What many opponents of Trump seem to be horribly missing in the latest opinion polls from America


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There seems to be a collective sigh around that world at the latest Opinion Polls from America showing that Hillary Clinton is just ahead of Trump…

Clinton has led more polls than Trump in recent weeks, but it’s close. HuffPost’s average puts her ahead by 4 in a one-on-one matchup with Trump; RCP’s has her up by 2.6. But when HuffPost adds Gary Johnson, Clinton’s margin shrinks to 2.2 points, and when RCP adds Johnson and Jill Stein, Clinton is up by just 1.6.

…I think this optimism is horribly misplaced.

The issue shouldn’t be that Hillary is slightly ahead, the issue is that a racist, sexist billionaire bully whose language borders on hate speech is even anywhere fucking near the Presidency! At this stage, it doesn’t even matter if Hillary wins, Trump has won. The hate he has injected into the body politic is unlike anything we’ve seen in modern times and the long term carcinogenic impacts of that type of political cancer are difficult to predict.

There is a deep underbelly of American society who feel as deeply resentful of the political and cultural elites as  those voters in Brexit did. That weeping wound will require healing not mocking and is a reminder that if the fruits of democracy are not shared equitably, rot will set in.


  1. Trump hasn’t ‘injected’ anything into the body politic. He has simply tapped into the existing state of things and brought it out into the open.

  2. They are both bad, one is corporate Americas aged Barby Doll play thing, a rerun of a poor 90’s movie that will look to lower corporate tax even more and do what they want and have the aged Bill Clinton advising. A person who became nominee because her party apparatus deemed her to be the winner even before a vote was cast.

    The other, filthy rich, used to getting his way, used to having fawning stooges falling around his feet with a vile destructive message for everyone else, who ironically, is far less controllable by vested interests than Clinton.

    The US voters can’t even rely on the maxim of holding their noses and voting for the one who stinks the least because they are both more putrid than the entire worlds collection of corpses.

    And democracy in the US has taken on the same stench.

  3. Trump is a misdirection, a distraction and will be a standard right-wing president if elected. The US political system is specifically designed to constrain a president and that is exactly what it will do. The hysteria and frankly offensive treatment of Trump by the liberal media in the US, UK and NZ is actually embarrassing. The photo above being a case in point. The liberal media have been turned into a bunch of school kids trying to shout the meanest things they can about Trump.
    They have lost their intellect and their ability to analyse the economic and social consequences of either candidate. There is no discourse about policy or platform, there is no analysis of the deep economic and political injustices in the US. These topics are off the table because every time Trump opens his mouth the entire progressive bandwagon hangs on to every where word like a drooling fan base. Rabbits in the headlights frozen until Trump beeps the horn.
    Trump has somehow extinguished the capacity for independent thought and is dictating the entire discourse across the media and critical thinkers. It’s a ruse, a dead cat and it is deliberately designed to ensure that who ever wins the presidential election there will be nothing of substance for ordinary American citizens.

  4. The same thing happened here with The Jonky Effect.
    Jonky appealed to the neo-moron class ( greedy, well off and stupid. ) and was repeatedly elected with little more than a promise of beads and blankets. Despite Jonky’s lies, bullying, dodgy alliances with whaleoil and his wealth with its dubious history, there he is. His hook nose poking about in all our little corners.
    I agree with TINHAT. The rot was there, the trumpinator just saw a market op and went for that like a pit bull terrier.
    Trump is a back-lash. He’s selling back the misery his kind created. It’s a bit clever really. Awful, but clever.

