Ombudsman releases Spring Hill Corrections Facility inspection report


Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier today published his report on an unannounced inspection of Spring Hill Corrections Facility, as part of his commitment to publish reports from an intensified monitoring programme.

A nine-person inspection team visited Spring Hill from 20 to 28 February 2017, examining facilities and interviewing staff and prisoners.

The inspection was undertaken under the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT), which puts international obligations on New Zealand to ensure people held in detention are treated humanely and with decency and dignity.

“Publishing these reports supports our strengthened OPCAT programme and is part of my push for greater transparency across the public sector”, said Peter Boshier. “People in detention are among our most vulnerable citizens and we must meet international standards for how they are treated.”

The Spring Hill inspection found the prison was working hard to meet new challenges such as the introduction of remand prisoners and a significant increase in prisoner population, and double-bunking in cells designed for one prisoner.

Key recommendations concern improvements to first night in custody arrangements, improved systems for documenting the use of force, and completing a Shared Accommodation Risk Assessment (SACRA) before putting prisoners into double-bunked cells.

A copy of the report is available at

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