteous act of independent indolence to America’s favourite Middle Eastern snuggle toy.

It is an affront to our collective dignity to allow Israel’s Embassy to remain, expulsion would show the world NZ means to remain an independent and righteous voice on the global stage at a time when such leadership is lacking.

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  1. NZ took a lead in voicing condemnation of South African apartheid , with John Minto a principal agitator. Are we going to take the same position this time? With the US so committed to Israel whatever they do it’s unlikely we have the courage and independence . But here’s hoping.
    D J S

  2. When in the 90s the white Serbian butchers were massacring Bosnian civilians there was an international outcry and (eventually) military action to stop it.
    But that was because the civilians here were also mainly European, even if largely non-Christian.
    The difference here is that the civilians being massacred are Arabs and Muslims – and frankly not many western people give a shit about such people being oppressed or murdered.
    White people killing other white people – OH NO THIS CAN’T BE REAL!
    White people killing brown people – IS THERE A PROBLEM?
    A madman kills several children in USA – the world reacts with shock and horror and it is the leading news story for days.
    Israeli troops kill several Arabs in Jerusalem or Gaza, the story rates lower than Meghan Markle’s latest outfit or Johnny Depp’s dogs!
    That’s how things work in this f…d up world!

    • You make an interesting point @ MTL.
      I think what you just made reference to is the power of the logical fallacy, a store bought psychology we use everyday. And is, indeed, used against us daily. Not only by foreign powers but by our own politicians, the News Media and advertising. It’s a pernicious disease of modern living and easily injected into our very souls by the television, and now, of course, by social media and by so doing, they rob us of our minds. Of our ability to think clearly. Media broadcast psychological propaganda is an awful and awesomely powerful weapon. Perhaps the most powerful weapon of all.
      [It] has us sitting back, powerless to do anything about the Israel/Palestine nightmare. All we can do is look on in horror and that’s why ANY action. No matter what, is better than doing nothing.
      And a word to nigel latta… Snuggle times with yankee doodle psycho Jonky-stien, aye latta? You know what I’m talking about.

  3. The decisions of NZ governments are rarely made on the basis of morality and are usually made on the basis of maintenance (promotion) of business-as-usual. An important component of business-as-usual involves kowtowing to international banking cartels.

    According to some sources, many of the international banks (especially those in America) are controlled by Jewish-dominated boards or boards deeply connected with Israel.

    This state of affairs is arguably a consequence of the inordinate power many Jewish banking families acquired in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and which carried over into modern times.

  4. This has got to be the stupidest article/commentary ever. Do you also propose to expel the embassies of Iran for funding proxy wars in Syria and elsewhere, resulting in the deaths of over 300,000 people.

    How about Kuwait, which has no law prohibiting domestic abuse or marital rape?

    Russia for no protections on freedom of speech or authorities continuing to implement discriminatory policies and laws against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people?

    Maybe Saudi Arabia, which has killed over 4,000 civilians via airstrikes in Yemen?

    Malaysia, UAE, and Turkey all have way worse human-rights violations than Israel. And yet you condemn none of them, you focus on the only Jewish country in the World.

    There’s 500k Palestinians in Syria, 500k in Lebanon, and 500k in Jordan. All with almost zero rights and/or passport, especially compared to the Palestinians living in the West Bank, or Israeli Arabs. Where’s your plea for them?

    You are not a humanitarian, you are Anti-Semitic.

    • Bryan.
      The old what about reasoning is wearing thin. Why is Israel allegedly held to a higher standard. The answe is simple.
      Because Israel places itself in that position by constantly claiming to be the only democracy in the Middle East with the world’s most moral army. And now having an Israeli chair of the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
      Hold yourself up as an example of democracy and human rights. Expect to be challenged when you fall short. Expect to be challenged when you pass a law that enshrines apartheid and kills the 2 State solution once and for all.

    • Bryan do you know what a Semite is.

