***Update*** Family of five, including six month old baby – accommodation crisis




Hutt Valley, 29 June – As reported on Tuesday (27 June) a woman, “S” – and her family, including her oldest son’s 6 month old baby – were facing the final week of their 90 day notice to vacate.

They had lived in their rental home for the last 14 years, keeping the property tidy; growing vegetables for the children; and even last year obtaining two hens to lay fresh eggs.

Her eldest son, “K”, moved down from Auckland with his part and new-born baby, to help his mother financially, and to help with her youngest son/”K’s” young brother.

When the notice to vacate was received by “S”, it was a shock – but not totally a surprise. The property owner had last year replaced the roof, and had let slip to “S” that he intended to renovate the interior. They were obviously planning to sell up.

“S”  has spent the last three months looking for a new home. She has tried Trade Me; registered with WINZ/MSD for a Housing NZ home; approached the local marae, and asked around.

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Many of the properties were too expensive. “S’s” low income restricted her choices. Other landlords were seeking “professional couples” or “professional families” – which she suspected was code for high-income earners, preferably pakeha.

This week was her final week. She had to be out on Friday.  In desperation, she approached me and explained her situation.

Blogging on New Zealand’s housing crisis – whether homelessness for the poor or housing unaffordability for the Middle Classes – is one thing. I deal with statistics; news reports; policy statements; OIA information; Stats NZ data, etc.

But when “S” explained her dire circumstances to us late on Monday, as a cold wintry night-chill settled over the Hutt Valley, the housing crisis suddenly became very personal. It is one thing to read about it.  But quite sobering when a human being is sitting in front of you, admitting how powerless they feel. And how frightened.

I do not understand how government ministers sleep well at night. Really, I don’t.

“S’s”  predicament has kept me awake the last three nights. Our Crown ministers seem unaffected by it all. Their own beds are probably very warm and dry. And no threat of eviction in 90 days.

So I did what I do best; I wrote.

I wrote the blog-story,  Message to Minister Adams: Family of five, including six month old baby – about to live in a van

I wrote to Social Housing minister, Amy Adams;


Hon. Amy Adams
Minister for Social Housing



Kia ora Ms Adams,

I am writing to you on behalf of my neighbour, Ms S[redacted name], who was given 90 days notice to vacate her rental home at [redacted address].

The 90 Day Notice will expire this Friday, 30 June.

Ms S[redacted name] is a solo-mother, with currently four people living with her; [redacted names and ages]

[redacted names and ages] have a 6 month baby.

Ms S[redacted name] has been trying to find accomodation for the last three months, without any success. Rental accomodation on TradeMe is either too expensive or, landlords are wanting “professional couples” or similar families. Landlords have also been demanding pay-slips to determine her income.

Ms S[redacted name] works 20 hours per week at two part-time jobs.

Ms S[redacted name] has tried emergency accomodation at Harcourt Holiday Park and Hawkes Inn Motel (both in Upper Hutt) – and both are full with rugby supporters.

The local marae, Orongomai Marae, has referred her to rentals in Strathmore, Churton Park, and Tawa – but with rents ranging between $580 and $680 per week, this is out of her ability to pay.

[redacted personal information]

Tonight, out of desperation, Ms S[redacted name] came to me to seek assistance.

Accordingly, I am putting her case to you, outlining the desperate circumstances she is now in.

If necessary, Ms S[redacted name]’s only recourse will be to use a van as accomodation for herself; her whanau, and a six month baby. They will park up outside the MSD offices in Main Street, Upper Hutt, using toilet facilities at nearby McDonalds, which is open 24/7.

They have no other alternatives. They have run out of options.

It is my understanding that there are empty state houses in Timberlea, Upper Hutt. It is unclear why they are empty, but they would be suitable for S[redacted name] and her whanau.

Ms S[redacted name] is going to do a “walk in” to Upper Hutt MSD tomorrow (Tuesday 27 June) to request that her application for a state house be moved from “C” to “A” category.

However, I do not believe even that will address this critical situation.

I am requesting that you give Ms S[redacted name]’s dire circumstances your utmost attention before they are forced out onto the street, with a six month baby to care for.

I am proving contact details for myself and Ms S[redacted name].

