Questions the media should immediately ask the new Corrections Minister



This was our new Corrections Minister, Louise Upston,  when she came into Parliament in 2008...

Referring to a Sensible Sentencing Trust rally in her electorate that was organised after the murder of Karen Aim, the new MP said tougher bail and sentencing laws were needed, and criticised Labour for presiding over a Government that “puts victims ahead of criminals”.

She also said more support was needed for Police, who were repaid with “hounding in the media, launching immediate inquiries and subjecting them to intense scrutiny”.

…so the very redneck tough on crime bullshit that has resulted in our racist private prison empire now incarcerating 10 000.

And the rest.

Let’s not forget the 30 00+ who are in the shadow prison system of home detention and extended supervision orders that lock prisoners up on Prison land past their sentence forever.

How terribly charming.

While the media suddenly care about prisons, let’s ask Louise three simple questions…

1: Is it problematic that ACC owns 30% of Wiri Prison?

2: Have you been briefed on any allegations of fight clubs and stand over tactics that were so prevalent in Serco’s Auckland Prison occurring at their Wiri prison?

3: If it comes out that Wiri Prison has had the same fight club problems, could prisoners impacted sue the Government directly because ACC owns 30% of it?


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  1. yes Martyn

    The lines are terribly blurred now with every company owning another piece of the action.

    A real dirty little racketeering practice going on here as bad as Chicago isn’t it.

    Crooks attract crooks it always seems.

  2. 3: If it comes out that Wiri Prison has had the same fight club problems, could prisoners impacted sue the Government directly because ACC owns 30% of it?

    And the prisoners family’s as well?

    Id say a whole lot of lawyers are looking forwards to this with glee.

  3. Yep – more prisons for profit , more militarized U.S. type police ; tougher bails and longer sentencing – yep that will solve what ( ? ) Princess Upston, donkeys little puppet. Solve not much and usually making matters much worse. Go Upston ! !
    Are your lips chapped yet ? with all the kissing up goodbys for your former disgraceful serial lying leader ?

    What about rehabilitation and good quality counseling and post prison support and work programs and helping end homelessness and inequality and poverty and child abuse that leads to these legal problems ? What about changing laws that are unfair and out of date ? What about shorter sentencing and better rehab and support systems ? Send back to the U.S. their pro – war arms and police paraphernalia ?

    Why not fire some of these crooked police and asleep judges, you know the unethical ones who are paid to increase the prison population with biased and unfair sentencing. Yep, Louise you are on the right path to inequality and more suffering and a judicial and legal system that does just the opposite – systems that serve mostly the wealthiest amongst us. PROFIT BEFORE PEOPLE. I personally know a man who is going through hell trying to get his life back after a totally wrong sentence and a legal system that failed him and so many others. The people with very minor offenses and trumped up evidence and criminal attorneys; crooked cops – get sent to profit making ( PROFIT MAKING ! ! ) prisons and justice is often not served – ( Scott Watson ; David Bain ; Teina Pora etc. )

    Yep – you and Paula; Amy Adams; Judith Collins and Anne are doing great things for the needy and those considering suicide and the hungry children in stress and the homeless and making sure justice prevails. Continue dishing out your mostly untrue fuzzy logic stats like – ” rock star economy “.
    And you all and Donky thought we all trusted in and believed and bought your insane logic.

    So fill those prisons up and bring more militarized police here – great job girls.
    Further in the toilet we go, both socially and economically, with leadership like that – Go Go girls !

  4. Upston is missing the point many of our people (Maori ) shouldn’t be in there in the first place the justice system is f racist and discriminative. I get sick and tired of hearing all the bullshert from people who have no idea have they been there do they have whanau in there have they ever visited a prison or been to one or experienced our justice system as too many of our people have

  5. Radio NZ requested an interview with Upston this morning. It was declined.

    I have a suspicion Upston will be very, very media shy in her new portfolio – as she was in her old (Ministry of Women’s Affairs) portfolio.

    She is utterly out of her depth.

    • Yeah agree Frank I think she will get chewed up and spat out like the last idiot they put in there she isn’t the only one out of her depth so is pull the benefit who now says she is from Tainui and a part time feminist pull the other one does she think we are stupid many of our Maori people cant stand the sight of her

    • That’s for sure Frank. Totally agree.
      When one is fearful and not too aware or wise, of course you want to avoid the media that may expose the obvious. Inept and running scared.
      That’s the kind of leader we really need for bringing justice and fairness to all – a ” so called ” leader running, hiding and fearful ? ? ?

    • Yes Frank, I concur. Upston has now an official title. The Minister for No Comment.
      Another arrogant person whom believes she is bigger than the people who pay for her to be there.

      • Extremely well said Bert and clearly obvious not only of Upston but of Bennett as well. Two phony and elitist woman out of touch with the people and running scared. Sad days with leaders like that representing us, but wait they do not represent us – they represent their corporate elite and banker elite buddies and any other elite who smells of greed and lack of wisdom and intellect.
        Their motto – Profit Before People. Lots of stupid women in Natz.-
        you know the kind of women you would never want to sit and have a coffee with. Smug on their pedestal looking down on the rest of us.
        Thank goodness their days are numbered. People are waking up.

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