Newshub, Clare Trevett and – Not News Worthy Awards of the week


It’s like every week now we get an example from the mainstream media in NZ  of just how braindead and stupid the news has been reduced to in the age of clickbait. It’s like a bunch of blue green millennials whom you wouldn’t ever stop to talk to ever have managed to take over all the news desks of NZ.

This tripe must be belittled and repeatedly shat upon from an extremely high height so TDB is launching our Monday award for worst news stories of the week in an attempt to at least allow the mainstream media news rooms to appreciate our contempt for them.

 Not News Worthy Award – Bronze –

There are 3 award winners from last week – this shocker from makes calling their awful site  ‘news’ a terribly sad joke…

I’m bisexual at home but a lesbian when travelling overseas

As my plane touched down in Budapest and taxied into the gate, I stood up to stretch my legs and opened Tinder on my iPhone. My eyes were burning from lack of sleep and Kindle fatigue. I had bags to wrangle. But this was important. I opened the settings and changed my search criteria from “women and men” to just “women.”

As I waited for my overstuffed backpack to shoot out of the luggage turnstile, I hopped on the spotty Wi-fi to assess my options. I swiped right on a Raquel Welch look-alike and on a resident physician whose mischievous grin intrigued me.

…charming. How this is ‘news’ is a tad beyond me, I think it’s funny that the writer is so keen to hook up with someone immediately that she’s checking her tinder profile at the airport as she lands. If a man was doing that it would suggest some type of sex addiction, a woman does it and it’s empowering. How the screaming Christ this is even considered ‘news’ is difficult to digest. It should be in the ‘middle class white women problems’ section which seems to account for almost 80% of I’m all for human beings exploring their sexuality and being themselves, but this dross doesn’t deserve to be on one of our country’s largest news sites.

 Not News Worthy Award – Silver – Clare Trevett

The second award for worst news last week was this in-depth story by the deputy political editor of the NZ Herald – it’s about Andrew Little’s bloody cat…

Andrew Little says goodbye to cat Buddy, Harry the dog distraught

Labour leader Andrew Little has had to say a sad farewell to his photobombing cat Buddy after Buddy, who had cancer, disappeared from home earlier this week.

Little said Buddy disappeared from the family home on Tuesday after being diagnosed with liver cancer earlier this year and the family believed he had gone to die.

…I just don’t even know where to fucking start with this. A bloody trade war with China has broken out, people are living in cars and freezing in overcrowded housing and inequality is soaring and what is the Deputy Political Editor of the Herald deciding is news worthy? Andrew Little’s friggin cat!

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I just don’t even know what to say. This is why we can’t have nice things in this country like the fourth estate holding the Government to account. I’m waiting for Clare to interview John Key’s cat to  find out if Andrew Little’s cat has left because Labour don’t know what they stand for.

 Not News Worthy Award- Gold – Newshub

The Gold this week has to go to Newshub for this unbelievably immature twitter ‘news’ story directed at the Greens…

Screen Shot 2016-08-08 at 11.27.28 am

…what the fuck is this? You are a news agency, it’s not Max Key’s Instagram account! No wonder journalists are seen as a joke these days, you are talking to a political party, you are not drunk texting your booty call at 3am after a big night out. Was the Newshub account hacked? It’s like some private twitter joke between people you would’t piss on if they were in fire.

News is supposed to inform citizens so that they know who they should vote for once every 3 years, you want light weight fluff entertainment, tune into Bravo or E, emulating  them should not be on the agenda.



  1. Thank god we are spared from the agony of watching Newshub as our TV is permanently tuned off from that channel Halleluiah, all sane here!

  2. I don’t get the Beyonce reference to the Green Party. However, as a Green Party supporter, I have to say that I find Beyonce’s music terribly boring. I prefer Katy Perry, Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato who each have had at least had a couple of memorable pop hits. There’s something heavy handed and overdone about Beyonce’s music and worst of all, her songs lack a hook which all great pop songs have. The most over-popular versus low quality R&B singer since Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston.

  3. What odds that the first item on most NZ MSM news services over the next few weeks will include the words “kiwi” and “medal”?

  4. Our MSM is so pathetic its not worthy of viewing. We in our household watch John Campbell on RNZ in the evening or Aljazeera for news and The Standard or The Daily Blog for catching up on pertinent current affairs which concern this country.

    World-wide the daily news is becoming just society gossip, sports, health or food up dates. Governments/multinationals deliberately do not want people to be informed and journalists/editors now fear for their jobs or even worse imprisonment or extradition if they dig dirt on the powers in control. God forbid that people should be truth seekers and expose corruption, its not permitted these days.

      • RT is the only sane channel to watch except for two part programs here.

        Besides RT is RNZ 5pm weekly with John Campbell, and Martyn Bradbury and Willie Jackson on Waatea channel 83 at 7pm nightly “5th estate”.

        These are the total sum of what is worth seeing as real balanced investigative programing, though I must say that on NewsHub I watched only due to Martyn’s release of the TV3 political poll showing Labour greens on near dead heat with NatZ I found the reporting was good. maybe TV3 realise their ways and time to ditch being a lapdog for a corrupted national Government finally.

  5. Good call Martyn. I hope your awards become famous and motivate some people into doing their jobs properly.

    I suspect Claire T might be up for a lot of medals!

  6. Now I am not one to swear Martyn. But Claire Tevett has F all credibility. Today she has belittled Andrew Little for asking for ministers of the National party to be dismissed for their incompetence in their portfolio’s ( remember Key stating he was going to hold his ministers to account, TUI AD). Remember Claires boss Armstrong asking for Cunliffes sacking over that letter. Clearly, Claire has a short memory.

    So I looked back at Tevett’s last 10 opinion pieces, 7 of them on Labour 1 on Key, 1 on Syrian refugees and 1 on Coleman. For the majority, her pieces on Labour are negatively geared but most are attempts at satirical literature aimed at taking the piss out of Labour.

    If I could offer Tevett a piece of advice ” fuck off and do some unbiased real journalism”.

    Sadly I believe Tevett, Young, O’Sullivan and Hoskings will be frothing at the mouth going into overdrive with their pieces, leading into the election.

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