-Frank Macskasy


The following day, I received this response from a ministerial Private Secretary;


Dear Mr Macskasy

On behalf of Hon Alfred Ngaro, Associate Minister for Social Housing, thank you for your email regarding “S”. Your email was passed on by the office of Hon Amy Adams, Minister for Social Housing, as the matter you have raised falls within the portfolio responsibilities of the Associate Minister for Social Housing.

The Associate Minister was concerned to hear about this situation and asked me to pass your email on to the office of the Deputy Chief Executive at the Ministry of Social Development to look into and asked that they contact “S” directly.

As the concerns raised are operational in nature they are best addressed by the Ministry of Social Development directly. Visiting the local Work and Income service centre as noted below is the best option today.

Yours sincerely

[redacted name]I Private Secretary (Social Housing) I Office of Hon. Alfred Ngaro


I replied to the Private Secretary


Kia ora [redacted name],

“As the concerns raised are operational in nature they are best addressed by the Ministry of Social Development directly.  Visiting the local Work and Income service centre as noted below is the best option today.”

You must have missed the bit where I wrote; “S[redacted name] is going to do a “walk in” to Upper Hutt MSD tomorrow (Tuesday 27 June) to request that her application for a state house be moved from “C” to “A” category.”


In three days time “S” will not have a roof over her head.

She intends to borrow a van and along with a six month baby will be camped outside WINZ/MSD in Main Street Upper Hutt. At that point, in case you haven’t realised it, this will become a media story with the headline “Raising six month baby in a van in Main Street, New Zealand”.

You have “S” phone number. Thus far no one has contacted her.I strongly suggest that to avert the media attention that will erupt on this issue, that Ms Adams or Mr Ngaro give this matter the most urgent attention.


-Frank Macskasy


If my words to the Private Secretary were ‘harsh’, it was because the time for nice, polite ‘chit-chat’ was over. It is hard to be nice and polite when a family is facing living on the streets.

Since that email to the Private Secretary, neither “S” nor I have received any communication whatsoever from Minister Adams, Minister Ngaro, or Private Secretary, or any other government official. Not a phone; not an email; not a txt-message; nothing.

It is as if these people have ceased to exist in our world.

Word of “S’s” crisis spread quickly. We are indebted to Martyn Bradbury and to many Facebook friends who shared “S’s” story and spread the word.

Labour MP, Chris Hipkins and his office became involved.

Staff at Upper Hutt MSD/WINZ read the original blogpost the next day after it appeared on The Daily Blog (Tuesday). They  were apparently horrified. According to “S”, the Housing Director at Upper Hutt MSD/WINZ  claims she had no idea of  “S’s” impending homelessness. I am informed that she read about it on The Daily Blog.

Greg from a local NGO – Family Works –  became a support person for “S” and attended meetings alongside her at MSD/WINZ. Greg advocated on behalf of “S”.

The Orongomai Marae stepped up it’s search for an appropriate home.

Then, today (Thursday), a break-through.  At 1.48pm, I recieved a txt-message from “S”;


(Ebdentown is a suburb just north of Upper Hutt shopping centre.)

“S” was elated.

And note what she wrote. She did not say she “got a house”. She wrote she “got a home“.

That is what New Zealanders want for their families; a home.  Something more than just a ‘house’.

I sincerely hope Minister Adam and Minister Ngaro read this. “S”  will have a home for herself and her family – and it was not because of a single damned thing  our well-paid and well-housed Ministers did.

They did nothing. Oh wait, no, they did do something. They collected their salaries.

Over a mug  her favourite strawberry & lime herbal tea, “S” later explained how matters had developed quickly over the last twentyfour hours.

Orongomai Marae, in conjunction with ‘Buzz’ Properties, had found a three bedroomed house.  A Marae official contacted “S”, and  she  quickly went to view the property. “S” later spoke to a Property Manager from ‘Buzz’ who – looking at her payslips – was shocked to learn how little “S’s” income was from her two part-time jobs.

“S” tells me that the Property Manager was incredulous;

“How have you been managing to live?”

Frugally, is the answer – frugally.

“S” managed to get a good verbal reference from her current landlord and her employer (based in a head office in Auckland) phoned the Property Manager and gave a glowing character recommendation for “S”.

Upper Hutt MSD/WINZ ‘came to the party’. They were as supportive of “S” as they could be in the circumstances, and  agreed to fund an extension to the Notice to Vacate her current home. The extension will be to next Tuesday (4 July), giving “S” breathing-space to finalise packing and moving.

