Tricky Winston and his tricky donations


Just as Winston is building himself up to be a King rather than a King maker, the icky business of what it takes to make the political sausage erupts in his face as infamously as it did when he held this sign up…


…again it’s Winston’s hubris and sophistry that has made the problem worse.

This time Winston has been stung by his own criticism of the People’s Party who he claimed was a National Party front. Turns out the People’s Party actually donated Winston $3000 at the hilariously named IndiaGate.

Last time Winston was trying to deflect criticism of how he takes donations from the big money he publicly attacked…


…for a King, this doesn’t bode well.

The last thing Winston wants is being seen as tricky and manipulative. His brand is straight talking, not weasel words.

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The King seems to be counting his Crowns before he has the Throne.


  1. Yes , but what I d like to know is, why do so many of these so called ‘immigrants’ hand out donations to so many disparate and diametrically opposed political party’s…

    Is it ignorance of the NZ political scene , or is it that they want to curry favor by using financial donations…and cover all bases in the process?

    And is it right that significant numbers of immigrants form their own political party instead of appraising and joining an existing one?

    An example of this was a political party formed on Auckland’s North Shore a few years ago…. turns out it was being financed from Beijing.

    Do we really want that sort of political interference here?

    So flipping the coin and seeing the other side of the issue… why ,… was the founder of the Peoples Party handing out donations left right and center to political party’s across the board in the first place?

    Are New Zealanders that easily sucked in?

    Is this the way we do politics now in NZ?

    Buy your way in , establish a beachhead then exert political power over and above the existing established political system?

  2. Most Political Parties are receiving doggy donations and the whole donation process has been needing a massive overhaul for many years but even though all parties are asking for an overhaul guess what?

    National have refused to carry out a overhaul, probably because to many rats will come out from under the National Donations chest eh?

    We need to concentrate on who in BIG BUSINESS and other FORIEGN INVESTORS are sliding BIG money into NtaZ election WAR CHEST. That is a worry far worse than a $3000 donation from a dodgy Indian Political figure who has himself yet to be grilled by the investigate journalists,…………..Opps sorry we don’t appear to have any of those any more gainfully employed by Government controlled MSM.

    Perhaps you can begin a look at this new Indian Political Party National supporter also Martyn??

    Otherwise it just seems as another classical “black opps Slater type setup as another “Dirty politics again about to enter this next election???

    Perhaps you are already judging it this way already, as I definitely smell a rat on the back of the NZ First Convention?

    Who is next then?

  3. From the time I began to see through his façade (early 1990s) I have regarded Winston Peters as being as slippery as an eel and untrustworthy.

    Ever the opportunist, he will undoubtedly suck-in large numbers of uninformed fools via pledges to deliver that which he has no intention of delivering or cannot deliver.

    Meanwhile the entire political system continues to make everything that matters worse at an ever-faster pace because legislative houses around the world continue to be filled with ‘the best politicians money can buy’.

    Only when money is removed from politics will there be any improvement in the quality of representation. And since the incumbents continue to ensure that money remains the prime determinant of who gets into legislative houses, the world will end before money is removed from politics.

    ‘NASA Warns Of Mass Extinction If We Don’t Fix Climate Change’

    • Afewknowthetruth;

      Time for your Paradigm Shift?

      You know how the MSM works now. Their MO.
      You know about the global governance plan. Global taxes on nations/control
      You should know what a Dominant Social Theme is the TPTB push. (meme related.)

      In fact they always Double Down when caught fraudulently changing the data to
      suit. 2009.
      You know about Confirmation Bias and how it works.

      Time for some research;
      And don’t believe any google adds I see sitting there. Google adds,yer right.!

      It is not demeaning to admit someone my have been fooled.
      Putin stated it was all a hoax years ago.

      And you should know too Martyn but you’re excused for the pension to protect.

      It’s like being a ‘Closet Trump Voter’ is’int it. There is plenty of them.


  4. Now we wait for scurrilous National to use this in a smear campaign against Winston and NZF, in an odious game of dirty politics, which Key and co-conspirators play so well!

    I’m picking Key, Joyce & Co will want to use The People’s (Migrant) Party as yet another grubby appendage to help them hang on to power!

    • the proof that this is yet again another round of dirty politics is that the minute Peters spoke out about this guy suddenly the leader of the peoples party conveniently has a photocopy of the cheque in question .

  5. This is why we need to get back to have parties or movements with signed up paying members, in large numbers, all else will only lead to yet more US American style “politics” or rather “corruption of politicians”.

    This is a major problem, which sadly most do not realise, that is most voters and ordinary citizens.

    Most think now they fare best on their own, swap and change, look only after number one, and vote like a shopper in a lolly shop.

    Society and politics cannot function properly with the status quo. So people need to wake up, and commit themselves, if we all pay a dollar a week or month to a worthy organisation that best represents us and our needs and interests, then we can in large enough numbers be independent from damned business donors and wealthy lobbyists.

    At present, we are milky ways distant from the situation we need to remedy the problem, not just miles, we are galaxies away.

    Meanwhile society continues to serve the elite, the powerful and rich, and the ordinary folk are busy eating and attacking each other, divide and rule like on the manipulation 101 exercise book.

    But as usual, I feel like talking to a rock.

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