Interesting new Poll shows 77% of NZ First voters want Labour led Government & majority want Labour


Two interesting polls out yesterday through Horizon.

The first is how there is a change of sentiment amongst the 2014 and 2017 electorate…

…and second interesting thing is that 77% of NZ First voters want a Labour led Government…

…National have every reason to be concerned.


  1. Economic nationalism, the antithesis of neoliberal dogma, is actually both sane and left-wing; who’d a thunk it?

    • Neither man-the-borders economic nationalists nor welcome-the-carpet-bagging neoliberals have any useful answers.

      We need economic rationalism. We need and like immigrants, just not so many as to overwhelm our welcome. We want and need foreign investment, but must be careful not to sell both bathwater and baby. We want and need to encourage local import substitution and value-adding enterprise, but not at the expense of appropriate importation.

      Sorry, there is no one sweeping ring-to-rule-them-all solution or ideological salvation.

      Statecraft and economics is actually difficult, subtle and hard to accurately forecast. That’s why it is so attractive to Bumper Sticker Politicians.

      The solution to achieving success is the correct balance of things that are already around you. Not some simplistic knee-jerk doctrine.

      I know that this is unappealing to some and doesn’t flag much of a way forward.

      But what it does do is remind us all that each initiative should be treated on its own merits, rather than measured against a yardstick of doctrinal purity.

      • Well put Nick. I agree wholeheartedly, especially when you say:
        “But what it does do is remind us all that each initiative should be treated on its own merits, rather than measured against a yardstick of doctrinal purity.”

        I’m assuming that by merits you mean measurable outcomes, like what proportion of the population lives under a roof designed to house humans (not a car or a garage but maybe a housebus or tinyhouse) and can be sure of doing so for at least the next year?

  2. But will Winston and his fellow MPs listen? I can’t imagine Ron Mark wanting to work with the Greens

    • If it means getting into Government Ron Mark might have to eat humble pie and go with the Greens otherwise he will have to stay in opposition for another three years.

  3. Our day trader ex PM, saw the future and walked away from it.

    So if Labour don’t fuck up (yep there’s always that!) Labour will win.

  4. Just such a pity this country has to get ground down into the dirt before people wake up and realize its all been just a great big National party con job from the get go.

    Anyways – Labour’s going to win and NZ First will go with them.

    Rest assured of that.

    Lets not forget a bottom line of Winston’s either- that he will personally be among the first to re – enter Pike River , – something that wont happen under the skulking Nats.

    And whats Winston going to do with his Northland seat ? … give it back to the Nats?

    They are still smarting from that one.

  5. I just want to be liberated from this horrible hideous government.

    Let’s hope the poll is replicated on September 23rd.

  6. Whatever the result, it seems China may hold the ruling hand. Why make major investment in infrastructure if the long-term goal isn’t for major control of parts of the economy? Or is China just playing fairy godmother? Whichever party gets in it should have Mandarin speakers in its ranks so as to not miss the point. Winston will be pleased…not!

    • Two things.

      1) China throws Yuan around, trillions of the stuff

      2) Merica throws bombs around, trillions of the stuff

      The choice is so obvious you have to be a genuis not to see it.

      • Yep, Merica is bombing NZ every day; you can’t walk in the city without your ears being assailed by Merican colonists squawking in that horrid Merican accent. Good thing you can see it; you must be a genius.

    • Helena the Chinese are coming and they are coming to build big in Auckland they will try and bring their own workers/builders. But where will they all live I think they don’t care they are all about making profits, buying anything they can get their hands on trade domination. They are ruthless and we are soft and need to harden up.
      16 billions dollars of profits are leaving our country each year to overseas investors so , so much for more foreign investment being good for our country. Once again the gnats have conned people making promises they never keep to they sell sell sell and spin bullshert I see they believe their own spin.
      If we sell all our assets and we have another disaster we will have nothing to save us or fallback on and end up like Spain and Greece broke and unable to pay the IMF.

      • For many countries the options are the world bank, IMF, China. Funnily enough the option to self fund and self manage infrastructure is barkey mentioned.

        Barring ww3 or a armed uprising lead by the annonmous avatar named castro or other stuff of that nature. We can pretty much expect stock markets and asset prices to double. So if nothing changes house prices could hit 2 million if managed correctly, or incorrectly as the case may be. This isnt hypothitical because Einstien did some calculations but thats not all that important.