A major crisis in “S’s” life has been averted by a matter of days by people in the community working together.

Not because of anything two ministers have done.

This has ended well for “S” and her family. They will have a warm home to live in – which should be a right for every New Zealander. The minority – those hard-nosed people who believe that warm, safe, secure-tenured housing is not a right, but something to be achieved if you have the money to meet market demands – would have us live in a concrete-jungle. The law of tooth and claw is one we should have left behind thousands of years ago.

Right now, there are many other people like “S” and her family in this country.

The most sobering thought I have is that – going by the total inaction of two government ministers over the last three days – how many more  homeless will  there be, without help, out in the cold or in over-crowded rooms in small houses?

Where are the invisible sleeping tonight?

Ministers Adama and Ngaro – is this really the the best you can do? What is the point of your ministerial roles? Because I haven’t seen anything to justify your positions. Not a single damned thing.


“S”  and her family of four had been offered accommodation by a well-meaning, loving friend who offered to share her small, one bed-roomed flat with them.

Her friend already has three people living in that flat; two in the bedroom, one on a couch in the lounge.

Had “S” taken up the offer, eight people would have been crammed into a one-bedroomed flat, including a six month old baby. The conditions for infectious disease being passed around would have been disastrous.

Even the small, cramped one bedroom apartments in Soviet Russia were never as over-crowded as this.

Congratulations, New Zealanders: our living standards are falling below that of  the former USSR.

But here’s my question to my fellow New Zealanders:

Is this the best we can do for our country?  Is this where we’ve arrived in the second decade of the 21st Century? Is this the ‘Brighter Future’ you voted for in 2008, 2011, and 2014? Really?! Well, congratulations my fellow once-proud, once-egalitarian, Kiwis – you’ve got it. How does it taste in your mouths?



Previous Related Blogposts

Message to Minister Adams: Family of five, including six month old baby – about to live in a van






  1. Frank, I agree with you the Hard nose people out there have lost all empathy in society. Why this happens I have read is inequality gets so bad that they see no point in mixing with people below their station in life. So that is the response to the masses. Pretty much giving the ‘One finger Salute’…

  2. How appalling that this sort of situation even needs publication or the prospect of public attention to leverage action . How appalling that two Government Ministers simply pushed the issue in such a bland way to govt depts and did not even bother to follow up to ensure action. How appalling that a young mother with a 6 month old baby should even have to consider sleeping her, a baby and several others in a van.

    I look out the window @ 08:28 and its foggy. Its damp and its foggy and it is bitterly cold.

    I commend you , Frank. And all the other concerned party’s who acted,… and preformed the civic duty we pay our govt MP’s large salary’s to perform ,… yet did not.

    This is where I would usually peel off into a tirade about Globalist neo liberalism.

    Yet we have 3 months until the general election on 23rd September 2017.

    That is the date we quietly displace this bogus and offensive government. There is no ‘ brighter future’ with them. There never was and never will be.

    They are ideologically opposed to the best interests of the citizens of this country.

    Their consistent abdication of responsibility towards their fellow citizens, – cynically neglecting those they do not cater for as ‘ supporters of the Opposition party’s ‘ ,… their ruthless under-funding of social services to pave the way for privatization, … culminating in overcrowded living conditions , both in garages and cars that were never meant to be used as human dwellings, their persistent war against low income workers and their family’s backed by the surreptitious New Zealand Institute and others like them …

    Deem them a malevolent and alien element in our country’s lifestyle and our values as to what it means to be a New Zealander.

    Its time to get rid of them this 23rd of September 2017 – as there is no political redemption that can be had for them . They are finished.

  3. It is a tragedy that NZ is not building enough houses. The government should be making it easier to do this not harder and more expensive.

    • No, Gosman, the tragedy is that the government has sold off thousands of state houses.

      Get your Lamentations right.

    • What ‘ government’?
      We have Hard Right and Flaccid Right and a few mouth breathing, marsh mellow minions in the middle. All of whom cup Bankster testicles while running a bull shit game of me-me when they must have us vote for them in order that they ‘ get back in’ so as they can build up a decent flounce on their fat arses on our $-six figures plus entitlements.
      I say put the bastards on $50 k a year and a free 1995 Toyota Corolla. They can pay for the gas.
      Until there are zero homeless by necessity and there are zero foreign banksters here, that should be the best our politicians could expect.
      We don’t have a government. That’s blindingly obvious. What we do have is a cadre of con artists peddling faster than a dopy dick-stretch boat guy to maintain the swindle lest we figure them out.
      And how come you’re here, all smoochy fur? From your history I’d a thought you’d be more in favour of imprisoning the homeless for an un ending life of hard labour. Have you had a change of heart @ Gosman?

