Well, well, well. The war that Key promised we wouldn’t get involved in before the election and promptly involved us in after he won the election is going to become the open ended perpetual war we all criticised it for.
Key’s latest lie about our involvement in America’s current geopolitical war is as predictable as it is obscene. Much of the leadership of ISIS were former Iraqi Officers who were tortured and imprisoned in American prisons during America’s invasion of Iraq for weapons of mass destruction that never existed to remove the dictator they originally empowered and put into office in the first place.
We sow the seeds of the next monster with every intervention. This is America’s mess, America cleans it up, we shouldn’t give them the pretence of support for their perverse sense of National Interest which always seems to end up being for Corporate benefit.
If you ask a NZer to put their lives in danger for our ‘National Interest’, it better be for honourable and just reasons, not as the blood money we pay for being inside the 5 eyes club.
Only 10 countries in the world not at war (and New Zealand isn’t one of those 10).
We will pay dearly for this mistake Key is making
If war solved everything why was there two world wars?. What did they solve?.
Yep Martyn – that’s the way to go – freedom of speech breached again here.
Might be interesting to get others views on the matter of censorship of certain comments and links and the whys ?
Now quickly delete this comment and then ban me from your blog.
I would be too concerned Blake. Nobody but a few far left intellectually challenged nutters take any notice of what Bradbury has to say. He and Minto are already on the race relations watch for their anti-Jewish rhetoric.
Yes, because if you dare say anything even vaguely critical of Israel, you’re automatically a raging anti-semite. Funny how that works.
The Truth should put himself on the watch list for his anti Maori rhetoric
Let us criticize the ugly side of Israel. Lets expose their connections to the upper 1 % and U.S. arms dealers and perpetual war mongers.
The U.S. govt. gives about 3 billion in direct foreign assistance to Israel each year.
Lets shine the light on Israel’s annihilation of Palestine and lies Netanyaho spews. He is owned by the zionist jews.
There are some great and creative good Israeli people who hate what their govt. has done and is doing.
Anti Jewish rhetoric? – Where?
Please explain.
Blake, nobody takes any thing Bradbury says seriously except for a few left wing intellectually challenged loners
I disagree with you. Most left wing folks are far from ” intellectually challenged loners. ” You must be mistaking us for the group that reads – Whale Watch and Kiwiblog and supports this train wreck of a govt.
Most take TDB and Martyn seriously. It is good to speak out even if some do not agree with you. TDB is a place where we can be honest about our disappointment and speak out about ideas to change it. Sometimes Martyn publishes comments, sometimes not. We are all learning and we are all doing the best we can.
Most left wing folks are not like the whale watch; right wing Natz loving idiots who support the serial lying and unethical PM who is not only ” out of touch ” but dangerous for our country.
I’ll bite… What are you on about?
War is the imperial precursor which is why it is perpetual. Those in power must have it as an exercise in imperialism.
I wouldn’t be too concerned Blake. Apart from the Race Relations Office which takes notice of his and Minto’s anti-Jewish comments, only the intellectually challenged take any notice of what Bradbury has to say these days.
You guys are wrong about Martyn and John Minto and clearly you have misunderstood me.
” Anti-jewish comments ” —– there is a huge difference between being
anti- zionist and anti-zionist jews and then showing compassion and caring for the jewish people who are ( mostly ) not connected with this war mongering jewish lot. These zionist ( mostly Rothschilds ) jews – the same Bilderberg NWO lot that own most govts.; banks and the media E T C . . . . are trying to set up some real worldwide greed based ugliness that needs to be exposed. It is wrong to assume that anyone who speaks out against them are anti-semitic. That is intentionally confusing and misleading rhetoric.
Many of us are totally against and speak out about these zionist jews who are trying to run the show and are heavily represented in Cleangreens list of the Bilderberg group. This does not mean, at all, that we are anti – jewish or anti – semitic.
Right stuff you say here Martyn,
The Bilderberg Group meeting last week has alerted the NZ attendees that the crash is coming.
They are trying to start another world war to avoid the collapse as they have no idea how to save our global economy from imploding.
Watch this stuff from a foremost top Credit advisor Chris Whalen who says we are heading for a big fall as we are all overleveraged now and the central banks are shitting themselves every day.
Boot this carpetbagger sell-out mob out, and a left wing Government should renationalise our assets and industries again and put us all back in homes and jobs.
We can whether the storm better than others can believe this.
Martyn, I would have rather you put up the comment that had deep meaning and was heartfelt and took some time to write instead of the other comments you just put up.
Come on put that comment up and stop with this nonsense.
If not, give me the reasoning behind your choices to let some comments through and some not. Was I right about you or not ?
Again, freedom of speech ? ?
Martyn, come clean and tell us why you chose not to publish the long and well thought out comment ???????? Martyn, this is not a good look and surely is compromising the very freedoms we all want to protect.
Come on, be honest, why did you chose to delete that longer one and put up the few short and frankly not much to the point comments.
I would like to get a copy if nothing else. Again shame on you and maybe I have been a bit wrong about you.
[Blake, the decision not to publish your lengthy post was mine, not Martyn’s. Your post is a random collection of conspiracy theories with references to Illuminati, Rothshild Zionists, Goldman Sachs; World Banks; I.M.F. ; Freemasonry; Skull & Bones; Knights Templar, etc. I have published such material in the past and do not see why it needs to be repeated. I have kept a copy of your post. Please advise if you would like it emailed to you. – ScarletMod]
[Comment deleted. If you have a valid poiint to make that adds to the discussion, Jay, it will be published. Snide comments do not add to the overall discourse and will be trashed. – ScarletMod]
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