      Objecting to the slaughter being carried out by the fanatics of Israel is very humanitarian.

      Just to round out the picture , where did you stand on apartheid.

    • To Bryan

      Criticize Israel and you are Anti-Semitic.

      That McCarthyism scare tactic doesn’t work anymore

      Israel is the only country whose police uses ‘skunk water’ cannons ..who snipers use ‘dum dum’ bullets ..whose air force drops white phosphorus and dense heavy metal weaponry on densely populated areas ..
      Most recently, the murders of children, journalists , medics
      There is so much more to be said..the massive use of ‘administrative detention’..the deliberate destruction of schools, houses, villages, water supplies, crops

      There are a small number of brave Israelis who speak out. they are pleading for outside pressure .They know that Israel will only get worse if the west, including NZ, continues to look the other way.

  5. I’d like to see New Zealand go further than that.

    Israel is not a state, it is a terrorist organisation. Just as the ISIS terrorist organisation attempted to carve out a ‘state’ in Iraq and Syria, so the Israel terrorist organisation attempts to carve out a ‘state’ in Palestine.

    It’s time to correct the historical fiction by recognising Hamas (as the winner of the latest elections, insisted upon by the Americans) as the legitimate government of ALL of historic Palestine, defined by the borders of 1947.

  6. The definition of apartheid is when different laws and rights applied to certain population within a country. Israel is all but an apartheid state. All its citizens live under the same laws. Gazans and cisjordanians are not israeli citizens, they live on one side under the terrorist governement of Hamas whose goal is to destroy israel with no distinction between soldiers and civiliasn and on the other side by the OLP. Israel has left gaza in 2005 as a gesture to peace and received in return thousands of rockets. As every country has the right to defend itself, israel responds to its attackers.
    Israel is a democracy unlike any of the 23 arab countries in the region and should defend its values.

    • Aside from your obfuscation of the truth and downright lies Nicholas the Israeli issue isn’t as straightforward as you claim? Normal thinking people know that racism is present to some degree everywhere, but in Israel it exists deep within the spirit of the laws. It is taught in schools and colleges, spread in the media, and above all and most dreadful, in Israel the racists do not know what they are doing and, because of this, feel in no way obliged to apologise. This absence of a need for self-justification has made Israel a particularly prized reference point for many movements of the far right throughout the world, movements whose past history of antisemitism is only too well known.

    • Israel has stolen most of Gaza and the West Bank from the Palestinians. Israel is an illegitimate state. Wake the fuck up @Nicolas. Israel’s right to exist is questionable. So what if Hamas a legitimately elected political party has pledged to destroy the illegal State which stole Palestine? Britain’s right to give Palestine to the criminals of the Irgun and Stern Gang is questionable. You are ignorant and uninformed Nicolas. Palestinians are Semites. Jordanians are Semites. Arabs are Semites. Lebanese are Semites. Israelis are arrogant land thieving colonialists and destroyers. They need to be thoroughly censured boycotted, isolated and condemned. No nation on earth should trade with such filth.

    • Nicolas, your reasoning is deficient of fact.

      Propaganda is hardly basis for argument.

      Horrific oppression and slaughter cannot be justified as you had attempted to do.

      Stolen land and military occupation is abhorrent let alone slaughter of families. Apply it to yourself and see how it fits.

  7. Absolutely – it is up to kiwis to take to the streets and their pockets to force the same change as boycotts and sanctions achieved against apartheid South Africa – beginning with the Embassy of Apartheid at Level 13, Bayleys Building, 36 Brandon Street, Wellington

  8. Hopefully New Zealand lead the way, the Israeli regime really is such a horrible apartheid regime, Ireland has banned imports however we are fighting to remove the ambassador from Ireland, good people need to act so as to limit Israel’s ability to commit war crimes without consequences.