      • ” We don’t have a government. That’s blindingly obvious. What we do have is a cadre of con artists peddling faster than a dopy dick-stretch boat guy to maintain the swindle lest we figure them out.”


        About sums them up. After all – they are the ones who constantly bang on about ‘ small government’.

        So small it is non existent.

        That’s not what we are paying them for for – perhaps we should make their salary’s non existent as well.

    • Crosby-Textor key message: housing access shortage is caused by lack of new housing development.

      Reality: there are thousands of empty houses in this country, some of them owned by us via Housing NZ. New development, when left to “the market”, is mini-mansions on lifestyle blocks in the rural areas around the main cities, and holiday homes for the global 1%. We could allow every square inch of Aotearoa to be opened up to commercially-driven housing development, and there would still be no guarantee that a single house would be built that would be affordable to the whànau in this story.

      Shame on National for letting these tragedies occur on their watch, and then lying like narcissistic psychopaths about the cause.

    • 100% Gosman.

      We should begin the Government agency again as we had during the 1950’s as my dad after the war was sent to a training facility to build State houses for family homes.

      Dad was in this all his life until he finally retired at 74.

      Than he carried on as one of two NZ,s most notable craftsmen Bow & Arrow makers.

      My Dad built the bow Ms Neroli Fairhall won her olympic medal with in 1984.

      We need to do back there now!!!!!!

    • 100% Gosman.

      We should begin the Government agency again as we had during the 1950’s as my dad after the war was sent to a training facility to build State houses for family homes.

      Dad was in this all his life until he finally retired at 74.

      Than he carried on as one of two NZ,s most notable craftsmen Bow & Arrow makers.

      My Dad built the bow Ms Neroli Fairhall won her olympic medal with in 1984.

      We need to do back there now!!!!!!

    • It is a tragedy that NZ is not building enough houses

      Gosman, in 2008, Housing NZ’s stock comprised of 69,000 rental properties.

      By 2016, that number had fallen to 61,600 (plus a further 2,700 leased).

      National has sold off 7,400 properties.

      ref: http://www.hnzc.co.nz/assets/Uploads/annual-report-2008-09.pdf

      ref: http://www.hnzc.co.nz/assets/Uploads/Annual-Report-2016.pdf

      I assume you understand the implication of Housing NZ stock cut back by approximately 11%?

  4. Thank you Frank, and all involved in this successful outcome. I’ve done a bit of phoning and door-knocking for the Labour Party lately, and a lot of people are appalled at what’s happening at the sharp end. Some have also been closer to it through young relatives in the student rental market.

    The British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey shows a possible shift in society’s attitude towards a more involved collective one – is it happening here? Could it happen here?

  5. Good on you and thankfully a decent solution for the family.

    The question remains why all the government agencies were not able to find S a home before it became political (and even then they did nothing it sounds like the community found the home for them).

    Why can someone working two part time jobs and sharing accomodation expenses not be able to afford to live in this country when it should be plentiful for all?

    Wages have been kept down and now the tax payers subsidise the landlords. I would prefer at least 25% of the housing stock to just be owned by the government for low wage people so it is self sustaining. It is crazy the current system.

    Now we are giving foreign residents housing that they don’t even live in! Giving foreign billionaires citizenship when they don’t even need it and have no intention of living in NZ!

    At least give citizenship to people that value it and houses for people who want to live here!

  6. Outstanding results, Frank. And don’t you dare minimise your own efforts in all this. I’ve no doubt that there was a stirring atMSD to get something done, even though it was the Marae that came through in the end.

    As for Adams and Ngaro, they should both hang their heads in shame.

  7. Well, because I was bored I did a silly little test @ Stuff news today.

    Turns out, I was more in line with NZ First , then Labour then the Greens… with a little bit of Conservative party , no less ( I LOL’D at that bit )

    Stupid computers…

    Anyways , I am impressed with Andrew Little and the Labour party regards wages and ensuring fairness in the workplace. And I have NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that if we have a Labour govt with the Greens and NZ First they will never let the above situation carry on.

