Government admit TPPA signing – denied it 5 days ago



As Professor Jane Kelsey announced on TDB, the TPPA signing is happening 4th February. The Government said it wasn’t true.

Today they have admitted it’s true.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) free trade deal will be signed in New Zealand early next month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed.

News of the signing leaked out last week when Andres Rebolledo, director general of Chile’s economic relations bureau, confirmed the 12-nation free trade agreement would be signed on February 4, the International Trade Daily reported.

While the Government said at the time details were still being finalised, Mfat has now confirmed that New Zealand is set to host the TPPA signing event in Auckland, some time in early February.

So the Government have lied about the level of debate NZ would have by signing it before Parliament even opens, they have lied about how much money we are actually going to get from this forced trade deal, and they lied about it being signed here.

At some point NZers need to start demanding answers. TDB will have the details for the huge Town Hall meeting on the 26th of this month.

We are being lied to and misled. It’s time to step up.

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  1. Do not let Simon Bridges get away with the “nothing was finalized” when he tried to justify the denials less than a week ago. Absolutely no way, not in any way at all, was everything not finalized less than a month out from something like this.
    Closer to the truth would be they all shook on it the last day of negotiations of this travesty.
    Lies, more lies and the stupid will swallow them whole again

  2. National are so arrogant and up themselves that they don’t care how much they lie, cheat and deceive New Zealanders. Reason: because they know that the sleepy hobbits will excuse anything as long as the dividends and profits keep on pouring in.
    That’s why I cheer every time I read that the stock markets around the world have dropped 5% overnight. If it happens over there it will certainly happen here eventually.
    When their paper millions dwindle to paper hundreds or tens, then the sleepy hobbits might awaken and find a new kind of anger when they realise their pockets are lined with chicken feed instead of cash.
    That’s when they will realise they have been played for suckers by Key and National.

  3. New Zealanders have been brain washed by National and the NZ Media after all we are a “Rockstar Economy” awash in $105 Billion of National Party Debt and guess what it is us the taxpayers who have to pay this money back. Very few State Assets left to sell?

    The Neo Liberal Experiment is just about completed after 30 years and the wealth transfer from the State to private individuals and corporations is almost finalised.

  4. New Zealanders have been brain washed by National and the NZ Media after all we are a “Rockstar Economy” awash in $105 Billion of National Party Debt and guess what it is us the taxpayers who have to pay this money back. Very few State Assets left to sell?

    The Neo Liberal Experiment is just about completed after 30 years and the wealth transfer from the State to private individuals and corporations is almost finalised.

  5. I’m not sure if this is an option – Maybe if a couple of thousand people called on Mr Key at home for a couple of nights…….. would that bring it home to him that the lying has to stop?

  6. I wonder what Hoots has to say about this. Can he defend the indefensible once more? Come in, Matthew… hello hello…?

  7. Key: “We haven’t signed it yet”
    TDB: “Well actually you signed it five days ago!”
    Key: “All lies not a word of truth!”
    TDB: Well our sources confirm it WAS signed five days ago”
    Key: Oh well, that was last week wasn’t it? That was then, this is now. You might want to wallow in the past and be nostalgic but we in this National government don’t care about what happened yesterday, we care about what is happening now and will happen tomorrow.”
    TDB: “But you lied to New Zealanders!”
    Key: Look! New Zealanders don’t care about your dirty petty politics, they are concerned about their future and worrying about what happened yesterday won’t change the present or the future”

    NB: The above conversation never actually happened, unfortunately.

  8. We’ve had manipulation, spin, and outright lies.

    But this will be another example of National and Key saying one thing while doing the opposite.

    So much for inviting public participation at a select committee when the TPPA is done, dusted, and signed.

  9. Another year, another lie. More deceit! More subterfuge from the NatzKEY mob of traitors!

    Come early February and the important topic to focus on will be out there … “pandas anyone!”

  10. Having read Chris Trotter’s latest column I am not sure that those opposed to the TPPA have much hope of success. You can certainly make a lot of noise but I suspect this is a battle you will not win and as Trotter suggests you may also drag down the Labour Party

  11. you leftists still don’t it get john key Lie’s to keep the ship afloat if the truth came out new Zealand could end up like Greece i think the tdb should only publish the official john key version of the way the world is to publish uncensored articles is economic vandalism the tdb should be charged under the harmful communications act john key lies because he has to!

    • A MATURE AND ETHICAL LEADER DOES NOT NEED TO LIE TO HIS/HER PEOPLE. But leaders who are kiss ups to the NWO agenda and in bed with the U.N. need to lie to cover up their ugly greedy agendas and alliances to the corporate criminals – the war mongers for profits. John Key is a pathetic leader and we deserve better.

      Righty right – the ship is sinking because the leadership is a trainwreck of liars and greedy idiots who are puppets to a higher order way above them. You can not defend John Key to those who have their heads on straight.
      Helen Clark and her Labour proteges are thick in the slim and ugliness that is called the NEW WORLD ORDER. The UN is not our friend and we need to wake up and see that we can have a good and honest and ethical leader here and not these insane elitist bankster criminals who are beholding to greedy and ugly agendas. Wake up right wingers and smell the disgust and people’s unease over this brainwashing and world domination and war mongering for profits.
      Get your facts straight and do some research and learn what is really going on behind your trainwreck govt.


      • Well said……. the only way to change this train wreck is ‘grass roots’ politics …….. Talk to the people around you at work (if you have any) friends and family…… talk about the lies and how it has to change……….

  12. What kind of civil disobedience could be effective against something as abstract as the TPP? What about:
    * a week-long boycott of all imported products/ all products sold by transnational corporations (bonus effect of sharing knowledge about where our products come from, who profits from them, and what the alternatives are)?
    * a mass public share-in where people give each other copies of movies, music, software etc whose copyright is owned by corporations, or alternatives to them (eg GNU/Linux as an alternative to Windows)?
    * teach-ins about natural health and healing practices which don’t require buying anything (in protest against drug patents and the way they hike up the price of health care)?
    * collaborative sprints to create freely shareable text books and other learning materials not held hostage by ARR (All Rights Reserved) copyright (in protest against the way ARR copyright learning materials hike up the cost of education and stop teachers freely building on each others work)?
    * other ideas?

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