The role of SERCO: We should care about the criminals on Christmas Island because they are human beings and because they are our whanau



There is a lot of noise that middle NZ don’t care about prisoners on Christmas Island and are siding with Key because the Oppositions concerns have been branded as ‘hug-a-crim’ and that Labour are ‘backing rapists, child molesters and murderers (despite no rapists and murderer NZers being on Christmas Island).

It’s time to call bullshit on that sentiment.

We should care about the criminals on Christmas Island because they are human beings and they are our whanau.

Being renditioned, being imprisoned past your jail sentence, having retrospective anti-terror legislation passed at a time of fear and anger that was designed for the most dangerous terrorists used on domestic targets, being beaten, being threatened, being kept as far away from their family and legal representatives as possible, being held in detention camps that breach their guaranteed UN Human Rights – ALL of these are reasons for every MP, not just the Opposition, to stand and demand questions of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister himself should be leading the demands for answers.

Michelle Boag argued this week that these types of issues need to be discussed privately because if you kick up a public stink, the Australians won’t take your phone call next time. Well, what’s the point of being able to call them on the phone when it results in our citizens having their human rights abused and breached so callously?

New Zealanders who have been so warped by the crime porn headline news media that they can’t see beyond the criminal to the human being, need to take a breath.

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This is about compassion, this is about standing up for the damaged and the weak. Yes some of these New Zealand citizens are bad buggers. But that doesn’t justify their being beaten and renditioned and held beyond their actual jail sentence.

Some have lived in Australia since they were toddlers, so in actual fact, it’s been Australia who has shaped them, so are partly to blame for the negative social outcome. A cynic might ask, why are we simply allowing Australia to dump back to us the spoiled fruit of their society?

We should not ignore the use of  anti-terrorism legislation passed when the country was frightened by acts of convenient ‘terrorism’ . The ability to throw out people for failing ‘character tests’ without any need for an explanation and a change of legal ability to challenge those decisions was all part of a raft of law changes that claimed to be for the worst of the worst. It’s been manipulated into being used to start dumping criminals and the net is so large because the military industrial surveillance complex needs clients.

You can’t access all this money and upgrade facilities without continually feeding it.

There are budgets to defend and use up, and no one involved in the military industrial surveillance complex has ever had to hold a bake sale for new satellites.

We are seeing the expansion of private military prisons. This prison on Christmas Island is being run by SERCO. SERCO has lost its right to run prisons in NZ (except for Wiri), yet we don’t question their role in beatings on an island as far away from civil society as possible?

If SERCO has failed so spectacularly in a first world country like NZ – what are they doing on an Island as far away from scrutiny as Christmas Island?

How is it that Serco can run these prisons yet we have so little information on what is actually happening?

The private prison empire we are allowing that makes profit from incarceration is warping the justice system in front of our eyes.

This private prison blindspot by the mainstream media is a desperate reminder of why Campbell Live was killed off and the electorate remain deaf.



  1. We’d better damn well care. Becaue they’ll come for the crims first. Then the political dissidents (Minto, Hager, Bradbery, et al). Then anyone who opposes the established Order of Things.

    If we haven’t learned a damn thing from the darkest days of the 20th century, then we’re going to repeat those lessons until we do.

    I’m sure the nazis rounded up criminal undesirables first before turning their attention of communists, trade unionists, gypsies, jews, etc.

    Oh, and Gosman, if you come onto this page and mention the G-word, you can fuck off to Fuckoff City.Pathetic little git.

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