Political Caption Competition


Screen Shot 2016-08-07 at 1.33.10 pm


  1. New Zealand is a colony of China, the largest dictatorship in the entire history of the world. For shame.

  2. Competitors in Kiwifruit Eating Competition instinctively reach for support as Chinese Steel platform begins to buckle.

    • What steel scandal????

      I don’t know anything about that, but doesn’t the man standing next to me look good as a copy of me?

  3. The grinning fool …

    “All is well. Nothing to see, so we will move on. Wonder what Max and Stephie are doing? Must check social media and forward some info along with pics of my offspring to my “friends” in msm to use for publication. That will take the heat off the Chinese steel issue.”

  4. A most acceptable fruit. Yellow – the colour of the ACT Party – while the other variety of kiwifruit is the colour of that other party that we don’t like very much.

  5. Ok contestants, check your buzzers, here’s a starter for ten.
    How many bridges are under threat of collapse in New Zealand from dodgy Chinese steel imports?
    And hold on, it’s a two part question, bonus points here for honesty.
    In how many minutes will NZ exports to China of anything of any value be ceased should any whiff of this scam reach the public arena?

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