Mocking prison rape & belittling the waitress he bullied – another day of Radio Key



Just when you did’t think your opinion of John Key could sink any further, John Key managed to diminish the role of his position once again on commercial radio.

Appearing on a radio station who have previously asked female contestants to perform fellatio on vegetables is one thing, allowing the Radio station to turn Key’s infamous bullying of a waitress into a game is another…

No stranger to putting himself out there during interviews, Prime Minister John Key has made two rather unusual appearances on live radio.

Key appeared at a guest on The Edge’s morning show and was challenged to either “pull some ponytails” or sing a few bars or Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas.

…not content to belittle the young woman he touched on 10 separate occasions, Key left The Edge and went to The Rock to make jokes about male prison rape with his soap in the shower routine.

Classy like an Australian Used Car Salesman.

Key loves commercial yuff radio. They have become depoliticised wastelands where instead of holding Key to account for appalling student debt or high levels of youth unemployment, the PM gets to bloke it up and joke about workplace bullying and prison rape.

He’s like a perpetual 14 year old.


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  1. You know… I get the feeling that somethings afoot to either bring Key down as the gullible and smutty little individual he is…

    Or that indeed this society is reaching the acceptance of immoral behavior demonstrated by the Romans before that Empires collapsed…

    1)We have now …denigration of women ( the ponytail episodes ) – and its ensuing implications of one law for some….another law for others…

    2)Endorsement of porn and smut …open admittance of socially taboo subjects…masturbation…

    3)An endorsement of the macho drug taking culture ….photoshoot’s of alcohol consumption – far removed from the violence and abuse often erupting at many such ‘social gatherings’…

    It becomes sickening in its baseness…

    4) the reaching for a bar of soap….the reference and code for prison rape…


    It is no small wonder why women suffer inequality for doing the same job as men through wage disparity’s…

    It is no small wonder why it took Kelvin Davis to do the work Key and his govt should have done in investigating conditions on Christmas Island… and the initiatives of Andrew Little in highlighting the abuse of New Zealanders in Australia as second class citizens in that country despite paying a disproportionate amount of taxes…taxes that never were reciprocated… despite CER…

    It is no small wonder that an article in the Herald today blames the ‘drug dependency ‘…rather than lack of economic planning of this govt for causing poverty… with Keys photo shoots sculling a beer down at a barbecue…


    This is a small tip of the iceberg of the sort of populist values this govt makes its decisions on…

    No different from the theme of ‘ bread and circuses’ of the Romans.

    We have not mentioned, mass surveillance, …XKEYSCORE, CORTEX….

    We have not mentioned unilateral decisions to commit to a more powerful cultures wars because of political expedience and the TTPA…

    We have not mentioned undemocratic and underhanded ‘dirty politics….

    We have not mentioned… a bicycle path to employ 200… 8 years ago with the promise to create over 300,000 jobs…and the bicycle path that STILL isn’t completed…and unemployment reaching 7 %…..

    We haven’t mentioned yet the political stunt of taking young Aroha Ireland to Waitangi… and the selling off and privatization of state housing to the lowest bidder…

    We have not mentioned WINZ being used as the govt tool of bullying and beneficiaries as the scapegoats of failed neo liberal economic policy…

    We haven’t mentioned yet the deaths of 29 miners and the lowering of health and safety standards to that of ….. WORM FARMS…

    We haven’t mentioned yet of the whitewash of govt inquiries into abuse of privilege’s with the SIS and GSCB or the whereabouts of JASON EDE and IAN FLETCHER, and the illegality’s disclosed during the Kim Dotcom debacle- and the ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE of Kim Dotcom and 88 other New zealanders …

    We haven’t mentioned so far the abuse of govt depts to smear political opposition in a so -called ‘democracy ‘….

    And on it goes…..

    Now really , New Zealanders….

    Is THIS the sort of man you would call a good and healthy man to lead New Zealand?

    Is THIS the sort of man you REALLY want presiding over your national affairs?

    Is THIS the sort of man you want because he has perfected the ‘rural Kiwi drawl’ and you think hes just like you because of it???….

    No…. New Zealanders… he is not like you …. at all.

    He is a Forex trader who has spent most of his adult life in America being groomed by political and banking interests in that country that has sworn allegiance to globalism and Americanization of this country by using the mechanisms of PR company’s such as Crosby Textor.

