Wait, what? Bill English tried to hide his involvement in the Todd Barclay fiasco?


This just gets dodgier by the second doesn’t it folks?

Bill English fought to have his police statement over Todd Barclay affair withheld
Prime Minister Bill English fought to have his police statement over the Todd Barclay affair withheld from the public despite assuring Parliament it was a police decision to keep his involvement secret.

Documents released under the Official Information Act show police believe English’s statement should have been released.

But all mention of English was removed from the file when it was released to the Herald in March.

It later emerged the Prime Minister had been interviewed as a witness in the police investigation into allegations Barclay secretly recorded a staff member, raising questions over how his involvement had been hidden from the public.

Prime Minister Bill English fought to have his police statement over the Todd Barclay affair withheld from the public despite assuring Parliament it was a police decision to keep his involvement secret.

Documents released under the Official Information Act show police believe English’s statement should have been released.

But all mention of English was removed from the file when it was released to the Heraldin March.

It later emerged the Prime Minister had been interviewed as a witness in the police investigation into allegations Barclay secretly recorded a staff member, raising questions over how his involvement had been hidden from the public.

Police were told it should be withheld on privacy grounds as it was a text message “between two private individuals”.

“The text communication involved Mr English as a member of the National Party, communicating with another member of the National Party.”

Police responded after taking legal advice, saying it had removed some details but could not “justifiably withhold the entire text or make any more redactions based on the grounds you have listed”.

Police were then told that if the text message was removed, then all mention of the text message should be removed from English’s statement – if it was released at all.

The release of the OIA was postponed and after repeated requests on behalf of English, police said the Prime Minister’s witness statement would be withheld along with any text messages.

Canterbury crime prevention manager Inspector Tony Hill – who was handling it for police – then asked: “Were there are other areas of concern?”

English’s advocate asked: “Can you please clarify if there is any reference to Mr English in any other material being released?”

When told a statement would be made saying English had been interviewed, the advocate asked: “Can you explain why the only person who can be identified from this summary is Mr English?

“No other person involved in the investigation is able to be identified – why only Mr English? Instead of categorising people, why don’t you refer to witnesses as interested parties?”

The information was released shortly after with no reference to the Prime Minister.

…so let’s get this straight.

Barclay lied for months about secretly taping a staff member, Bill English first didn’t know anything, then did know something, then questioned if any such tape even existed and then admitted to being asked to listen to the tape that never existed while National Party Board members bullied staff and made veiled threats.

On top of that, English fought tooth and nail to hide his involvement and leaned on the Police to ensure that happened.

Oh and it turns out Bill sent 450 text messages to the staff member in question but he “wasn’t involved”.

If this is all sounding unbelievable, let’s remind ourself of the 5 defences that National have used so far to explain that there’s no story here…

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1: “We didn’t know secretly recording a conversation was illegal”

COME ON! How is this absurdity even allowed to stand? The fucking Nats had Radio NZ, the NZ Herald and Fairfax searched by the bloody cops chasing copies of the Teapot Tape recordings for fucks sake! They didn’t know doing what they accused Bradley Ambrose of doing was illegal? But they called the cops on him and the entire mainstream media of NZ!!! How the Christ can they now claim they fucking forgot that it was illegal? Are they goldfish? Does Bill English have the memory of a small child with learning difficulties? This is such horse shit it is utterly unacceptable as an answer.

2: “The Barclay tapes are less like established facts and more like Yeti, as in that they are not yet proven or discovered”.

Despite telling the Police that Todd Barclay told him that he had secretly recorded staff, Bill’s tried to claim on the Nation that actually the tapes are less like established facts and more like Yeti, as in that they are not yet proven or discovered. This as an assertion is almost vomit inducing in terms of its audacity because Bill English was told by Todd Barclay that Todd Barclay secretly recorded staff!!!!

3: “I forgot that I talked to the Police”.

When Bill English wasn’t aware the media had his text message that he tried to hide, he claimed he couldn’t remember who had told him what or whom he may have talked to in regards to secret tapes that may or may not have existed. When it became apparent that the media had his text message saying that Todd had told him the tapes existed and they had made a huge pay out, the Prime Minister suddenly remembered! How miraculous for Bill to remember he was being untruthful and evasive when being untruthful and evasive was no longer an option.

