Election outcome huge win for Pike families


Manned re-entry of the Pike River drift is now inevitable with the election result showing government is not possible without parties who have committed to manned re-entry of Pike River.

Sonya Rockhouse, who lost her son Ben in the disaster, says the result is great news. “Thanks to New Zealand First and all of the other parties who have backed our cause we will now finally get truth and justice. We’ll be making sure that any support Winston and other leaders need to get this done will be delivered.”

Bernie Monk, who lost his son Michael in the mine, says the argument for manned recovery of the drift is now won. “International experts have said it can be done, the people of New Zealand have seen how solid the drift is, now after seven long years we will finally have someone who will be critical to government who is determined to do the right thing.”

Anna Osborne, whose husband Milton was killed at Pike says the new Parliament confirms the majority for support of re-entry. “When we got the cross party commitment two months ago, we got a majority of MPs in support of getting our boys and the truth out of Pike. Tonight that majority has been strengthened.”


  1. Top mark for NZ First for showing pure compassion and decency for the good people of the West Coast and their families who lost their families coal miners/contractors.

    NZ First must be made the hero of the year for holding true to comon sense & decency over the uncaring National block Government.

    I say sebd them packing all oppostion Parties please form a coalition so we the workers and all kiwis are never treated as track again by this evil administration.

    • Yes,my up most respect and gratitude to NZF,Greens and Labour for the cross party agreement ,I feel for the the families and the greater community .To sort this weeping wound would give all some form of closure and peace.

  2. How the National government has treated the families of these men is shameful.
    May a newly formed government show compassion and finally let the men and their families have peace and closure.

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