    They will be wanting to put as wide a noticeably effective distance between National and Act as they can after they win this election.

    And I can pretty much say that not only will we be able to steal John Keys / Nationals sales pitch of a ‘ Brighter Future ‘ , – but unlike them – we WILL have a BRIGHTER FUTURE when Labour / Greens / NZ First are in and National /Act / Dunne are gone.

    Its just a matter of keeping the eye on the ball and pulling out any remaining stops and minor differences.

  8. Amy Adams and Alfred Ngaro are a waste of space. Hang their heads in shame, I say.

    Frank, you sould be Minister for Social Housing. I suspect you’d do a better job in your sleep than those two over-paid incompetents sitting on their ministerial chairs.

    To Ms S and her family, good luck!! Our thoughts are with you!!

  9. Frank you are a star in every respect. If I was religious, I’d say bless you. Oh bugger it, I’m going to say it anyway BLESS YOU FRANK MACSKASY and that’s coming from the heart. I am so overjoyed by this result 🙂

    You weren’t harsh to the Private Secretary at all Frank. On the contrary in fact, given the situation! What’s harsh is that S and her family were made to endure the stress of the possibility of having to live rough!

    Although such a dire situation should never have eventuated for a Kiwi family in the first place, I say thank goodness for alternative news sites such as TDB, as well as marae, community services groups and social media.

    A positive outcome due to the dedication, love of their fellow Kiwis and hard work from all of those good folk above.

    A massive FAIL for Adams, Ngaro, in fact the whole damn shameful Natzianal government!

  10. Why should taxpayers pay for their accommodation?
    I am a taxpayer and I don’t want to pay for it!
    Why don’t you put them up?
    Why is there only one income in their house. If you’re old enough to have a partner and a baby you’re old enough to work.
    How old are the other “kids” in the house and are they old enough to work? If they aren’t working, what are they doing?
    Where is your proof that the “brown colour”is relevant to them not getting accommodation?
    Why do some people always play the “race card”?
    Why is there so much info missing from your article, won’t it be quite so dramatic then?

    • Hi Rebecca, I assume this is your first time posting here? It’s interesting that the story of homelessness and how it nearly impacted harshly on a family’s life has motivated you to write – and not in a very supportive way either. I assume you are an ACT supporter?

      Why should taxpayers pay for their accommodation?
      I am a taxpayer and I don’t want to pay for it!

      For the same reason you enjoy (near)-free education, free hospital care, and many other social services that in other countries are either (a) non-existent or (b) available only for the wealthy.

      You live in a country where we have remnants of socialised services. You should be thankful. Not green-eyed with envy/greed.

      Why is there so much info missing from your article, won’t it be quite so dramatic then?

      Why? Would it make a difference to your views?

      I suspect not. In fact, I know damn well it wouldn’t.

      Your demand for “so much info missing from your article” is motivated by your need to gain further ammunition with which to pillory a woman who is trying her very best and very nearly lost what little she had. You don’t want information to understand, you want it to give yourself more aspects of her life to judge and condemn.

      The fact that you show no inkling of understanding or empathy doesn’t reflect negatively on her – it is more of a ‘Rorschach test’ of your own attitudes.

      It’s not “S” that has comes out of this looking bad.

      It’s you.

      • It’s not “S” that has comes out of this looking bad.

        It’s you.

        That sums it up about Rebecca. Could never understand shallow selfishness.

    • Rebecca, thank you for you post. As vile as it is, it has served its purpose to remind us why the Left has to continue to struggle against greedy, narrow-minded bigots like you.

      In fact, your diatribe against S has prompted me to send in a donation to Labour, the Green Party, and the Mana Movement. A government with all three would be the best response to someone like you.

      Frank: stirling work, mate. I don’t know you, never met you, but one day I hope to shout you a drink at a pub. And none of the cheap s–t either!

      To S and her whanau, I salute you. Modern New Zealand is a harsh place for the poor, unemployed, mentally-ill, chronically ill, and young people struggling to buy their first home. I wish you all well.

      • Thank you, Otto. I’m a bit of a whiskey fan, so hope that doesn’t impact too badly on your wallet.

        I received a very nice surprise from “S” today; a bowl of home-made chicken soup, just like my mum makes! That made my day!!