4: “When I said I spoke to the Police, actually they spoke to me”.

After insinuating to Parliament that he had spoken to Police as a pro-active step to help investigate Barclay, it then turns out that what really happened was that the Police had to go to Bill English as part of their investigation, he didn’t go to them with what he knew. The PM effectively sold being forced into answering questions to the Police as an act of leadership, he misled the Parliament and now faces calls to be disciplined by the Speaker for his ‘imprecise’ language. 

5: “My Office didn’t ask for the Police to censor what they released but we did suggest it”

The most outrageous of all these lies is that when the Police released their information to media, they redacted Bill’s damning text message. They did this after they contacted the PMs Office to see if the PM wanted that damning piece of evidence censored. The PMs Office replied that while it was totally up to the Police to release what they wanted, in the context of the text message being a private communication it was best they didn’t do that. So effectively, the PMs Office let the police know what the outcome they wanted was, the Police censored the text message and we wouldn’t even know all these lies and cover ups had occurred if the Journalists breaking the story didn’t already have the text message.

So why did Bill protect Todd? The answer is obvious.

National only have the barest of majorities in Parliament, here is a list of the legislation National have managed to pass by protecting Barclay…

  • Housing Legislation Amendment Bill
  • Social Security (Extension of Young Persons Services and Remedial Matters) Amendment Bill
  • Trade (Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties) Amendment Bill
  • Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill
  • Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract Out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill (National Party members bill)
  • Social Security (Stopping Benefit Payments for Offenders who Repeatedly Fail to Comply with Community Sentences) Amendment Bill (National Party members bill)
  • Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Legislation Bill
  • Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Bill (No 2)
  • Employment Relations (Allowing Higher Earners to Contract Out of Personal Grievance Provisions) Amendment Bill (National Party members bill)

…this protection of Barclay has occurred because it allows National to keep passing laws. This abuse of power has occurred to protect National’s agenda.

If this type of dirty politics is really the best we can demand from Parliament, we need a new Parliament.


  1. If the mental health services in NZ hadn’t been gutted by past/current Labour/National governments, I’d recommend Bill go and seek some professional help: all signs point to the onset of severe dementia. Well, unless he’s lying of course. But politicians wouldn’t stoop to bald-faced lies to protect themselves, right?

  2. Mmmmmm. Well you won’t see that sort of framing in the MSM MARTYRN.
    At least not until winds blow and fingers in air suggest the bleeding obvious is now mainstteam. At that point there’ll be a clamour to which sage can claim the aard as to who ‘broke it’ or at least ‘ who was ACROSS IT’ first ( going forwatd).

  3. Yes , I saw that in the NZ Herald late today.

    It really is a wonder the Dipper has been around so long. His forte’ is working in the engine room, he never was , and never will be suited to front a movement.

    He cannot think fast enough on his feet. Some have apologized for him in mistaking his reserved manner as being fundamentally honest , while being misled as to his true devious nature . He has always been this way.

    This is how he earned his nickname.

    But even more serious than helping himself to $32,000.00 of tax payed for housing allowance he was not entitled to , – is the rigid , dogmatic adherence to neo liberal ideology.

    John Key was the glitzy front salesman to jolly the populace along , – Bill English was more than happy to remain in the background, – barely detectable and presenting the appearance of being set apart from much of the scandals of the National party and Dirty Politics prior to the 2014 elections.

    And yet he has been an integral part of Dirty Politics , – if only by association in a senior position. A position he could have helped call a halt to but didn’t. It suited his purposes not to.

    How else can one explain a senior politician who insults and writes off his own countrymen to justify an out of control immigration policy to provide cheap foreign labour by labeling NZ workers as ‘ drug addled’ , ‘ lazy ‘ , ‘ unreliable’ ?.

    Think back in time a bit.

    It was Don Brash who used race baiting to gain ascendancy when National was flagging in popularity, – after Bill English led National to its worst defeat in 2002. It wasn’t until Brash was caught out in a statement claiming he not know about the Exclusive Brethren being involved in political interference that he left. But Bill English was still there,… in the background , … busily planning more asset sales and privatizations…

    Bill was quite OK about supporting Brash even though ‘mis-truths’ were being told as long as Bills long term plans could continue…

    So National needed a new front man.

