TOP at 3.5% in Poll – why is Gareth Morgan Trump tweeting when he should be Queenmaking?


Word is TOP have hit 3.5% in one of the internal polls, as the election gets closer, they keep building towards possibly crossing the threshold, so why oh why is Gareth Morgan Trump tweeting garbage tweets about Jacinda when he should be positioning to be the Queenmaker?

TOP’s true political enemy is NZ First.

TOP should be arguing that they will be the Queenmaker, that they will provide voters with an alternative to a Labour-NZ First Government.

TOPs policies are far more Center-left, and are far more compatible with Labour yet what is Morgan doing?

Indulging in Trump tweets.

Why would TOP fuck it up when they are this close?


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  1. …Because Gareth is a cat hating arsehole who, like Warren Buffet and George Soros, promulgates left-wing rhetoric only because he is actually super annoyed his wealth doesn’t provide him more power and influence. i.e. this is more about his ego than it is about “saving the people/planet”. All just imo, obviously.

  2. It’s quite easy really. Gareth Morgan is one of the super rich, the one percent. His true interest is in supporting his super rich oligarch buddies. Like John Key and billionaire Peter Thiel. If you examine Tops policies carefully you will find policies hidden there that are very beneficial to the one percent.Examine them!!

  3. Gareth who is as gnat blue as they come is feeling left out and is media attention seeking. Even National’s odious deputy leader thinks that. Bill is not pleased either.

    • He appears to be yet another Robert “Bob Jones” does that name send any alarm bells yet????

      Another national cling on; – in drag he must be!!!!!

      • Bob Jones set up the NZ Party to split the National vote, and get the Rogernomics Labour government into power. It’s arguable that Gareth Morgan set up TOP to peel off blue-greens from National, and let a Labour/Green government take power. If that’s his strategy, and it works, this is bad for the “neo-liberal” NatACTs, and good for us. So it doesn’t really make any sense to attack Gareth as Bob Jones 2.0, unless you’re proposing that the Jacinda-led Labour party he is helping to put into power is going to be Rogernomics 2.0?

        Remember that Hone Harawira made very similar comments about Labour, as the leader of Mana in the last couple of elections. The Greens used to do the same before the MoU. It’s just something small parties have to do to avoid the perception that they’re just wholly owned subsidiaries of one of the “major” parties, especially when they’re trying to break the 5% hurdle for the first time.

  4. Could be quite a smart move. Perhaps he altruistically doesn’t want to take any votes off Labour and is sending out a dog whistle to potential NZF and National swing voters. That way, any swing voter who is tossing up between Labour and TOP will now surely vote Labour. And Dr Morgan’s not so oblique dig at Ardern is the sort of language that will appeal to less thoughtful voters of the right who are looking for an excuse not to have to vote for Genghis Khan or Key’s deputy.

    • Agreed. The people who are actually in it for the policy are just going to all the more aware, while the flipfloppers will be weaned out.

  5. I think he is an intellectual who has some interesting ideas. I think he is more interested in getting recognition for those ideas than he is in money.

    He has a PhD in Economics.

    • Economist – another reason to avoid him. They’re no more than crystal ball gazers or soothsayers. Economics is gobbledegook bullshit. Look at the failure of Hayekian economics, the snake oil most neo libs have been weened on.

  6. Gareth Morgan has been shown to be in it for his own enrichment FIRST.

    He is an opportunist first!!!

    As simple as that.

    He will privatise rather than re-nationalise our assets and we will loose as more private profit capital increases and bleeds our economy dry.

    • I’m curious, What plans for re-Nationalisation do NZ Labour have?? I know Corbyn had plans, but there seems to be a strong desire for NZ Labour NOT to be associated with ‘that sort of thing’….

  7. Gareth used a euphemism to make a complex but pertinant point: A change of leadership of the Labour Party to Jacinda at the 11th hour of an election year is politically meaningless unless substantial policy change ensues. If you think about it, that was the substance of the statement which was made colourful by his use of the people’s language. The statement is true, clever, entertaining and direct. People who feel that it was a personal slur on Jacinda, or was improper are reading something personal into the statement that simply isn’t there.

    I guess there are some people who, rather than thinking things through, firstly react emotionally to personalities and ideas in the public sphere. These days, this segment of the population seems to be growing. For example, from the first few comments, above: “cat hating arsehole”, “Another national cling on; – in drag he must be!!!!!”, “His true interest is in supporting his super rich oligarch buddies. Like John Key and billionaire Peter Thiel.”. Usually comments like these come from anonymous posters, which says something about the level of conviction with which their comments are held.

    Gareth seems rational and his policies are evidence-based – and he is happy to provide the evidence sources, calculations, etc. He has said that he’s not interested in party politics or attaining power, only in the advancement of evidence-based policy that makes NZ a fairer society. He has positioned TOP to be the key alternative policy generating party in this election. I think that’s why he is constantly trying to get the media to focus on policy analysis instead of it’s usual tendency to focus on personalities and hype – as “Jacindamania” has clearly demonstrated once again.

    • Sorry, Marc.

      Comprehension is a dying art. ‘A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.’

      I agree with your post.

      I can accept Morgan’s ailurophobia; however, I wish he could see that the most dangerous species for the destruction of range and habitat is humans.

      I also hope he knows that start-stop ‘pest’ control is nothing but a feel-good gesture. (Have we controlled Old Man’s Beard, wild ginger, stoats, people over-fishing, yet? Hell no! And they’ve all been the cri du jour more than twenty years and millions of dollars ago.)

      Jog on, kitties…

  8. Morgan is no politician and while that may appeal to some, I can see quite clearly that he is not a man of compromise or pragmatism.

    A deal with TOP means what Morgan thinks goes and what Morgan thinks is the only right answer. Fuck his share of the vote, this dude is narcissism personified.

    We have had far too manly rich men in the last decade in politics to last a thousand years. I have no time for TOP as a result.

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