Prison Advocacy Group Condemns John Key’s ‘Rape Joke’



Queer and transgender prison advocacy group No Pride in Prisons is condemning John Key’s recent engagement in a ‘prison rape joke’ skit on the The Rock radio station.
The group says that Key has once again shown blatant disregard both for survivors of sexual abuse and for the safety of incarcerated people.
Emilie Rākete, the spokeswoman for No Pride in Prisons, says, ‘Actions of this National government have directly led to incarcerated persons being at greater risk of rape. It is disgraceful that the Prime Minister thinks this is a joke.’
‘The Department of Corrections’ decision to introduce double-bunking in 2009, where more than one person is held in a single cell, was part of what led to the rape of a transgender woman in Auckland South Facility earlier this year.’
‘Were it not for the placement of that woman in a cell with a man overnight, she would not have been raped,’ says Rākete.
‘This government introduced double-bunking despite being advised that to do so would increase the risk of sexual assaults.’
‘Key is the head of a government which enables the rape of incarcerated people. The fact that he finds this funny is disgusting.’
No Pride in Prisons is calling on John Key to immediately apologise and end the government’s double-bunking policy.