    THIS is your John Key.

    Playing golf with Obama in Hawaii, … taking orders from the former and the former’s adviser’s ,…

    Who was once born and raised as a DIRECT BENEFICIARY of the generosity and egalitarian ideals of this country’s welfare state….

    You have indeed been conned by a viscous, geeky little individual who came from the poor side of the tracks and was a beneficiary of an egalitarian country who now seeks to sacrifice that country’s sense of fair play to further the perversion of right wing American neo liberal politics.

    In both moral fiber and fiscal policy , international diplomacy and domestic economics this man is treacherous.

    Think on these things, reflect and honestly… let your mind peruse these things…

    What you will see… if your honest,… most surely will alarm and upset you…

    And after seeing these things as they truly are… you will know how to vote in 2017.

    • Don’t forget NZ External Debt is now Tenfold from when Labour was in power 7 years ago to $105 Billion plus we have sold State Assets, National would be screaming blue murder if the Opposition parties had got NZ into this sorry mess. Anyway it won’t be JK’s problem to repay it will be the NZ Taxpayers.

    • An amazing response WK. It’s typical that the pathetic, spiteful Key sycophants have thumbed you down. Come on you sad acolytes, post some intelligent commentary instead of just being sheep-like Key adulators and down-voting people.

    • Well said, again a bit of brilliance from one of my favorite writers here.
      You have hit the many nails on the head and why so many are still asleep and refuse to see the truths leaves us mind boggled.

      All those who gave you a negative tick are the sheeples in denial and backing a lying joke of a PM. He is beyond embarrassing now and has entered the realm of the true elitist banker type psychopaths playing their games for their gains and damaging our country so much.

      Thanks Wild Kapito – you have done us proud with what you wrote.

  2. It appears The Rock & The Edge are Keys support stations under the influence of political mainstream inflence. Any other station I don’t think would tolerate his behaviour on rehashing such topics that Key has taken beyond disrespectful. We still have yet to hear the outcome of legal proceedings brought against Key on his ponytail saga. Let’s see Key laugh it off if he’s found guilty of sexual harrassment. Mind you, Keys legal team could be playing the draw it out game to drain Eminems funds, or they could be stalling the case until Key gets voted out, so the end results won’t be made so public compared to his being in parliament. Imagine if Key gets sentenced to prison, I dread to think of the reaction some of the inmates will have towards Key.

    • “legal proceedings brought against Key on his ponytail saga’

      Are you sure that legal proceedings against Key are still pending? (If yes, why is it taking so long?)

      Can you please give details of the legal proceedings ? Cheers.

    • I’ve listened to The Rock on occassion (at a workplace, not voluntarily), and can testify that it is run by juvenile morons for a bogan moron audience, playing moronic music. I could feel my brain cells withering by the minute as that crap filled my ears. Thank god I no longer work for that company, (It went bankrupt. The owner was a heavy drinker and a moron.)

      • The musics OK its just the rest of it I can’t stand. – The only time you can really listen to them is during the evening and weekends when the hosts don’t interrupt. The Rock and The Edge are both mediaworks stations and we all know they have to pimp Key and appease the bosses and to reward the Govt for that bail out a few years ago.

  3. Well said Martyn,

    If I owned a used car dealership, I would be trying to employ him for my business, if you look at his record of selling a lemon to nearly 1.5m voters.

  4. Even if he was just a 14 year old behaving like this, John Oliver would still call him ” a complete dick”.
    Because that is what he is.
    All the National voters who rushed to defend him last Sept, maybe he should say to NZzzz kids, “Let them eat Flags.”

  5. When you think about it, it is kind of natural that any radio stations that rely on schoolboy smut jokes and tomfoolery for ratings would invite John Key onto the programme, because he gives them exactly what they want.
    He obviously has no idea just how much of an ass he makes himself look, because all the NZ media love it.
    The foreign media regard John Key as a bumbling clown and don’t take him seriously. The fact that our own media do take his every word as gospel shows how dumb they all are.
    Reminds me of the Monty Python song “How Sweet to be an idiot”.

  6. Our disgusting PM makes jokes about rape in prison and pulls young girls pony tails.
    And a contemptible number of middle class property owning New Zealanders like him because their house prices keep going up.

