Why I am voting National for the first time in my life


The brilliant Darren Watson.

I despise National.

They rule for few, not the many.

They prop up their banker mates, farmer mates and exploitative corporate mates.

They cruelly and spitefully make life far more difficult for workers, women, Maori, Prisoners, the poor, the needy and the vulnerable.

They ignore the pain of the poor to benefit their rich mates.

In short. Fuck ’em.

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All that said. I’m voting National for the first time in my life.

Somehow, my modest wee Mt Eden rental has ended up in the electorate of Epsom, and as much as I detest National, I can not articulate my animosity towards fucking ACT.

The far right eugenics and euthanasia Party has been a pus filled weeping wound on the NZ Political spectrum since its formation. Hilariously they were conceived out of the anti-MMP campaigners who once losing that battle worked to ensure the neoliberal agenda started by the Lange Labour Government found new fertile ground to desecrate.

In Epsom, they hang on by a thread of relevance, but if enough Labour and Green voters who waste their electorate vote on voting for Barry Coates and David Parker instead turned that vote to National’s Paul Goldsmith,  ACT will lose.

So in Epsom I am voting for National’s candidate because Paul bloody Goldsmith is far preferbal to me than David fucking Seymour.

In terms of my party vote, it’s a toss up between the Green Prince and the Red Queen. I was voting Green when they looked like they would miss 5% and Labour were over 40, now Labour is under 40 and Greens are well over 5% I will have to make a call in the booth.

I will disinfect myself after voting National.



  1. Well Bomber at least you understand MMP and if only all the other left vote in Epsom would take the time to really think about their electorate vote ACT would be history.

    The nasty NATZ have lost Dunne and it would be great to add Seymour to the list.

    If i was casting my vote in Epsom i would hold my nose and vote for Goldsmith and have a long shower afterwards.

    Good luck in the booth.

  2. Lol!

    God surely has an evil sense of humour Bomber!

    The thing is though, you are absolutely correct in your analysis.

    If Labour and Green voters organised themselves and directed their electorate vote to Goldsmith, Seymour would be completely fucked.

    Go for it and wear your National vote with pride. Any true revolutionary would do just that. 🙂

  3. Yeah, its like having to choose between a devil and a demon (those familiar with Dungeons and Dragons RPG would know what i mean). The joys of FPP voting. Smite off thy evil hand!

  4. David Seymour is toast ! how delicious,
    there is one thing more depressing and horrid than this National government, ACT.

  5. couldn’t have said it better! I almost wish I lived in Epsom so I too could vote National and get rid of the detestable David, he NEEDS to go!

  6. Martyn, your sacrifice for the greater good is appreciated.

    A couple of long hot showers with anti-bacterial soap (before and after) should do the trick 🙂

    • A prick of the finger should do the job 🙂 Might take a big prick though. A real big one.

      … you might even say, it’s just one more prick for parliament.

  7. Martyn, you have inspired so many I’m sure to give their party vote to Greens for sometime now. Everything I’ve read on this blog made sense to do so. The Greens need every vote from the most liberal of us,because the lite liberals will vote Labour. A vote for Greens is a vote for Labour.


  8. This was good advice last election, but not for this one. Why? There is literally zero chance of ACT being part of the next government. Winston has said they wouldn’t support a government that includes them (and he knows he couldn’t get away with that), and with only one seat (or even two), ACT have no leverage.

    As long as ACT have no influence whatsoever over the governing coalition, I’m happy to see a few ACT MPs in parliament. What, you splutter, has Strypey finally defected to the dark side?!? Oh no. I still think ACTs corporatist economic policies are delusional and dangerous. But I also have to acknowledge that ACT’s liberal social principles see them voting with us on issues like drug law reform, or voting with the tech-savvy Greens against the Harmful Digital Censorship Act. On these sorts of issues, I infinitely prefer a David Seymour to a party-line-towing Paul Goldsmith.

    If I was voting in Epsom I would be voting Coates, in recognition of his fantastic work exposing and opposing the TPP.

  9. “I will disinfect myself after voting National”

    Yes Martyn and please dont get the black plague also as we have work to complete after the Labour coalition Government is cobbled together after the weekend.

  10. It is amazing to me, that the Labour Party can call on their supporters in Epsom to give a tactical vote to a Pakeha National Party candidate, but not make the same call to their supporters in the Maori electorates to vote for the Maori Party.

    The Labour Party say the Maori Party are beyond the pale for going into coalition with National. But it was Labour that first drove the Maori Party (including Maori Party MP Hone Harawira) into the arms of the National Government.
    It was the Labour Party’s removal of the Maori right to take court action based on native title, (Kaitiaki), that drove Maori leaders to break with Labour. The Labour government driven by the principles of neo-liberal economics created the Seabed and Foreshore legislation to allow for the unencumbered right of foreign seabed miners and oil drillers and fishing companies, to exploit the seabed and foreshore, free from any possible legal challenges based on grounds of native title,

    But this antipathy to the Maori Party for going with National, does not explain why the Labour Party attacked Maori MP, Hone Harawira even more viciously, after Harawira broke from the National Party, Maori Party coalition government.

    I just doesn’t make any sense.

    It is like the Labour Party can not stand any independent Maori voice in parliament that they can’t control.

    This position is irrational, it prevents Labour putting out the hand of friendship to the Maori Party, (or Mana) to get the extra seats they need to defeat National.

    The Labour Party’s Greg Presland writing under the pseudonym MickeySavage, calls on Labour supporters in Epsom to vote for National’s Paul Goldsmith for tactical reasons.


    Neither Presland nor any other Labour Party author at The Standard called on Labour Party supporters in the Maori electorates to cast a tactical vote for the Maori Party.

    Why not?

    The Maori Party will definitely not be joining a National New Zealand First coalition. A coalition which first item of business will be a referendum on abolishing the Maori electorates.

    The Maori Party is the only Party that could have offered the Labour/Green coalition the extra seats they needed to govern.

    In a rerun of the last election, it seems that Labour would rather National win the election, than work with any independent Maori MPs that they can’t totally control.

    This need to dominate and control Maori aspirations in parliament, was made explicit when the Labour Party removed all their Labour Party Maori electorate MPs from the Labour Party list, to ensure that they will fight to remove the Maori Party MPs from parliament. Win your seat or get kicked out of parliament is Labour’s message to their Maori MPs.

    The Labour Party apartheid like exclusion of Maori electorate MPs from the Labour Party list and Labour Maori MPs sheepish agreement to go along with it. Shows more than ever the need for an independent Maori voice in parliament that can’t be cowed by Labour’s demands.

    Come tomorrow and you want National out, and you are registered in a Maori electorate, vote for an independent Maori voice, that can give Labour the extra seats they need to oust National.

  11. Yep, Gave my electorate vote to National all the time I lived in Epsom. It was never easy. 🙁

    [Published after 7PM, 23 September. – Scarletmod]

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