        I spoke to “K”, her eldest son, who revealed the incredible stresses that her family has been under the last couple of weeks, and intensifying the last week. His description of the stress they were under was sobering.

        It is depressing to know this is going on around New Zealand, with Ministers preparared to sit on their hands doing very little, if anything. It’s enough to chuck it all in, and go live on an off-shore island, ‘Smith’s Dream-style.

        But then someone like ‘Rebecca’ pops up and reminds me why it’s crucial to keep the struggle going.

        Because if we surrender; if we don’t vote; then people like ‘Rebecca’ will create a society for us that will be much worse than what we are currently facing.

        Thank you, ‘Rebecca’, for re-motivating me.

    • Rebecca – you are clearly a heartless believer in the neo-liberalism/social Darwinism which has left so many in NZ without work, poorly paid and homeless. From the Left, it is the government’s role to look after its citizens and after 9 years of National’s self-serving policies, they have done just the opposite. Racism exists, prejudice against ‘low-income types’ exists (equating low income with poor character). There are simply not enough jobs to go around, nor are there enough houses. I imagine you have an easy, pretty life Rebecca. And from your moral high ground, you show a total lack of understanding and compassion.

      • Rebecca either is very wealthy or is educated and works hard but unfortunately is schooled by corporate media like most. Neoliberalism has been planned for decades and the “CLUB” as George Carlin describes it is running the show and you and I are not part of it. Key was nothing more than a brown nosing puppet for the elite ( Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Duponts). Rebecca sounds true to her convictions but unfortunately put her faith in neoliberalism that has failed not only New Zealand but the world. George Carlin is a brilliant comedian who said, ” If you believe in the American Dream, then you’re asleep.” Everything is geared against us non club members and the poor are getting hit first.

  11. Thank you Frank, and Thank you TDB.
    This has been an example of individual action and a community caring. When paid officials failed miserably, you were remarkably restrained Frank, in the face of such indifference and lip-service.

    I do think public perceptions are undergoing changes, and we only need a small swing to alter things. Polls are unreliable, often the “won’t say” group is the growing one. The mood for change is escalating, which is making the right very shrill. Keep calm Keep left and carry on.

  12. I did not vote for them – never have never will, but the taste is still there in my mouth, probably from seeing this once proud country slowly being flushed down the toilet.

  13. I second what Samwise said here.

    “Outstanding results, Frank. And don’t you dare minimise your own efforts in all this”

    You are no less than a very decent human being and hats off to you frank.

  14. Rebecca Mcleod . “I don’t want to pay for them”

    How much do you reckon you are sacrificing out of your taxes each week for “them”?
    You don’t even know. Probably 50 cents.
    F***ing bitch.

  15. It’s a great end to the story and congratulations to S on her new home.

    I think you expect a lot from the Government ministers. The system cannot operate where the Minister or Assiciate Minister decide who gets homes based on emails from members of the public. That’s why they have the bureaucracy to sort through and allocate on the basis of need. How Winz handled S’s initial approach strikes me as the problem with this case.

    I think the correspondent Rebecca lacks a little empathy, and there is no indication that S is having her house paid for by taxpayers. But her point about the number of adults in the house is valid. The family of five seems to be S, her adult son and partner, the baby and another child. If one of the parents held a job there would be another income and working for families support. Hopefully they will be able to find some employment soon. Wages are low in NZ which can be blamed on successive Governments, but jobs are reasonably plentiful for which they deserve at least some credit.

    In the end the Community came together to support S which is a great outcome. If you always expect the Government to solve every problem, then I fear you will be disappointed whichever party holds the Treasury benches.

  16. Very relieved, as this lady and her family must feel, that there was a positive outcome and she has a home to go to. But I feel for others that are still struggling with no positive outcomes in sight. Answer to your question Frank, no its not the best we can do for our country and it tastes very bitter indeed.

  17. Sad but true. I had the exact same experience and had to do what you did for “S” however I spent 11 weeks in a motel before they offered me a HNZ home.
    WINZ are incompetent, HNZ are too! The culture at WINZ needs overhauling and those employees need retraining/reprogramming as well they need to get out of the office and into the real world.

    Great work Frank!

  18. The sad thing is it’s often only the cases like this that see the light of day get that get addressed like they should, but how many aren’t? More often than not the MSD gets embarrassed by a story about a homeless family and then finds them a home to shut down the negative media coverage. Unfortunately too many of these stories don’t have such a positive outcome.

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