Paris: “Look busy – the people are watching”



With global political leaders converging on Paris for a week of discussion on climate change it’s tempting to think we might get some meaningful action. But we won’t.

The forces lined up in Paris are formidable but it’s an unequal match.

On the one side we have the big majority of humanity wanting collective action to stop global warming. Most of us know we won’t save ourselves and our planet “one person at a time” and collective action is essential.

On the other side is capitalism which doesn’t see any problem with climate change. Surprise, surprise – they have a market solution. Create a market for carbon trading. Alongside markets in coal, oil, banking, and baked beans they tell us we can carbon-trade our way out of the looming crisis.

This is the road New Zealand has gone down but it’s been a failure. For capitalism this is still no problem. Their markets will simply revalue land and resources based on the impact of climate change and life for the super-rich will continue largely unaffected. It’s no problem to them that hundreds of millions will die in the meantime. Capitalism has never been concerned about such esoteric matters such as human rights. Capitalists have always grown fat on war and human misery.

In fact for them it could turn out to be a good thing. Where there is a crisis there is always an opportunity. “Disaster capitalism” will find new ways to exploit humanity in the face of the ecological and social catastrophe of global warming.

Unfortunately the mass of humanity is not represented in Paris. The vast bulk of politicians in attendance are joined at the hip to global capitalism, ever-dependent on the massive income streams the rich provide to keep “their people” in power.

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So there will be lots of hot air, lots of political posturing, lots of talk about making hard decisions, lots of PR opportunities. “Look busy – the people are watching” will be the unsaid message. Little of consequence to make a real change will emerge.

New Zealand for example has already set the bar so low as to be almost meaningless. John Key proposes to reduce emissions to 11 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.

The real hope in Paris lies outside the political structures. It lies with ordinary people joining hands across the world to confront capitalism and through collective action ensure our survival on a planet held in common by us all.


  1. So, does one need to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’ to allege that this is in fact planned, the ‘new world order’ the elite don’t want the many to realise until nothing can be done about it?

    Not any more.If the 1% had this all planned, they would hardly do anything differently.

    So, if no trolls arrive to ridicule this idea, I will assume we can take it as now accepted.If we want climate action we can absolutely rely on our government to do nothing… at least until their puppet masters, the ones they are really working for, are named and ridiculed every day.

    • It would be silly to assume that if noone openly disagrees with your idea here that means your ideas must be valid.

      • Hi goose 🙂 thanks for your thoroughly helpful comment. It is well worth the read just to go thumbs down on it.

        @George. The slogan should be a new western order. Or just globalisation but, with out Muslims, Brazil, Russia, India, China, Singapore (aka the BRICS nations) the new world order is turning out to be a half pie attempt at remaking the British empire (lol, laugh harder) When you look at the three economic focal points that drives a new world order, or the rise of empire, there are three things you need.

        1) an energy source, that drives labour
        2) a method of transport that gets stuff to market
        3) a language, in wich to communicate over a fast network.

        For the British empire it was:

        1) Coal
        2) sailing ships
        3) the printing press

        For America it is:

        1) Hydro electric
        2) trains
        3) the telegraph (morse code)

        Today the new drivers of empire are:

        1) renewable energy – solar, wind, nuclear ect
        2) smart vehicle – miniature drones, driverless ect
        3) but the language and the most important aspect of the rise of empire in today’s emerging markets is the – Internet.

        With language previously, and still is taught exclusively through government run education systems, central planers could excersise in no small part control over the masses through the capture and privatisation of information, typically referred to as interlectual property. The Internet on the other hand is totally at odds with privatising information, every sound byte or pixil ever produced or real time information can be viewed on the net with the correct format. This new and emerging school of thoughts is what we are now calling the YouTube University. You can teach yourself how to do anything on YouTube, and now with the rise of crowd funding via the net, if you have a good idea there are hundreds of millions who use open source websites that generates billions of donations and investments oppertunities, three years ago open source technology was just an anarchists dream.

        For all these reasons, this is why I think the next turn will be a bloodless revolution. The kids born in the last 3 years and into the future are the first to have the totally new experience of social media, with out the depth of human contact that I loved as a kid hanging out at skate parks. I’m not suggesting social media is good or bad, I’m saying it is different, it teaches or children in brand new ways that aren’t controlled by central planers and there text books.

        No. I think the NWO or central planning ect ect. I think there days are truly numbered.

        Of course the greasy 0.001%’ers like the Koch Brothers will use all there might and ideological philosophies to maintain there standards of living (but as I like saying) there philosophies are right, except there is one floor, evolution can not talk legs on fish, the 0.001%’ers will eat caviar and drink gin & tonic while driving the Rolls into extinction.

  2. How reassuring is it that fresh from his astounding triumph in securing the amazing benefits of the TPP for us, Tim Groser now turns his attention to climate change. We can all sleep peacefully in our beds.

  3. Yes John, I quite agree. The nobs are basically just marking time. A bit like a piano accompaniment vamping along until the singer joins in; only in this case there is no singer or song to sing.

    But with a bit of luck IS might choose to make a dramatic statement in Paris again but this time focussing on the leaders.

  4. ‘The vast bulk of politicians in attendance are joined at the hip to global capitalism, ever-dependent on the massive income streams the rich provide to keep “their people” in power.’

    Spot on!

    The criminals who rule the world have no intention of abandoning their self-serving loot-and-pollute agenda. The puppet show in Paris will undoubtedly include ‘last-minute sessions to broker a ground-breaking deal to save the planet’ which will allow business-as-usual to continue rendering the Earth uninhabitable. We’ve seen it all too many times before be fooled any more. But most ‘ordinary people’ are still clueless and believe the lies churned out by politicians and the corporate media.

    ‘The real hope in Paris lies outside the political structures. It lies with ordinary people joining hands across the world to confront capitalism’

    If there is any serious challenge to present power structures, the global oligarchy -the banks and corporations- will ensure that their puppets pass laws to make protest illegal, and then send in the ‘security forces’ to deal with anyone who disobeys. Indeed, with global catastrophe now upon us, mass protest is probably just what the scumbags at the top want because it will provide a perfect pretext for morphing the covert globalist fascist state into an overt globalist fascist state.

    Unfortunately, the environmental ‘war’ like most other social ‘wars’, was lost in the 1970s, when all the issues were identified and politicians began lying egregiously and implementing the reverse of what was required to please the puppet-masters: politicians still lie egregiously and will continue to implement the very reverse of what is required.

    Pity the children, who will have to endure the dire consequences of the criminality and insanity that have characterised recent decades of politics in the western world.

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