  5. The Clintons, both Bill and Hillary represent, have promoted, and continue to promote, everything that is wrong with America -the corporate-military state that controlled the world through financial scams and the threat of military invasion or actual military invasion, the phony financial system that rewarded and still rewards money-printing, speculation and manipulation, the raiding of the commons by the so-called elites and the transfer of costs to tax-payers, the accumulation of vast sums by individuals and families whilst the standard of living of the masses continually declines, the insincerity of politicians and long-term sabotage of the nation for the short-term gain of a tiny minority, the brainwashing of the masses by the corporate media, the promotion of the use of fossil fuels, and promotion of production and ingestion of industrially-produced ‘food’ etc. Name anything destructive, toxic, unsustainable, and immoral and the Clintons were there, lurking, making money out of it. And lying all the time.

    Trump, on the other hand, apparently represents only most of what is wrong with America -the phony financial system that rewarded and still rewards money-printing, speculation and manipulation, the raiding of the commons by the so-called elites the accumulation of vast sums by individuals and families whilst the standard of living of the masses continually declines, the brainwashing of the masses by the corporate media etc.

    Hillary Clinton has a well-documented record of being a liar, an exploiter and a warmonger. Trump has a well-documented record of being an exploiter and undoubtedly has done more than his fair share of lying; at this stage he has had no opportunity to be a warmonger.

    Whatever happens, we can be sure it will not be for the benefit of the American people but will be for the benefit of ‘the controllers’, the transnational bankers and corporate exploiters who have ruled the western world for decades and are tightening their stranglehold and control most of the ‘puppet show’, and control almost all of what is broadcast by mainstream media. There will be no healing of American society or recovery or ‘making America great again’ because the political-economic system is geared to continuous destruction and can neither reform itself or be reformed. And the things that made America ‘great’ are long gone.

    Indeed, Obama (remember ‘hope and change you can believe in’ ?) has taken America to new lows, both domestically and internationally, and the rate of descent is increasing, as always occurs with dying empires.

    In addition to collapsing financial and military clout we are witnessing, we can be absolutely certain that everything that matters will continue to be made rapidly worse, whoever gets installed in the White House, and that the destructive processes will continue until the financial-economic-political system destroys itself and most life on Earth.

    George Carlin summed it up long ago: “Forget the politicians; the politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. The own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress…” (YouTube).

    And the ‘owners’ are not the least bit interested in the welfare of the masses. Indeed, they seem so obsessed with money and power they are not even interested in their own progeny’s welfare.


  6. People are simply rejecting the neo-progressive agenda which is already making their lives much worse than they were, and the people can now see that the ultimate outcome will likely be like the progressive poster-child, Sweden, if they don’t push back now and turn the ship around.

  7. This clearly demonstrates how rotten-to-the-core the Obama administration is, and why there is now such a backlash against so-called Democrats. Deceit, betrayal, protection of criminals and promotion of the power of corporations -the new normal in the western world (including NZ, of course).

    ‘As The Hill reports, Obama on Friday vetoed legislation that would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia in U.S courts, setting up a high-stakes showdown with Congress.  Obama’s move opens up the possibility that lawmakers could override his veto for the first time with a two-thirds vote in both chambers. Worse, it now appears – with reason  – that Obama has now sided not with the US population but with a small minority of Saudi emirs.’


    Of course, there is a lot more to the 9/11 story than the mainstream media will EVER allow to be made public.

  8. Bomber I agree with so much of what you write about, but I feel you are missing the point here. Clinton makes John Key look like an angel. She’s bought & paid for. She’s a crook, War mongered & anything but her has to be better, even Trump who I agree is awful. Clinton is so much worse by orders of magnitude

    • Yes Clinton is very dirty indeed and a proven liar since the white-water scandal she was in it donkey deep there so she is pure dirt.

      Donald Trump has proven he doesn’t like to be controlled so may be a slightly better candidate who wont be bought like the Clinton’s or Obama was!!!

      They as Key is just another cling on for another “the Bilderberg Group” gang of thugs secret agendas’ of the Corporates’ evil empire.

      Trump is the only one that may surprise us as we know where Clinton will go don’t we.

  9. I fear it is too late to save America (the US) from itself, that is its ugly underbelly.

    We have media report with bias, and only focus on the powerful and their lobbyists, who have the wealth behind them.

