The rats you need to swallow to believe the Public Service is neutral


Shane Jones ain’t no shy wall flower

The predictable outcry from the PSA that any suggestion their members actually have to implement policy by the Government of the day by screaming they must be neutral is funny.

The public service are full of right wing acolytes who are more focused on building their own Ministry Fiefdoms than provide public services.

Was it ‘politically neutral’ when Public Servants handed over to National Winston’s Superannuation overpayment just before the election?

Was it ‘politically neutral’ when the SIS colluded with Key’s Office to smear Phil Goff?

Let’s ask Kathryn, a beneficiary whom MSD dragged through court and a $115 00 debt for an abusive relationship because the MSD thought she might win Lotto...

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…was that neutral?

We have a public service full of right wing neoliberals whom see their job as cutting services to people while maintaining their bureaucratic power bases.

Yes we need to fund our public service more.

Yes we need to employ many more.

Yes those staff need extra perks like longer holidays and more counselling.

But you can’t shovel money into these agencies when they are ideologically opposed to the concept of providing services rather than just lightly managing free market  industry.

Shane Jones attack on the bureaucracy as he comprehends the brutal opposition to fundamental change has merit.

Drain the Khandallah swamp will be championed and cheered by every beneficiary who has to suffer under ACC, MSD and Housing NZ.


  1. Good post Martyn; – now here is what Labour need to do tomorrow.

    “Drain the Khandallah swamp will be championed and cheered by every beneficiary who has to suffer under ACC, MSD and Housing NZ”

    Public servants are meant to “serve the public” and any that are not found to ‘genuinely carry out their task given them ‘in their job description’ should be singled out for removal from their job.

    Labour Government must send out to all ‘public servants’ a job description memo to this affect now to get the public service to back in order again “to serve the public’ for which are their clients.

  2. actually some real radicals come out of the “Khandallah swamp”…you might be surprised

    ….and some right little bureaucrat fascists come out of places you would least expect and have posed as leftists

    ….however agree many of the really good public servants would have left after the neolib onslaught of the last nine years of the jonkey blinglish Nact government

    • Good points @RB.
      Trouble is many of the radicals from the Khandallah swamp were often tempted by the benefits of the AMEX Gold card, or even just their ability to get little ‘weekend getaway’ in somewhere amongst the vinyards of (say) Martinborough’; those “right little fascists” have learned the art of lying straight-faced to their ministers – giving those ministers the illusion that they’re ‘on board going forward”; and many of those ‘good public servants’ gave up in disgust and left.

      • re “and many of those ‘good public servants’ gave up in disgust and left.”….OR WERE PUSHED OUT

        Labour coalition should invite all public servants with a grievance who left in the last nine years to give a report on those embedded fascist bastards who pushed them out

        ….then Labour coalition should subject these Nact toadies to performance scrutiny

      • 100% Tim

        I agree with your statement there; – “those “right little fascists” have learned the art of lying straight-faced to their ministers – giving those ministers the illusion that they’re ‘on board going forward”; and many of those ‘good public servants’ gave up in disgust and left.”

        I have witnessed this often in the last nine years.

  3. This is silly, same as blaming ALL WINZ case managers and other staff for the ‘toxic culture’ and so.

    The Public Service has to be neutral, and do what the government of the day expects of them, that is apply the law through the Executive.

    Of course a fair few are Nat voters, but many PSA members also vote Labour, Greens and other parties.

    Dishing out like this is not constructive.

    Perhaps rather look at changing the provisions in the State Sector Act and so, that may be constructive, rather than throw them all into one drawer and blaming them for the state of affairs.

    How many ‘working class’ Waitakere Man like people run down beneficiaries and so?

    Are they any better or worse?

    I have met a lot of so called ‘working people’ who are as redneck, mean spirited and plain nasty as they come.

    People tend to adjust, over time that is, and if the top sends out draconian rules, and lets the lower ones compete against each other, and rewards the meanest for doing what they do, most tend to put up with it, as most people actually are nothing more than complacent, inert and conformist cowards.

    Shane Jones was talking a lot of populist crap, he seems to want a public service that cheers him on and do as he tells them, and shut up. His back country talk may catch on with populists and so, it is hardly sophisticated, smart and qualified stuff that comes out of that man’s mouth.

    • “The Public Service has to be neutral,”

      Yes but under national they were not so we need Shane Jones to make them follow the government policy- – and the wishes of the voters who put them into Government!!!!

      • Come on, if he creates a system where they do as they are told, no questions asked, and shut and and get cracking, then the same system will ‘serve’ the Nats by allowing them to appoint their cronies into CEO and other senior jobs, doing the same.

        I’d rather have the public service as we have it under the existing frame work, but under a truly progressive, fair and constructive government (which I fear we do not have), than under the kind of system that Shane seems to want to promote.

        NO appointments should be made dependent on what party affiliation and ideological leanings certain persons have, thanks.

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