Remember, cycling is NOT white middle class privilege


There are 3 rules of blogging. Never mock vegans, crossfitters or cyclists.

I suggested last month that cycle lanes reeked of middle class white privilege. That had blue green millennial corporate blog TheSpinOffTV rearing on its hind legs spluttering at the mere suggestion.


Today hundreds of white middle class volk jumped on their $10 000 bikes with all the nifty expensive gadgets and fashion sense to ride with their hero Lance Armstrong.

Remember. This is not white middle class privilege here…




TDB Recommends

…or here…



Which was kinda the point I was making last month.



  1. You are so right as these cycle groups are all Key clones and are actively trying very hared to steal all our railways when they are being run down by Kiwirail/Government by lack of funding so we will all be left with rich white folks who can afford good bikes to go around the country cycling over what was our railways while the poor live near overburdened truck gridlocked roads shortening their lives so rich folk can cycle away and be free of the truck gridlock so they are killing the poor who cant afford to live away from reamed truck roads.

    Pitiful don’t you think?

  2. As someone who is on the Hawkes bay cycle trails for atleast 9 hours a week I have to say…you are entirely right. And may I add that the average cycle trail user is clearly a National voter with very little in the way of basic social grace.

  3. So why aren’t you criticising those who are too lazy to do some sort of exercise? Good on these people for getting out and going for a ride. Shame who they did it with though….

  4. As a cyclist myself, I feel it should be noted – The clothes are not a fashion statement – They are a practicality. The shirts are designed to absorb sweat while remaining dry and comfortable, and the tight fit pants prevent chafing and saddle sores. When you go on long rides, anything over 30-40km, you learn to appreciate those comforts. As for the expensive bikes though… Yeah, I met a guy here in Korea riding a $10,000 bike. Way too much. I got a kickass secondhand bike for $700, and even that felt like a lot to hand over for a bike. I’m not a racer or a group rider, I just ride solo because it’s practical, it’s fun, and it’s healthy. I stick to the cycle lane whenever there is one, I slow down for pedestrians if they wander into it, I don’t wear headphones or play on my cellphone while I’m moving… Courtesy and common sense are easy. If only the motorists I share the roads with were as attentive, I’d feel a lot safer…

  5. What’s your problem Martyn? Cycling is carbon friendly and cheap, the roads are clogged with self righteous twats in giant SUVs. Cycling is way more efficient at moving tons of people than single occupant vehicles. Cycle lanes save lives.

    Motorists have a massive sense of entitlement and a nasty unwillingness to respect the rights of other people on public roads. There are massive investments in the road network. Yet the oil and roading lobby resents a tiny percentage of public funds going to cyclists.

    You do realise that cyclists pay taxes and drive cars too right? That non drivers also have rights?

    Not everything is a right wing plot mate.

  6. God forbid that middle class people should have a hobby which just happens to be healthy, good for the environment and fun.

    How dare they!

  7. Meanwhile, in other parts of the country people in prison are fixing bikes so that folk of any variety and label at all can have a bike.

    This ‘white, middle-class’ blah must be Auckland-centric. In the wilds beyond the Bombay Hills lots of people, young, old, from palest pink to deepest brown, all ride bikes.

    I do wish they’d ride on the road, though. It’s hell being a pedestrian…

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