    His ordinary Kiwi bloke image is exactly that. An image. And those that still believe that PR construct are either willfully ignorant or suckers for advertising. Others, including some of the RWNJs who troll this site, who repeat the statement that John is just like an average NZers, are part of the lie.
    They know very well that he is far more comfortable playing golf with his buddies from Merrrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs on the golf courses of Hawaii than frequenting his local RSA.

    People who vote for Key deserve the consequences of supporting his extreme neo-liberal government.

    Unfortunately others don’t.

  7. Barry Soper excuses John Key’s pony tail pulling.

    ‘John Key frequently over steps the mark and even embarrasses himself, like he did when he regularly pulled a waitress’ ponytail, clearly not intending to cause offence but apologising for overstepping the behavioural boundary.’

    Yes. I shall repeat his words.
    ‘when he regularly pulled a waitress’ ponytail, clearly not intending to cause offence’….

    What a disgraceful apology for journalism, Mr Soper. Are you expecting favour from the court of John Key?
    I wonder what Heather du Plessis-Allan thinks of Key’s abuse of young women in this way?
    These media lackeys, courtesans and courtiers need to be held to account.

  8. keys isnt a fool, he is smart in the same way the devil is, while people are laughing or reacting to his antics, he is up to no good

    Gilligan’s Island

    Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of Gilligan’s Island, said he patterned the ’seven stranded castaways’ after the seven deadly sins but he didn’t admit it until years later in his book about the show.

    I’m sure you can attribute the sins to the proper characters but here they are:
    The Professor – Pride
    Thurston Howell III – Greed
    Ginger – Lust
    Mary Ann – Envy (of Ginger’s looks)
    Mrs. Lovey Howell – Gluttony
    The Skipper – Anger or wrath
    Gilligan – Sloth

    the castaways were in Hell and Gilligan (who always wore red!!!!!) did everything he could to ensure they stayed there making Gilligan “Satan.”

  9. He’s such an odious, odious man! A deceitful, manipulative scoundrel. Why are our opposition parties not repeating this. I shake my head in dismay at his enduring popularity. Anti-intellectualism reigns.

    • the Opposition parties are hopeless …except for Winston and he is quietly biding his time

      Winston is positively statesmanlike in comparison

      as is Dotcom

      • And don’t forget Hone Harawira Chooky.

        During his brief time in Parliament, Hone demonstrated he was indeed a statesman, never denigrating himself or Mana, by playing to the sordid little games coming from NatzKEY. A true political gentleman in every respect.

        I look forward to the time when NZ wakes up and Kiwis shake themselves free of the shackles of FJK, his corruption and toxic neo liberal policies. This will be the time when Hone and his Mana Movement will become strong, becoming a parliamentary force to be reckoned with. This will be the time Kiwis will vote with their eyes and minds wide open.

        At 69 and counting, I hope I am able to live long enough to be part of and witness this revolutionary change in NZ politics.

        Hone Harawira, NZ’s Bernie Sanders.

        • Hone was at The TPPA Protest March in Auckland.Full marks must be given for his ” walk the walk and talk the talk.”

  10. I heard the report on Morning Report this morning It was nauseating.

    But even more nauseating were the National party sycophants that were falling over themselves to send in messages to Radio NZ to support their sleazy leader. It speaks volumes about the mentality of some National sycophants that they treat rape as a joke.

    • Aye, why is being a “lad” such a vital credential to run the country? More appalled by the feedback than Key’s usual Mr.Matey facade.

  11. Anyone who is compliant in mocking rape, is a piece of scum.

    In a just world, FJK and his mob would be behind bars for their treason against NZ. Maybe, just maybe, the world will become just and they will end up in prison for their crimes, becoming victims themselves of an offensive, deviant act FJK ridicules!

    It’s called Karma and has a strange way of calling.

    • So true Mary – well said.
      So many negative ticks mean nothing – but wait – they do tell us that there are still many half wit folks in massive denial and believing the msm. They show allegiance to someone who does not deserve it.
      Anyone who would defend our pathetic PM is living in — la – la land.

      Those whom the Natz are not serving properly and fairly are the homeless; the teens; the elderly; the children being abused; the disabled; the poor; the vets; the widows of vets; the schools; the hospitals; the food banks; teen centers; the Arts; social services; suicidal folks and so so so much more.