        You can set your self up for these financial risks by going off the grid while enjoying every modern convenience. Im talking about combining 100’s of patents including 3d printing, renewables and electric cars with 400k range and 40 minute recharge time into a personalised design crafted by pros for $300k not including land and thats low balling. So even if we go through a period of change remanescente of the great depression era and 2 world wars you can protect your upside with no downside because you own your own infrastructure. But thats not the important bit.

        The trick is to pay for your own infrastrucutre with cash and have no liabilities in between and thats the most difficult lesson to learn, that means saving and renting until you can pay cash for stuff you want, and you never borrow more than 3 times your anual income if you have to borrow. Unless you really know what you are doing which usually means insider trading (quick mention: thats illegal)

        Having no liabilities in between is the first step to mastering command of finance, insururance and real-estate of fire for short to avoid being hamstered to some one else payment schedule. So unwinding or any kind of debt is the first thing, and that takes work, once that happens you can begine paying cash, once you pay cash up fron on delevery ect.

        So once you’ve developed the skills and mechanisms to for things with cash it dosnt matter what price you pay, it will allways be less than having liabilities inbetween.

  7. Yeah but…

    You don’t show how many of the public don’t want any kind of deal with NZ First…

  8. But will Winston follow his supporter’s preferences? I suspect not. Winston follows Winston, end of.

    • Wrong Theodore,

      Winston is the consummate long lived Politician, and he wants to be inside the tent for the good of this country as he has always been about that as his first principal.

      Winston supports the people and we have called on him and his senior members attending issues meetings in our region and he always makes the effort to be there unlike your Nactional mates who run a mile and refuse to meet the people.

      Winston equals caring about peoples issues and others in Government don’t that’s why they will be swept out of power this year.

      • Yes, … and then we can all settle back into finding out just WHAT happened in Afghanistan and just HOW wee Fatima died.

        Refreshing open government… its been such a long time since we’ve known anything like it.

      • Also NZF is not just Winston, they have a Board of Management and a Caucus of Politicans, so it just ain’t Winston that decides.

  9. With so many NZF voters wanting NZF to go into coalition with Labour, the question Labour needs to ask themselves is why aren’t these voters voting Labour in the first place?

    • because NZF is to the Left of Labour and has been since Roger did the rogering of Labour

      …NZF is also more to the Left than the Greens imo…or at least it is more proactively for New Zealand and New Zealanders first when it comes to housing and state owned assets

      • 100% correct RB.

        Doesn’t take much to be left of the other lot!!!!!

        Just care for Kiwi’s, and try to level the playing field with a sprinkle of old fashioned Egalitarianism.

  10. Neoliberal economics will still be the driving doctrine, no matter what colour rosettes the election victors wear.
    Who chooses who at the dance is just mere window dressing.
    The Brighter Future …… it’s locked in Eddie.

  11. Neoliberal Economics is stuffed, it is now referred to as Zombie Economics, New Zealand is in a worse financial position now compared to 1984 when Roger Douglas and David Lange grabbed the economy by the scruff of the neck and began to dismantle it.

  12. Neoliberal Economics is stuffed, it is now referred to as Zombie Economics, New Zealand is in a worse financial position now compared to 1984 when Roger Douglas and David Lange grabbed the economy by the scruff of the neck and began to dismantle it.

    • Yep Nactional is just another carpet bagging traitor that history will register as the worst form of Government in our modern history.

      hey should be charged with crimes against the state and the people as they were derelict in their given care and duty to do what’s in the best interest of the people and not to indulge themselves in the spoils of an economic war-game at our expense.

    • I’d go one further, and say capitalism is stuffed. But nothing’s going to change.
      We’re all riding this pony right to the cliff edge I’m afraid.
      Whilst it would be refreshing to see burning torches and pitchforks on the streets, whenever I look I just see the unemployed and homeless and mentally unwell reduced to begging. I see the debt slaves with dulled eyes shuffling between work, the bank, the retail store and their overpriced home, whilst holding a latte in one hand and a cellphone in the other.
      I see a degraded environment, crumbling infrastructure and now third world diseases.
      What I don’t see is a huge will for change from those with the power to do so.

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