Gerry Brownlee rants at earthquake survivor for ruining Bill English’s photo op



Gerry Brownlee ranted at an earthquake survivor today for having the audacity to ruin Bill English’s first photo op…

Angry Kaikoura coast locals vent their quake frustrations at PM Bill English, Gerry Brownlee

“Sorry you’re frustrated, but I’m p***ed off that you took that attitude quite frankly, and I’ve just sworn on TV.”

The argument continued when the man said: “That’s fine Gerry, but i think you’ll find everyone here thinks like I think.”

…you can understand Gerry’s frustration. No one has milked natural disasters quite like the National Party and this is what they normally expect when they turn up…


…actually being challenged on what they are doing beyond a photo opportunity isn’t what senior National Party Ministers expect.

Ranting at earthquake survivors is an odd way to connect with voters.


  1. Gerry’s a cunning old piece of blob. “Frankly I’m pissed off” etc …. feigning concern for all those hard working officials working their asses off. and all those labourers, digger drivers and others working hard to get you back on your feet. And what thanks do they get?
    etc. etc. etc.
    Watch him play it to the hilt.
    He’ll do his best to reframe the local’s despair into their having a go at those minimum wage workers.

    • Most of those farmers at that meeting were John Key voters and supporters.

      Jerry Brownlee and English could care less about the needs of these earthquake victims.
      Their helicopter visit was mostly a taxpayer tour trip and ” look see ” at the damage and then they are pissed off that locals voice their disappointment.

      You farmers voted in these incompetent, self absorbed ego maniacs so take a look in the mirror. Jerry failed chch and now he will fail in the Kaikoura area as well. Is anyone surprised ?

  2. The people of Kaikoura need to be more patient with Gerry. Six years on and Brownlee still hasn’t got a clue what the hell he is doing in Christchurch.

    • The Nactional Government are doing the same with us on the Gisborne Napier rail and road system as they have held the whole east coast community up for over five yours almost since a storm took out the rail and some of the road, so they have patched up the roads but left the rail line hanging and taken lots of photos of MP’s visiting the region showing themselves off as hero’s for what??????

      This paper thin National dictatorship are less than human and will not even spend four million dollars to fix our rail while they show up with 2 billion out of nowhere to fix the Kaikoura rail and road.

      Bloody hypocrites aren’t they Martyn, as it suits when to shell out when it suits them to show some “positive images” for the voters who will cast their vote next year, and that’s what it is all about here.

      So it now appears our community in Gisborne & HB will be joining with our Maori partners/cousins Iwi’s ,hapus whanau, to take Government to court to force them to give the land/rail back to the original land owners that they took under the “public works act” all those years ago when they promised in a letter given at Korero to Iwi chiefs by the surveyors and government rail engineers written in Maori by John Bryce {the then Minister of Native Affairs) promised for a rail service “to be of great advantage to them” that this rotten lying Government now arrogantly refuse to repair to operate now.

      So we will argue the case to the judge to let the descendants finally take their rights to operate a railway instead as this Government couldn’t organise a piss-up in a brewery it seems the way they have systematically run down the rail in NZ to the point of closing the whole thing down and allow trucks to rule our crappy dangerous single lane windy roads.

      • He graduated from being an intemperate, condescending shit to teenage boys, to an intemperate, condescending shit to pretty much everyone. That’s progress for you.

  3. Is he still Minister of Defence?… the guy who barged through security at an airport with his bombastic sense of self importance ?…. bloody hell !

    Heaven save us all because that tosser sure cant !!!

    He cant even save his own reputation , by looks…

    Funny how its all turning rapidly to shit now the cheap salemans gone.

    Whats the matter, Farrar?…. where the hell are you?

    Still in separation grief ?

  4. This would never have happened if John Key was still PM.
    Another example of New Zealanders suddenly waking up and smelling the coffee, now that the John Key eternal lullaby is no longer keeping them asleep to the real status of things in this country.
    It must be very troubling for National ministers to not have Key to hide behind anymore. Their incompetence is now laid bare for all the country to witness.

