Four Limericks For The Queen’s Birthday




When the Red Party courted the Green
There was little romance to be seen.
With just one memorandum,
They were at it in tandem
In ways some considered obscene.


Dr Smith promised his N-P-S
Would fix Auckland’s huge housing mess.
With a wave of his hand
He would conjure up land –
Then ask Auckland to do all the rest.


Have you heard what has happened to Scout?
It’s all anyone’s talking about.
No, not talk – more a titter –
On Facebook and Twitter
That Rachel is over and out.


TDB Recommends

Though London will vote to “Remain”,
And in Scotland the feeling’s the same,
In the counties and shires
Merry England conspires
To vote “Leave” – or so the polls claim.


  1. When your homeless and sleeping in cars
    You don’t tune your mind to the stars,
    But to questions of food
    In conditions so rude,
    You have to excrete into jars.

  2. Scurriloes by Daz, Shawnee and Dorsal. Feb 2012

    Dorsal Fynn.

    When there’s no moolah in the banky
    And your hair has got quite lanky,
    When you’re crying into your hanky,
    Remember to say Thank’ee
    to wanky Ben Bernanke.

    By Daz

    And when it comes to matters grim
    Another culprit’s Geithner, Tim
    Not to mention one more wank
    Known to his mates as Poulson, Hank.
    But king of all these banking bummers
    Is doubtlessly one, Larry summers.
    Obama should have seen them off
    But they’re still oinking at the trough.

    By Dorsal Fynn

    When winter ice and curious summers
    Confuse and mystify all comers,
    While islands made of plastic bottles
    Float in the ocean and the mottled
    Down of sea birds drowned in oil
    lies mute in heaps upon the sand.
    With messianic times in hand
    And no more petrol for your Hummer
    You’ll get no change from Oilybummer.

  3. labour and greens sat under a tree – trying to build a world for me..

    ..then along came trotter – blowtorch in hand..

    ..and burnt the whole bloody thing down..

  4. when trotter analysed the mou – there was little political science to be seen…

    ..he just waxed lyrical about times long gone…where he had once been..

    ..not a word about dunging-dunne and kaye… could his old self have ever thought that was ok..?

  5. trotter and bradbury sat under a tree..

    ‘i want to be snarkiest!; – ‘no no..!!’

    ..they then turned to matters of need…

    ..where oh! where to find their essential leather elbow-patches..

    ..and the best op-shop for a jacket made of tweed…

  6. When Chris Trotter writes of red and green mou,
    the doubters shriek, “You’ve gone all blue’”.
    ‘Cause debate is beyond them.
    Red necked, knee jerk ad hominem,
    is all their grey matter can do

    • Well that’s not true,
      we are not as blinkered as you,
      and it’s been a long time ago,
      that CT went blue.

    • Perhaps you’re thinking of the colour purple – that delicious blend of red and blue…

      They all do it. Kill the player! Save the ball!

  7. There once was a journo name CT
    who admired the strategy of J Key
    He knit picked on Labour
    Chris do me a favour
    stick to criticising national party policy

  8. National and Key looked the part
    til prices locked out those on their start
    of a housing career
    Twas just a veneer
    first home owners are now in the cart

    5000 to leave, 3000 to come
    and motels of grand princely sum
    They didn’t want either
    Keys officials they cried
    So Bennett and Key now look quite glum

    So Key and his chaps
    let goodwill elapse
    and set up the Sallies with glee
    No ! said the Sallies
    we weren’t at your rally
    your barking up all the wrong trees.

    Now Key and his people
    at foot of th’ steeple
    are humbled and bending their knee
    the price they will pay
    for leading us all astray
    is less votes and donation fees

  9. It’s cold at nights sleeping in a car
    A snug warm bed is better by far
    But such it seems
    Is only a dream
    For too many in this uncaring neo-liberal world.
    [and to hell with a,a,b,b,a!]

  10. On a serious note… I see this shit :

    Mr Goff is today launching his “Protecting the Waitemata” policy, which will include a commitment to stop Ports of Auckland from reclaiming any more of the harbour.

    “My commitment is to restore Aucklanders’ access to this prime waterfront site, so that people, rather than imported cars, get to enjoy its natural beauty,” Mr Goff said.

    “I believe that some, and eventually all, the port’s functions should be moved to an alternative site.”

    Yesterday, Mr Goff would not say where his preferred alternative site would be.

    A Future Port study set up after last year’s public campaign against wharf extensions is underwayand will look at the economic, social and environmental impacts of the port on the wider city.

    It had shortlisted the Manukau Harbour, Firth of Thames and Muriwai as possible alternatives for a new port.

    “It could be one of them, or a combination … a final decision cannot be made until all considerations relating to port locations can be fully analysed,” he said.

    “My support for relocating the port is based on the success of other cities that have shifted their ports away from their city centres – Wellington, Sydney, Vancouver and London.” Mr Goff said estimates for relocating the port were between $3 and $5 billion.


    Now what was that shit about Phil Goff the neo liberal with the special treatment / kid gloves treatment by Labour about being able to vote for the TTPA ???

