3 ways Trump wins



There is a lot of gloating at the apparent collapse of Trump’s campaign.

I hope they are right.

I hope basic human decency has prevailed and people have turned their back on this orange fascist.

But I’m not so sure.

Trump has destroyed every prediction to date that he was finished, yet here he is, and he’s here because there is deep disgust and resentment towards the political and media elites.

His talk radio rhetoric resonates with Nascar Dads and Wrestling fans.

Unfortunately there are lots of Nascar Dads and Wrestling fans.

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While his self inflicted vitriol has misfired over the last 3 weeks, he is a man of the media moment and there are 3 ways this all turns around for him.

1 – Next release of DNC emails.

Assange has already alluded that the most damning emails will be released in October. He says he has emails showing the Clinton Foundation took money from  ISIS sponsoring donors will create an uproar if true and the conspiratorial nature of it all will make Trump look less crazy.

2 – The Debates

The debates are watched by more American’s than any other political platform. Trump is a reality TV star, he knows how to make that space and medium work best. She has everything to lose, he has everything to win in these debates.

3 – An Islamic terror attack on American soil

Forget that American’s are more than happy to shoot themselves to pieces, any act of violence on American soil leading up to the election will be seized upon by Trump and manipulated. We’ve all seen how easy it is to spook the hell out of the American’s, and no one stands better to play to those fears than Trump.

Please don’t misunderstand me, I don’t want Trump to win, he’s a maniac, but I certainly see little hope in Clinton being much better than Obama, and Obama has been a real disappointment.

The lesser of two evils is still evil.

The only difference between Trump and Clinton is that Trump will have blundered into a war within 3 months where as Clinto will have a planned one within 6 months.



  1. Your last sentence pretty sums up my feeling about these two candidates perfectly. You can’t be TOO cynical when it comes to American politics.

  2. I’m picking an extremist-islamic attack on US soil. Americans are jittery at the best of times, scared of their own shadows, frightened witless by endless crime shows on TV.

    Trump will exploit an attack to the max. He’ll be elected, and then it’ll be internment camps for all muslims. I make no apology for calling Trump the “Adolf Hitler” of the 21st century. (He just has a different hairstyle, and his uniform of choice is a business suit instead of militaristic attire.)

    I’m constantly bemused by the number of naive people who think Trump is some kind of saviour against neo-liberalism. He isn’t, he’s a capitalist first and foremost and he will screw the working man and woman as much as other US presidents have done.

    God help us all.

  3. “Obama has been a real disappointment” yes a real mammoth disappointment and he allowed himself ton be playing by corporate/War weapons manufacturers all.

    Yes true that is a pretty good take on this Martyn, “the come back kid” trump needs to be called in the colloquial boxing language.

  4. I agree, it is far from over, the elections in the US, and we live in highly unpredictable, precarious times, look at ‘Brexit’, most pollsters thought there was no chance of that to happen.

  5. “The only difference between Trump and Clinton is that Trump will have blundered into a war within 3 months where as Clinto will have a planned one within 6 months.”

    Trump’s war is likely to be engaged against low-tech militants in a crumbling caliphate; Hilary’s, against Russia. And I don’t particularly rate her planning skills based on precedent.

  6. This author is a smarmy shit. Hatred and philosophical arrogance hiding behind stale old rhetoric and propaganda. an “Intellectual” who insults people for liking to watch cars race. You are the worst type of hypocrite and clearly the product of a failing public system. Your bullshit is a partial answer to why “we can’t all just get along.” PLEASE grow up….

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