    Those angry potential voters will be similar to angry voters elsewhere. Democracy has become the playground of the privileged, society has a new entrenched class system.

    Those that are in control tend to also be patronising, and tell us what is best for us, which we are not asked about.

    So frustration is building, also in New Zealand. The worst we have had in populist leaders recently is Winston Peters, but compared to Trump he is harmless.

    I would not rule out that one day we have our own Donald Trump rise here, remember also how Bob Jones once started a party and got quite a share of the votes in the 1980s. He is also a rich and arrogant person, who likes to be vocal and does not shy from using swear words.


    Many New Zealanders fell for his BS agenda and voted for his party, I am sure there will be enough doing something similar for a similar or even more bizarre party in the future.

    Only informed voters can ensure a functioning democracy, in the age of the internet and a commercialised, click bait happy MSM we get less information and more absurdity in “news”.

    No reason to be complacent about.

  10. Trump has been rolling out constructive policy at his huge rallies but it is never
    covered by MSM.

    Where as Clinton has been lucky to attract 200-300. In fact it appears she has
    actually been staging her last few speeches. She is very sick and the rumour is
    she has metastasized cancer. (from reliable sources.)

    Would not wish that on anyone,BUT;
    “Mr. Giraldi said a covert “deep state” had taken root in the security realm, the American deep state of his description consists of visible people like the Clintons and the former C.I.A. director David H. Petraeus”


    The real polls (not MSM) has Trump at 47% and Clinton 40%.

    If readers genuinely want to understand Trump go to my well researched reply
    to Afewknowthetruth and Samwise that ended up to all contained here;
    (about 60% down page)

    Trump is a Movement. Think Brexit,Le-Penn France and the ADF party (Nationalist) in Germany that has come from nowhere in recent elections to beat Merkel into third place in her own home state!!

    There is only one party that fits that description here and that is NZF!!

    We can sit here all day and moan / repeat the obvious but it is now time for action.

    Start analyzing Curwen Rolinson’s articles and start spreading the word.

    And stop listening to MSM’s diatribe continually spewing out!!!


  11. A vote for Clinton is a vote for ONE WORLD ORDER,she is not fit to be president and the globalist dont expect her to do anything ,she will just be the face of presidency,with people George Soros controlling everything.
    Clinton is being propped up and nursed along by OWO people. If Clinton wins pity help America they will be slaves in their own country, The democrats own everything,Justice Dept ,FBI , etc thats why Comey couldnt prosecute Clinton,he was under orders from Establishment to keep her free.:Loretta Lynch colluded with Bill Clinton to stop Hillary from being indited.The One World Order need her to secure the White House for them,
    If she dies after possible success, they will use a stunt double to prop up the system.
    Obama has brought in 85 thousand immigrants and is attempting to naturalise them before 8nov for voting purposes,amongst these is likely to contain ISIS infiltrators,they will risk terror activities to get the votes,
    Anything goes for OWO and they wont care what harm they cause as long as they gain controll.
    It will be to no avail ,Russia ,China India etc wont be taken over by OWO ,. If Trump wins he will be better for America,he might be an egotist,but hes no fool,the democrats have built up a negative view of him with aid of MSM, because they fear him,and wouldnt be able to controll him as they would Clinton.
    If Clinton wins the people who vote for her will regret it ,America as we know it will be finished,freedom gone,total controll by OWO.
    I know you will say this conspiricy theory,its not,just wait and see, and hope Trump wins,he will be the saving of America .

  12. When Donald Trump talks about ‘making America great again’ he is talking about military might.

    In 1979 when Iran seized the US embassy and took the staff hostages, US president Jimmy Carter acted with restraint and it cost him a second term in office.

    With a ‘President Trump’ there would be no restraint, he will use nuclear weapons without any hesitation.

    If ISIS strike against the US ala 9/11 he will nuke the cities in the ‘caliphate’ without any hesitation.

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