      Karma will come back and bite all of these idiots who have been greedy and have acted unethically and not served the people properly, causing so much stress and chaos. They likely do not even know what karma means so let us start 2016 with no concern for how many negative ticks anyone gets.
      We are hitting nerves and that is A VERY GOOD THING.
      Now tick negative and show your real colours. Do your country proud.
      I sometimes enjoy hitting nerves and opening up the curtains.

      • Sun tzu…. the art of war…

        Was an advocate for causing the enemy to remain constantly off balance, to lull his opponents into a false sense of security… then striking… and to feign and create a diversion…to achieve an objective in a place where the enemy least expected…

        Politics is war… and like Sun tzu… it is not chess ‘piece taking ‘ that matters….but the Chinese concept of the game of ‘GO’…. taking territory…. not mere pieces.

        There is no good laying siege when one can simply take the whole territory…a castle is useless if cut off from its support base.

        Think Tet offensive.

        Think Blitzkrieg, not trenches.

        Isolate, contain , cut off, neutralize… the enemy of my enemy becomes my friend/ally…

        And to do that needs a common objective , and to have a common objective needs a critical mass point…and that critical mass point creates a unity…

        So ,in summary… we have several ‘bastions’…

        1) a media that is cowed by private interests.

        2) lobby groups that provide financial backing. ( New Zealand Institute aka former Business Roundtable ?)

        3) Education – particularly those academics bullied into teaching ‘orthodox’ economics through fear of funding cuts.

        4) Welfare… juxtaposing real time statistics with govt untruths… state housing, cost of living …

        Any one of these and a myriad more is fertile grounds to hammer away at and cause embarrassment. Primarily by using the untruths of the govt against them.

        In doing so you knock a brick out of the wall of any self assurance of the neo liberal waverer… they become defensive… and on sites as this they tick down …that is a good sign.

        Keep them moving, keep them guessing… not knowing where you will next strike , keep them trying to stamp out fires…offend them , draw them out to justify themselves, …laugh at their ridiculousness…

        Never let up and let those in a position to infiltrate do so…but above all keep them moving and guessing and frustrated to foment division amongst themselves….they are not invincible but prone to division like any humans.

        Exploit it. Pit one against another in their self interests. Let them destroy themselves…far less work for you.

        And remember…they first made war on you…using deceit and guile to bring about their neo liberalism to destroy our wonderful former Social Democracy… you owe these nothing.

        And the beauty of it all is this…it can all be done in a peaceful and dignified manner.

        So much more can we rub salt in their wounds and heap burning coals on their heads through loving kindness.

  12. John Key gets away with all this, because we have a society where being silly, crass and rude is in some form of “fashion” again. He is also taking advantage of the fact that the young tend to create their own sense of identity, their own values and fads, and that is largely, because genetically humans at a young age just want to be different to their parents.

    Key is not dumb in that sense, and while he risks losing his reputation with some more mature audience, he knows that via these commercially run radio stations and other media, he can reach people that are otherwise not even that interested in politics and what matters when running a government and society.

    They will see him as being “funny”, and think, “hey, dude, that’s a cool guy”. That is these days enough to perhaps get some votes in future elections, that is how shallow many are in the age of dumb down media, where intelligence is rather measured by how you can take the mickey out of someone, and get away with it.

    It is also about getting what you want, never mind the weakness and disadvantage of others, of being a go-getter, “innovative”, smart and “entrepreneurial”, yes an opportunist.

    This kind of thinking and behaviour has been nurtured for years, and hence few like complex matters, dislike analysing things, and rather just take “action”, which is fitting well with a government that also dislikes people scrutinising them.

    Put on a cheeky t-shirt, crack jokes, be daring, and get away with it, as it is the “silly season” is the expertise of Key, who can soon jump on the place and fly off to Hawaii and party and play golf with his US buddies from Hollywood and Wall Street. He can meet Obama, shake hands, hit the golf ball and share pics in instagram.

    Welcome to politics the modern way in 2015/16, it sadly works for such ones as John (Not the Baptist) Key, I doubt that Andrew Little would manage with such behaviour, at the expense of others, and he would not even go there, I bet.

    And that is what makes the opposition look “dull” and “boring” to many, the shallow and politically illiterate majority, they judge not with objective, careful minds, they judge by appearance and the “hip” factor. It will go downhill further next year, I bet, it is the “trend”.