  9. Four small Freedom Flotilla 2018 boats are on the last leg of their journey to Gaza. They are on a peaceful mission; they pose no threat to Israel. Their cargo of GAUZES AND SUTURES, is badly needed as Gaza’s hospitals are at a breaking point because of the large numbers of ‘Marchers’, including children, medics, journalists killed outright or severely wounded by Israeli snipers. The Flotilla participants are humanitarians from many countries. Some of them are Americans and, yes, Israelis too. Unite Union’s Mike Treen is representing NZ. If NZ truly had an independent foreign policy, if we had some GUTS, we would immediately demand that Israeli allow the Flotilla safe passage.
    South Africa expelled the Israeli Ambassador because of the slaughter of Gazan Marchers. Good on South Africa. We should have done the same then. We should now.

  10. Not only should N.Z. close down the Nazi Zionist Israeli Embassy, it should also declare Zionist Israel a Terrorist State, and impose complete sanctions on it.

    • Ironic that you, Pete, and others calling for the Israeli embassy to be expelled, are also the ones demanding that Canadian neo-fascists Southern and Molyneux be allowed to come to NZ to talk under freedom of speech. So neofascisrs shiuld be allowed freedom of speech but not zionists?

      As much as I despise zionist attacks on Palestinians, there seems no principle involved here. One rule for the altright, another for zionists?

  11. Hypocrite – far worse happens in every Arab state – as the Israeli Ambassador to the UN sais ‘ Where are your jews?”

  12. no more rugby agaisnt the apartheid regime, oh wait they dont play games, to busy training everyone over 12 to shoot straight, religious extremism, terrorism, expelling native citizens of a country, incarcerating the rest, then payed Lebanese militias to massacre unarmed woman,kids and old folks. shooting down protesters armed with kites lol, the list is endless, this country alone makes the U.N. a laughing stock, little more that a yank stamp for their mates, we should as a country condemn this behavior, no matter who commits the acts. Be it Islamic state ,Jewish state or American state..but we wont, fuk the U.N. lets leave that bullshit organisation, walk out after a fuk u speech. Martian should write it lol.

  13. “…we can not in good conscience allow a country with a two tiered system based on race to continue to remain on NZ soil in any offical capacity.”

    Yet you’re in favour of the Maori seats in Parliament


    • Hilarious?

      Not at all, Andrew. It’s a shame that colonisation, illegal land confiscation, and marginalisation by assimilation policies have required Maori seats to preserve their culture and what little land remains to them.

      Remember, Andrew, that it was settlers who introduced capitalism and parliamentary “democracy” to this country. Maori have had to adapt, not the other way around.

      • Yes , There are parallels that could be drawn with o Israel/Palestine and our own (European) colonisation (British colonisation I guess it must be said). It can’t be reversed now and it brought more advantage to the main population of Maori than the creation of the state of Israel brought to the main population of Palestine. But we do need to constantly see to it that the historic dispossession is mitigated wherever it is reasonable to do so. And a few Maori seats in parliament for as long as they are desired by Maori is a small gesture toward that mitigation that we can afford.
        D J S

        • Indeed, David. I concur; the parallels between Israel/Palestine and Pakeha colonisation/Maori is striking. The only difference is an attempt at righting past wrongs with the Waitangi Tribunal.

  14. When was the last time you heard of Maori demanding the take over of NZ? When was the last time you heard of Maori wanting all the seats in our Parliament?
    When was the last time NZ troops shot Maori protesters using snipers hidden behind barb wire barricades?
    The Israeli DF does this day in day out…The message is clear, Maori use existing legal means to protect their land… The Israeli government use so-called official illegal means to gain more land. Not happy with the land illegally handed to them by Britain, financed and armed by the USA they do their own thing, day in and day out.
    Let’s stop being gentle on Zionists…they are modern aged NAZI’s and to think that many of my relations died to protect these modern day NAZI’s from the massive crimes of the 1940’s makes me wonder about the intelligence of human beings.

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