BLOGWATCH: Xero gutless for withdrawing advertising from Whaleoil



And another blow to the big man

This is a sick joke…

Xero boss withdraws advertising from Whaleoil
Rodney Hide has confirmed he was probably behind a series of Whaleoil posts attacking Xero that led Rod Drury to suspend advertising on the controversial blog.

In response to the latest in a series of Whaleoil posts critical of Xero, Drury said had cut advertising spending on the site over what he claimed was a campaign being steered by Hide.

“I’ve been a long time reader of Whaleoil and we even used to advertise here as we like to support the sunlight of good challenging discussions. (I turned that off yesterday after your misguided Hide campaign and it now appears to be open season on us.)”

Calls to both Slater were not immediately returned.

Whaleoil, run by Cameron Slater, was at the centre of last years’ Dirty Politics scandal triggered by Nicky Hager’s book of the same name.

Mostly sourced on hacked correspondence, Dirty Politics revealed close links between Slater and senior figures in government.

Further material to emerge from the scandal appeared to show Slater was regularly paid to attack the rivals of his clients in blogposts.

…hold on – what? Let’s go back to what the boss of Xero had to say there…

“I’ve been a long time reader of Whaleoil and we even used to advertise here as we like to support the sunlight of good challenging discussions. (I turned that off yesterday after your misguided Hide campaign and it now appears to be open season on us.)”


So when Cameron is attacking Muslims with the sort of zeal an orange nazi like Donald Trump does, that’s not a good enough reason to dump advertising on whaleoil?

So when Cameron was attempting to suggest that Tania Billingsley willingly made herself  bait so she could scream rape culture,  that wasn’t a good enough reason to dump advertising on whaleoil?

So when Cameron said that the 16 year old King’s College who drank himself to death was “a toffee-nosed school boy, a dead thief and a liar who couldn’t handle his piss, I always said King’s boys were poofs.”,  that wasn’t a good enough reason to dump advertising on whaleoil?

TDB Recommends

Etc etc etc.

It was only the right thing to cancel the advertising deal when Slater turned and started attacking Xero – that’s when Xero decided to end the advertising? What a spineless and weak decision is that?

Look – you want to get in the shit and pus and roll around with Cameron Slater – at least own that shit and pus, don’t decide to leave pretending you don’t smell because he’s gone feral.

Xero’s high ground was to not advertise at all – they missed that opportunity and climbing out now just reminds everyone they were there in the first place.


  1. As a road on a hill is both up and down, you can’t have a slater without a Bradbury, 2 sides of the same coin, no better, no worse

  2. You’ve got to wonder about Xero with it’s sudden resignation of executives and never ending losses and that they get into Whaleoil. Something ain’t right.

    And how much taxpayer money is going into it? I heard Drury in the media pre election and he was like a bloody errand boy for the National Party! Is this why?

  3. Yes Martyn right on there,

    Rod Drury has little spine it seems and seems to have caught it from living near a national hornets nest near Havelock north where other known nasty nest of Natz bloggers and shit stirrers and dirty politicos live?

    • “Isn’t it the most viewed blog.”

      Words in the wrong order? It isn’t the most viewed blog.

      Is it the blog that has found a way of getting people to say “It’s the most viewed blog”?

  4. Yes, but they’re accountants . What do you expect of accountants? Don’t tell me it’s humanitarianism ? Braw hahahahahahahahahahaha !

  5. yep, the opportunists all turn away from blubbs eventually, even the PM admits he runs a ‘burner’ phone so presumably he does not have to put the likes of late night phone calls with Slater oil on the record

    the filth pump that Cam calls a blog leaves no one with any credit ‘at the end of the day’

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