      • I believe it is not fair to undermine the role of the opposition.
        We are dealing with a master manipulator, a deceitful liar, a puppet and a wannabe. He made NZ a laughing stock amongst the OECD.
        Andrew Little, Winston Peters and many of their MPs alongside some of the Greens are doing a fine job in holding this guy and his gang to account, however, there is the speaker who is in my view definitely not fair or neutral. The opposition are being ethical in their dealings.
        The whole political scene run by Key et Co will always be a disgrace in the history of our great nation Aotearoa.
        Shame on whoever voted them in or helped getting them into the beehive.

    • People don’t think these days they let the media do the thinking for them, JK is the man in the general public’s eyes he is best mates with Ritchie McCaw and most people would like to be seen having a beer with him around the BBQ.

      We have an MSM who are still in love with him and his rags to riches story,
      unfortunately MSM these days do not have the intellect to critically analyse economic data or government policies, it’s all sound bites and celebrity news.

      • Indeed. I notice more and more on Granny Herald “stories” lifted directly from Facebook. Or Twitter.

        They’re reporting social media!

        Journalists are gone. There’s a few young people sitting in front of a computer with a quota of “stories” to produce from that computer.

        We have very few experienced investigative journalists left. And those we have, are there opportunities for them to mentor the next generation?

        Will we be reduced to expressing ideas in 140 characters or less?

        Talk about sound bytes… they get smaller and smaller.

        • I think with the ruling of Justice Dennis Clifford and the successful defense claims of Nicky Hagar…regarding the definition of journalism and the public interest…and the dubious conditions under which the NZ Police sought to procure a search warrant of Mr Hagars residence and property..

          That a major victory was won with regards to journalism both online and in book form that protects the ability’s of journalists to protect their sources.

          This clears up a major area of fear amongst those investigative journalists who would publish material in the public interest – who , – not knowing if they would formerly become victims of the incumbents state apparatus ability to prosecute… now are empowered to report/record with fidelity the facts as they were/are disclosed…

          And to the public’s supreme benefit.

          We owe a lot to Nicky Hagar.. and in all due respects to the wisdom and clear sightedness of the presiding judge.

          This is, in many respects a landmark decision for the betterment of our country… and our democracy.

  13. Please don’t insult the Aussie car salesmen by comparing them to JK. I’m sure they’re a fine bunch in their own way not like the cunning little sewer rat we’ve got for our PM. I was brought up in a National party supporting family and my father owned a small busines which employed up to 40 people so we were by no means “trendy lefties”; but now? This is by far the worst government and the worst prime minister this country has ever had in my living memory. He positively makes Rob Muldoon look like a saint by comparison and I mean that seriously. If one dares criticise JK to a Nat supporter all they ever do is dismiss one as being “left wing”. It’s not about being left wing or anything else; it’s about being basically decent, transparent, honest and showing some decorum in acting like a prime minister should.

  14. The Key Crew is here in numbers greasing up and ticking down for John.

    As in Dad’s Army, “They don’t like it up ’em!” but for some strange reason they aren’t offended by the notion of (Key soap, etc) it being up him?

    • I guess if you found yourself on Christmas Island by being convicted on a minor charge and were accused by the Prime Minister of the country of your origin as being a rapist or murderer and then left to rot there indefinitely you’d be quite happy with that.

      Such is your puerile slavish tribalism.

      And if Kelvin Davis or Andrew Little were to come and ask you how conditions were for you and to see if they could help,…. that you , … in your puerility and tunnel vision , would give them both the one fingered salute and tell them to bugger off because they were ‘Labour’ party people… not human beings.

      That’d be you all over , now , wouldn’t it, mate.

      • WK: People don’t “find themselves on Christmas Island” they put themselves there by committing crime serious enough to warrant a prison sentence of at least one year. For that length of sentence it is most likely violence or drug related.

        Three returnees have already been arrested for committing crimes since they arrived back here. I suppose the rest haven’t been caught yet….

        This is how the Left loses votes. You cuddle up to a criminal underclass and then you are justifiably judged by the friends you keep.

        If the people in the Labour Party had half a brain they would’ve avoided the Christmas Island issue like the plague, because merely by association you look bad.