    And now we see him ( Goff) paving the way for privatization of the Ports of Auckland and playing into John Keys hands in forcing council to raise funds through sell off of assets ???!!!

    LABOUR !!! – if you want to form a MOU with the Greens… do you think we cannot see through this traitor???

    Expel the neo liberal wretch and be done with them !!!

    So now its getting personal… the Waitakere Ranges is my territory. You let those scumsucker’s build a fucking port anywhere near Murawai you need a bone tipped arrowhead right through your damned MOU .

    And I see he’s piping about the cost being 3-5 billion – around the same amount of Keys taxation bribes. Goff’s only in it for his career opportunity’s – the hell with Goff !!! – he’s no better than Vic Crone.

    Has Goff even local knowledge about conditions on the west coast ? Has Crone?… do they realize the severity of ocean currents ? the massive and constant movement of sand and treacherous shoals out there ???!!!

    Total madness !!!

    You know there’s a reason why the Maori called the Manukau the ‘masculine ‘ harbour and the Waitemata the ‘ feminine ‘ harbour…and there’s a reason why Goff should shut his mouth and do some pragmatic study on the un – feasibility of trying to divide the Ports of Auckland between the Manukau and the Thames region…

    Take a fucking hint from old timers and seadogs who knew better than the cosmopolitan Goff…

    ‘ There was a reason why we put to port in the friendly climes of the Waitemata to ply our trade… and avoided the bar and treacherous entrance of the Manukau…as we never considered ourselves better than the crew of the Orpheus ‘…

    Goff…. you’re a dumb bastard if ever there was.

    • Today on Nation.

      When the greens seem set to turn the world on its feet,
      Along comes our king Winston to add some sound advice,
      Go up north says he, just build a rail to it don’t you see,
      No port here or even out west! He torted forcefully,
      “while we have a deep water Northport up North don’t you see”

    • Goff is connected with the U.N. just as Helen Clark seems likely to be their new leader. They are dedicated to the N.W.O. agenda.
      They are all about ” Sustainable Development ” and when we do more research about what this really means and why they are pushing it, I think that you may loose some of your respect of the U.N. – as we did. Our freedoms are slowly being eroded away and this is no conspiracy theory, it is fact. Goff and Clark and Shearer should be questioned and scrutinized over their priorities for whats in the best interests for all New Zealanders.

      Phil Goff and Helen Clark and David Shearer ( and others ) are the ones to look out for as their allegiances are not as holy and pure as you may think. All very much connected with the U.N. and its unholy agenda. Look into their new Agenda 30 as well.

      Do your own research and question all authority.

      • Blake Yep you’re’ right of course so is John Key! as he attends the Bilderberg group; – the HQ of the One world government


        Bilderberg 2011: The Rockefeller World Order and the “High Priests of Globalization”

        Firstly planned in NAZI Germany in 1943 by members of NAZI Party knowing they were beaten then Prince Bernhard was a NAZI.

        List of Bilderberg participants 4 New Zealand • John Key (2011-2012), Prime Minister of New Zealand

        “which was the main financier for the first meeting in 1954.[5] The European founders of the Bilderberg Group included Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard had, incidentally, been a member of the Nazi Party until 1934, three years prior to his marrying the Dutch Queen Juliana, and had also worked for the German industrial giant, I.G. Farben, the maker of Zyklon B, the gas used in concentration camps.[6] On the American side, those who were most prominent in the formation of the Bilderberg Group were David Rockefeller, Dean Rusk (a top official with the Council on Foreign Relations who was then the head of the Rockefeller Foundation), Joseph Johnson (another Council leader who was head of the Carnegie Endowment), and John J. McCloy (a top Council leader who became Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank in 1953 and was also Chairman of the Board of the Ford Foundation).[7] The fact that the major American foundations – Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford – were so pivotal in the origins of the Bilderberg Group is not a mere coincidence. The foundations have, since their founding at the beginning of the 20th century, been the central institutions in constructing consensus among elites, and creating consent to power. They are, in short, the engines of social engineering: both for elite circles specifically, and society as a whole, more generally. As Professor of Education Robert F. Arnove wrote in his book Philanthropy and Cultural Imperialism: Foundations like Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford have a corrosive influence on a democratic global political system.

  11. A man by the name of John Key
    Was sent to New Zealand to see
    If the people would bow
    To the Neo-con vow
    That the masses should never be free

    The people were somnambulist
    To the mill they were nothing but grist
    A self satisfied bunch
    They were all out to lunch,
    Bashing spouses or getting quite pissed.

    The women were really the worst
    No wonder that they are accursed.
    Cake brained and obsessed
    With being just like the rest
    In pink clover entirely immersed.

    Most folk were in thrall to John Key
    Or to shock jocks with brains like a flea.
    A mad pigswill party
    Of food, wine and latté
    And nothing to think of but ME.

    But then at the end of the day,
    Foreign sharks had it all their own way,
    The country was bought
    And the people distraught.
    No more did they have any say.

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