Why I refuse to criticise Metiria & why I stand with her & the tens of thousands of others


I cant take seriously the screams of rich white male broadcasters who see breaking rules to feed your child as the greatest crime of the 21st century.

These privilege Crackers warn us we shouldn’t make Metiria a hero.

Fuck them – all my heroes fought injustice & broke rules.

Brothers and sisters – I can’t hate on beneficiaries who break the rules to feed their whanau. The neoliberal welfare state is designed by cruelty & spite masquerading as social policy.

Do these male broadcasters attacking Metiria know National set benefits purposely below minimum adult nutritional needs?

Thats not policy, it’s spite

The exhibitionist orgy of hate vomited on Metiria by the usual gang of self important broadcasting arseholes says far more about them than her or the issue at hand.

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Stealing out of need is different from stealing out of greed. I won’t ever damn a mother or father for doing that. That’s an indictment on the system, not on Metiria or the tens of thousands forced to do the same.

The fear behind the media venom spat at Metiria is the fear of all those abused by the same system rising up.

Let’s make these sanctimonious arseholes frightened, let’s ensure every beneficiary from the missing million votes this election and send a clear message that the poorest and weakest amongst us will no longer tolerate being treated with contempt.


  1. Right on Martyn. How many of these knockers have never broken the speed limit, paid a cashie, pirated media, or screwed the IRD?

    And Bill English is on shaky ground. A finance minister doesn’t understand that he rorted the system for $30,000+ until he got caught.

    • Factually all you’ll discover is he pays a LOT more (likely 10-20 times) tax than you or I do. This isn’t about that. It’s about dishonesty, and under what conditions NZers not only understand said dishonesty but actively support it in an attempt to change the status quo.

    • Come on what’s wrong with you. Me, you and even Hoskings are entitled to our privacy.
      Would taking away the secret ballot make you happy?

      • No, Patrick, Hosking is entitled to as much privacy an respect as what he gives to beneficiaries and the poor.

        Fuck him and the Maserati he rode in on.

  2. Do these male broadcasters attacking Metiria know ‘National set benefits purposely below minimum adult nutritional needs?’

    And does everybody know that Labour never ever did anything about this after Richardson cut the benefits, despite great economic times and 9 years in government.

  3. Gower was just appalling on TV3 tonight. Because dear me she had some fun and campaigned for two political parties when she should have had a job!@#@!

  4. After reading the screes of diatribe from the self-righteous trolls on stuffyourheadupyourass.co.nz on Metiria,
    I will vote for her simply because it pisses off these sickos, if for no other reason.
    Stick that up where the sun don’t shine Hosking.
    I don’t follow instructions from turds like you.

  5. Re. the image headlining this article:

    About 10 years ago when travelling in the states I got called a cracker when walking past a black drug dealer who was minding his corner in central Seattle. It made me reflect deeply on my privilege as a passer by of immense cultural power.

  6. The acid, with the odd exception, is coming from mainly men “of a certain age”.

    The ones who joined “John” at the BBQ.

    Soper sauce Hoskins heckle and the exception, Boag bitching.

    Assisted by the “back room boys”.

  7. Excellent! Excellent!

    The Robber Barons and their toady spokespeople must be really scared.

    That’s always a good sign…

    • All it would take to change that is a pledge to switch from a system of benefits and superannunation to a UBI and compulsory Kiwisaver.

    • Are you a woman? If you want to know how I feel, I could go into that. But first let me ask you if you are female or male. The two questions have very different answers.

    • You mean the gutter that your idol Mike Hosking looks like he’s climbed out of each day before he comes on air?
      Rather be in honest opposition than corrupt government like your mates.

    • Some are close to living in the gutter,while people like you seem to extract some perverse pleasure from the sufferings of fellow citizens.
      It’s not a game as to who is in, it’s about a fairer society, not survival of the fittest or in New Zealand’s case, privileged.

  8. Exactly Martyn, she is trying to expose ineffective laws and a system that does not work. Good on Metiria and shame on all the righteous
    ” out of touch ” criticism that judges her for standing by those in need.

    She should be honoured and not villified.

    • Yeah and now I have to vote Green even though they are no longer my party of choice. Can’t leave a sister hanging.

  9. With you all the way Metiria you have a lot of guts you go girl other politians in the party who are pointing the finger at you remember there are three fingers pointing back at themselves they need to come clear

  10. Has anyone noticed those who have made a huge fuss about what Metiria did in the past are/were former managers and journalists who are in the National Party pocket?
    I am sure most ordinary people and especially those who have had to contend with the bullying behaviour of say WINZ in the past empathise with what she had to do to make ends meet.
    And so the Biblical passage said by Jesus of: He(and she)who is without sin cast the first stone’ must surely apply to Christine Rankin, Mike Hosking, Paula Bennett, Paddy Gower, etc,etc,etc.
    I used to work for WINZ but now notice, and yes I keep as much distance between that horrific government department and myself, as much as possible a level of poor service towards those hard done by in the community
    The WINZ I used to be a part of has changed for the worse. It does make me wonder if the Minister of Social Development has instructed WINZ staff to 1)not speak to the media in regards to the Performance Bonus Scheme and 2)has resorted to employing bullies in WINZ.
    Why has it been acceptable for a former National Minister of Justice to get away with his crime and yet the very same Paddy Gower and Mike Hosking whose voices were quiet as a mouse during those indiscretions haven’t made a fuss?
    It brings up the fact that most NZ media journalists are biased towards the government. Perhaps like WINZ the journalists in the NZ Media have been bullied into submission by a government who hates facing the fact they have made a horrendous mistake in so many aspects of NZers lives.
    But wait and see….. I am sure the dollar signs reference will crop up time and again as a justifiable reason for the actions of bullying this government has resorted to.

  11. Metiria
    You have always been my hero and this is so just!
    You did what so many others have done, had and had to do to survive.
    Good on you sister.
    What about Paula Bennett? It is an irritatingly to me that that woman who I despise has a similar name to me
    My Name is Pamela Bennett and my father was Henry Bennett the psychiatrist who said yes when Waikato wanted to use his name on the Mental Hea.th building
    Often I get called Paula. Here and now, she is no relative to the Te Arawa Bennetts.

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