        • I have to be honest Andrew – much of what you say is simply right wing bullshit, talkback politics that are as vacuous as they are empty. So I don’t normally bother interacting with you, but this latest post could be one of your dumbest and I have no choice but to set you straight.

          NZ citizens are finding themselves on Christmas Island. Australia passed draconian knee jerk legislation to throw anyone not a citizen out for jail sentences that could get a 1 year sentence. Many of these NZ citizens who are being forced to move back have lived most of their lives in Australia and have no community to come back to. One could argue that these people are products of a failed Australian system and as such have more obligation to rehabilitate these individuals than NZ does!

          Many of these prisoners have simply been caught up in the driftnet approach Australian officials are conducting to justify the infrastructure put in place to deal with the steady stream of illicit immigration. You are guessing regarding their sentences being violent and sexual – many are not and a few examples suggest that Australia are being heavy handed beyond the extreme.

          So you are stating a guess after a guess compounded with more guesses and then want to lecture to us? Is that the gist of this post?

          Yes three returnees have already been arrested for committing crimes since they have arrived here – OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO LASH OUT. These people have been beaten, renditioned to Christmas Island, had their human rights abused and in many cases have no support here in NZ other than the $320 they get in the hand once Corrections drops them off to a temporary shelter.

          Are you honestly surprised that in such circumstances they go straight back to crime?

          Are you a 3 year old Andrew? With zero support, these damaged individuals go on to damage communities that simply don’t have the social service infrastructure to even give these guys a chance.

          The Left loses because the media have whipped many NZers into a frenzy over criminals (despite crime figures falling) and a weird hatred for our fellow human beings has become the dominant narrative. Standing up for human rights is an obligation and responsibility that every NZer, regardless of whether they vote right or left, must stand for.

          To suggest that we are judged by standing up for human rights says more about you Andrew than it does about the worth of defending human rights.

          So your conclusion plays to the worst of our natures while being built upon supposition, biased opinion and snot?

          It’s nice to keep you around Andrew, as you, like Gosman, forces the commentators to stay on their toes, but raw right wing sewage is never tolerated.

    • Andrew – if you judge “far better” by assaulting women by pulling their hair; joking about rape; breaking promises; under-finding community organisations; etc, etc, etc – yeah, you’re right. We can’t find anyone to match our esteemed Dear Leader.

  15. All the MPs that walked out of Parliament should start a new campaign. That is they should all pull Barry Sopers hair never intending to cause offence though! I bet he would change his tune quick smart. Seriously the prick needs to learn a lesson.

  16. I have been imagining Her Majesty, quietly contemplating the horrific thought that Key may very well have “peed” in HER shower while visiting her at Balmoral – That poor old lady doesn’t deserve to have that awful vision in her noggin – Key must think that behaviour is required to fulfil the “trickle down” theory! He is, as a lady I know from Southland says, “dirty flash” – heaps of money but absolutely no class to go with it!

    • Oh my Gawd….and the English drink LOTS of tea….and tea is a diuretic!!!!

      Will this country ever live down when John Key pulled into Heathrow and made a beeline for the Queens residence….!!??!!

      After a 12 hour flight pissing it up on beers – which is ALSO a diuretic ?!!??

  17. A pathetic immature small man our PM, with all his (unfunny) jokes and I feel he is more like a 12 year old mommas boy that never left that stage of development. Swirling around in his, in denial, greedy reality and he really thinks that he knows what the NZ people want. What a joke.

    Please sheeple voters, wake up and get informed and question all authority. Stop believing untruths

    Anyone just has to watch he and his ” out of touch ” team at work in
    Parliament to see how down in the toilet we have allowed our government to go. Again, he is beyond embarrassing and the sooner we can get in leaders who don’t lie and have integrity and genuine caring for the people and are not suck puppets to the corporations, the better off we will all be.

  18. Sorry to say I just read on TS that Nicky Hager had a win in the courts, and that a judge declared the police search of his home illegal. Wow, this is significant, I am sure you guys will write more about it later today, we have a win of sorts, against this corrupt government.

  19. My theory is that FJK had no friends at school and was possibly obnoxious to the point that bashing him was (wrongly) seen as a contribution to the common good. In fact, I would say he never had a friend until he’d made at least his first million, and has never had a real one. His antics are those of a naughty school kid, desperate for attention.

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