    A new salesman.

    Enter John Key , one of the most corrupt Prime Ministers NZ has ever known, – but he was good at putting on the amiable Joe average act , claiming simply because National won the election that automatically gave National a mandate to continue asset sales, – even at the height of Dirty Politics. And where was Bill ?… in his preferred place,… in the engine room ,… and out of sight of the public.

    Bill English is a committed globalist , an unrepentant neo liberal who has a particular cynicism for traditional notions of national sovereignty.

    But the problem with running a campaign long term that involves the dismantling of vital sectors of a functioning society in order to derive sheer profit from it is that you have to invent reasons for doing so , and then , you have to maintain those reasons. And its at that point certain unpleasant and undesirable truths need to be concealed.

    And that leads on to an ingrained pattern of behaviors and activity’s that seek to maintain power at all costs to enable the long term objectives by stealth.

    And the Todd Barclay affair has led Bill English right into the thick of those behaviors. Because he never ever had any genuine desire to serve the public of New Zealand but rather to see through his neo liberal ideology of the complete privatization of this country at all costs .

    And to do that ? , … he covered up , he was not forthcoming with the truth , he twisted the facts and hoped more would not come out into the public arena. His main concern was the holding onto power at all costs to fulfill his obligations to moneyed New Zealanders and foreign banking and business interests , – and not in the best interests of average New Zealand citizens . And it never was , … even after decades of being in parliament.

    • Yep WK. Bill English, like effluent has been there, floating around in the murky Natz swamp all along! He’s been a part of the parasitic pond life scum which has destroyed NZ over the years.

      Roll on 23 September, when he and his cesspit dwelling MPs will be gone from power.

      Key, on the other hand like the corrupt creeping cockroach he is, still survives, basking in the glory of his treason against NZers. For now that is. However, he has a future appointment with the International Court at The Hague, to answer his part in war crimes in Afghanistan. That should see him stripped of all his unworthy honours, as well as wiping the slimy smirk off his greasy face once and for all!

    • Wow! Wild Katipo what a great summation. And the political naivety of too many NZers isa good reason why we should educate our youth on the subject matter of politics and the importance of exercising their democratic rights by voting because every vote counts no matter what.

  4. Admirable work, Martyn. The MSM will probably not give your view the publicity it deserves. But God only knows what new sensational scandal they will next drop on us to keep thoughts off serious topics.
    In a just world, Blinglish and co are gone. But only because Jacinda is eloquent as well as aware?

    • Bloody awesome investigative Journalism Martyn, – Proud of you.

      Bill English is simply a career political liar.

      I wonder if he has “confessed his sins here”????

      I am only a mere Presbyterian not a Catholic, so I wouldn’t know if he was honestly forced to confess his sins as part of his faith.

      “Oh and it turns out Bill sent 450 text messages to the staff member in question but he “wasn’t involved”

      This must be legally challenged again because he is now running to be the NZ PM is several weeks on his own recognisance!!!!!

      Also it would handily compliment Winston’s legal challenge of Bill English over the “alleged” public release by National of his private personal details in his overpayment of his super.

      His legal challenge was just announced on RNZ after Checkpoint tonight between 6.30 and 6.45pm tonight.

      Hooten was (as usual) spouting off afterwards to Kathryn Ryan about his advise to Winston to should come clean rather than being “combatant” because if he doesn’t the case would take over the rest of the election cycle.

      Yeah right!!!!

      Matthew Hooten is more deceptive than any other man alive today.

      Martyn you should use your case to highlight all that’s wrong today by seeking a legal claim against the police and others.

  5. I am sick to death of these parasites , their lies , corruption , illegal behaviour and arrogance.

    I find it hard to watch English campaigning every night and that there is no protest or anger directed at this man and his colleagues for their appalling behaviour , its almost like they are untouchable and their actions are just accepted where once it would have caused outrage and rightly so.

    In my opinion they should be facing our criminal justice system and be accountable , remember accountability !!

    My god they ripped Helen Clark , Winston Peters and others from the last government to shreds over things no where as bad as the outrageous offences committed by this National government and the prospect of a fourth term by Clark would have been impossible yet these clowns are still in with a chance defies common sense.

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