The lies that National spun to sell 90 day right to sack


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National lied about what the 90 day right to sack would create…

Govt changes tune on 90-day trial policy

Mr Woodhouse’s statements today contradict what the government told the public in 2008.

In a media release titled “90-day trial period to provide job opportunities”, then-Labour Minister Kate Wilkinson said the policy would “provide confidence for employers engaging new staff” and allow “struggling job-seekers to get their foot in the door, rather than languish on a benefit”.

When it extended the trial to all businesses in 2011, the minister said that was part of the government’s focus on “creating more jobs for New Zealand families”.

In 2012, based on a report from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research, the government claimed its 90-day-trial period was so successful it had created 13,000 new jobs in small to medium businesses.

…the 90 day right to sack was sold as a means to increase jobs, and it hasn’t happened, the problem is that National Voters don’t care that it was all lies. For them, it was all about enabling their privilege as employers, their right to sack anyone they like who doesn’t fit in, who is a bit too lippy, who isn’t a trembling broken frightened worker who will do everything they are told.

The 90 day right to sack was about power, it was never meant as a way to grow jobs, that was the spin and it was a spin those who voted for it are happy to continue pretending.


  1. Yeah Martyn it was all about making a power imbalance moving more power from employee to the employer classes. It has been part of the continued strategy from the destroying of the unions going way back.

    Also enjoying your Fifth estate program especially the Friday night ones.

    • Me too love the WAATEA fifth estate current affairs show it’s really awesome;

      We should have it also screened on live all tvnz networks also because by rights!!!!!!

      WE; as half of the opposition voting block of the taxpaying public must have our right to have our free of political interference media current affairs programming spread to the far corners of this country and abroad on our public media RNZ/TVNZ.

      See if you can broker this Martyn please?

  2. I could see right through all the bullshit with this because I know how the National party operates.
    A common saying these days on Planet Key is how do you know when John Key is lying ?
    When his lips move !
    This attack on vulnerable people who are trying to achieve stability in employment is typical of the way they value working kiwis, with one finger in the air !
    $$$$$ are the only thing that neo libs worship and the tide has gone out for workers rights and protections scince Bill Birch and the mother of all anti union laws a quarter of a century ago.
    What we need is for Labour to remember what they were formed for a 100 years ago.
    The enemy is still HERE and it’s time for positive action.

    • impulsive, compulsive, corrupted, lying politician’s are many now days! making our political system of Governance a fucking joke period!!!!!!! GGGGrrrrrrrr.

  3. “the 90 day right to sack was sold as a means to increase jobs, and it hasn’t happened, ”

    Actually that is incorrect.

    “within the construction and wholesale trade industries, which report high use of trial periods, we estimate a weakly significant 10.3 percent increase in hiring as a result of the policy.”

    The 90day trial period HAS led to an increase in hiring.

      • Sam that’s the best weak argument maninthemiddle has then it’s pathetic!

        Like killing a fly with a sledge hammer right?

        • In the titanic struggle between capital and labour. 90 day trails gave to much power to capital and we are seeing the ill effects a distorted economy produces today with homelessness and the property bubbles.

          So we have an abundance of idle resources and idle hands but a government so in love with its own false idols to actually bring together these resources to create a healthy functional economy.

          • In the titanic struggle between capital and labour.

            Indeed, Sam. And that struggle has never been on an equal footing. Even during the “hey-day” of trade unionism in New Zealand, a lock-out of workers could eventually starve them into submission. If that failed, then the full power of the State could be brought to bear on a stroppy Trade Union, as happened in 1951, on the waterfront.

            Ironically, the West was only too happy to give maximum support and encouragement to the Solidarity Free Trade Union movement in Poland in the early 1980s. Unfortunately, that exuberance for workers’ rights was not mirrored in the West, by successive governments.

            • So it could, quite rationally, be a good time for New Zealand to build more boundaries to our economy, for example if we want:

              capital access to be rebalanced towards local, national or smaller companies as opposed to multinationals;

              upwards pressure on labour costs, improvement in wages, sustainable wage pressures and thus higher long term inflation expectations. (In this regard NZ’s minimum wage legislation and earned income tax credits are a decent start.)

    • What??

      There is no such statement on ther page you’ve linked to, MANINTHEMIDDLE. More than that, the typo, “a weakly significant” appears to be your writing.

      In fact, the Treasury statement clearly states, “We find no evidence that the policy affected the number of hires by firms on average, either overall or into employment that lasted beyond the trial period. We also do not find an effect on hiring of disadvantaged jobseekers. ”

      You’ve deliberately lied and misrepresented by Treasury wrote. Did you think no one would check?


  4. It was a policy built on lies and it has collapsed under the weight of it’s own bullshit.

    Labour must denounce the 90 Day sacking law and repeal it when they become government.

  5. If Key told the truth in public or not, nobody would believe him, it’s all about getting mega wealthy by any means. Key, like all his political/corporate mates, are out to get everything they can for themselves, at the expense of everybody else below their ladder of wealth and success.
    And our legal system just sits back and lets Key get away with it.
    There’s been an assassination in the UK recently, I’ll not be surprised if some kind of similar action is tried here in New Zealand, aimed at our present “Government”. One way or another, Key will have his day of facing his enemies, and I can assure you there are many.

  6. Something else that the ever so helpful and compliant Labour Party gave National a hand with recently, along with mass spying on Kiwis !


  7. These will be the lies that Mr Little accepts when he tells the bosses that his party won’t change the 90-day fire-at-will laws any more than cosmetically so he can deceive the unions that he has changed them?

  8. National, ACT, United Future and Maori Party have 90 days to fix housing, and kiwis living in cars, otherwise “See ya!”

    What’s good for the goose, is good for the geese

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