  5. The opposition parties have tended to stress the fact that this government is arrogant and out of touch. Of more concern to the people of Kaikoura however, is the fact that it is bloody useless.

  6. Well done Martyn,

    This Nactional Party is paper thin as a human species, and all about “image” not substance every time like a commercial.

    We need to get rid of this careless antihuman machine and put together a coalition government that actually cares about New Zealanders, and not just their image to the public.

    Funny when we see that national are stumping up with 2 Billion to repair the road and rail for Kaikoura folk while 5 yrs after a storm took out our Gisborne rail they wont spend a poultry 4 million dollars to repair our rail, bloody hypocrites aren’t they?

    We are finally forced to have to take the Government to court to force them to give the land and the rail back under the rail to the original Maori landowners that Government took the land for originally under the public works act for a rail line to seems now.

    The arrogant national government y have abused and insulted the east coast community so bad that we see national loosing two seats up here next year.

  7. “…actually being challenged on what they are doing beyond a photo opportunity isn’t what senior National Party Ministers expect.”

    They had better get used to it now that the smarmy, vindictive, conman has departed.

  8. I heard some Kaikoura guy on the radio saying that 3 weeks ago Brownlee had said certain things would happen. That assured the locals and they went away happy. Those things haven’t happened so they’re pissed off.

    Maybe Brownlee went in all piss and wind and was overly optimistic. That doesn’t matter, an impression was left. And now we have the boot being put into upset locals instead of Brownlee for being stupid.

    Useless pricks like him having a bag of sycophantic apologists shows how dire things are in the country.

  9. Maybe the Nats need to understand that eventually people get pissed off at being exploited got countless photo-ops. Especially when they’re doing it tough and the government seems to be totally disinterested.

    So you got what you deserved, mr Gerry.

  10. If ever there was a need for another squadron of low-flying dildos, it was at Gerry and Bill’s photo-op with Clarence residents.

    Good on Clarence folk for showing that these snake-oil salesmen have carried on business-as-usual, now that John Key has resigned been rolled by the centre-right-wing faction of National.

    Michelle Boag will be parading her beau-toxicity over every tame media outlet in the nation, crowing about how great she is they are. I hope she takes centre-stage in the run-up to the election, to remind the public that right-wing Bra-shites are in control again and that its full-steam ahead for rampant neoliberalism.

    Boag, the doyenne of right-wingery, will remind the public, like Farage and Trump supporters did with Brexit and Trumpit, that voters can and will say no more to dictatorships.

    • Surprised that this blog is taking the side of silver spooned landed gentry. Reliably informed that said farmer boarded at Christchurch’s most elite school, before returning to the debt free family farm. A good farmer, apparently and never had a financial worry in his life. His main concerns were grumbling about the government if prices went down and self congratulation when they went up.
      He was having a go because the government hadn’t reacted quickly enough to what he felt was his right – too used to getting his own way you see.
      You should not be making him the hero of the piece at all.
      And on another tack. Don’t rubbish the engineers and workers who have made tremendous efforts to get that lifeline road open again under very difficult conditions. It’s not as simple as the armchair critics seem to think.

      • I think you might have misread the tenor of this post and the comments therein Patrick. The focus is fairly and squarely on Brownlee here, not the Clarence residents, who only want fair treatment, like Kaikoura got. But neoliberalism is not about fair.

        The focus is on John Key’s Bill’s photo-op, going pear-shaped because the people, like they did in Brexit and voting Trump, are sick to the back teeth of fuckwit, self-serving politicians ramming neoliberal bullshit down voters throats then never being see again until just before an election , or when there’s a RWC, or ICC World Cup performance, there’s a baby to kiss, a nail to hammer, or a school to close down.

        Brownlee foaming at the mouth and telling people to piss off, confirms his gentrified, self-aggrandized snake-oil salesman attitude at Bill and Gerry’s photo-op. Brownlee remember, is used to getting his own way in Christchurch and also for barging through restricted door access at airports.

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