Peace Action Wellington: Oppose the warship visit; oppose closer ties with US military



Peace Action Wellington is opposed to the upcoming US warship visit, and the ongoing building of military ties with the United States of America to bolster their illegal wars. We join Auckland Peace Action in their mobilisation of public opposition to this.

“The visit of a US warship for the first time in thirty years signals the US government’s need for outside involvement and our government’s disturbing support for joining US wars,” says Peace Action Wellington spokesperson James Barber.

“The nuclear free issue is important but what is more important is the US military’s long history of gross human rights abuses. Their atrocities at Abu Ghraib, for which commanders were not held accountable, and the state sanctioned torture of prisoners of war at Guantanamo Bay are easily enough reasons to cut all military relations with the USA.”

“The USA caused the current crisis in the Middle East, through their illegal invasion of Iraq which killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. The ongoing US backed war in Syria and Iraq against ISIS is similarly killing and displacing hundreds of thousands of civilians while perpetuating the conflict.”

“Also, the USA is continuing a drone war in countries where there has been no formal declaration of war, this has killed thousands of innocent civilians and only served to fuel tensions in the region.”

The USA is also maintaining its “neither confirm nor deny” policy about its warships and so they do not meet the precedent set in 1985 by the then Labour government.

Peace Action Wellington is joining Auckland Peace Action in organising public opposition to the warship visit and the international arms fair of which it is part. Peace Action Wellington has a decade long history is resisting war and militarisation. Today protestors were in court facing charges from last year’s weapons conference.

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    • Correct John,

      We are quickly being marched into another World war because of the US/NATO alliance bullying Russia now repeatedly, and any other opposing country like they did with US/NATO buying of former Yugoslavia and then bombed the country into separation so US is at the forefront of the charge to overthrow any country they wish.

      I will join this effort in Our city if there are other combined flotillas do you plan a country wide protest again too?

  1. I will be there to welcome the warship. U.S. Russian friction? i dont think so. Look how much they share the I.S.S. There are many other examples.

    • What sort of Welcome do you see as appropriate and where do you see nuclear heading. Who is responsible – anyone.

      • So, Dave, have you ever protested at an injustice? Against war? To protect the environment? To support workers’ rights? On behalf of gender and LGBT equality?


        I’m sure we’d love to know. So at least then the term “hypocrite” can’t be applied to you.

        • Frank,My reply “hypocrites” was in response to a post of HIGHERSTANDARD , which the administrator has chosen to remove. His question was along the lines of are you going to protest at other nations who participate in the celebrations as they have nuclear power/ weapons also. If the protest was to be directed at the U.S. only then in my view it would be hypocritical, a bit like opposing the death penalty in one country but not in others. have fought for workers rights, OSH compliance in the work place and other principles I believe you would agree with.

          • Dave, my question to you stands.

            If neither you nor “Higherstandard” have participated in any protests against the evils that afflict our civilisation, then you are no position to be calling anyone “hypocrite”. Unless you want the label applied to yourself as well.

    • Question is, higherstandard* have you ever taken a stand and protested at an injustice, war-mongering, environmental, or other issue?

      I bet you haven’t.

      Now, what’s that called?

      (* Why do you righties always assume egotistical pseudonyms like “higherstandard”, “i’m right”, “the truth”, etc? It’s not like your user-names reflect any accuracy to speak of.)

  2. I am just glad you do not consider me a righty. How could you when my name is simply Dave. Just a swinging voter that the left appear to want to disenfranchise.

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