Rachel Glucina on last legs – MediaWorks get it wrong – again



At some stage the vulture fund that owns MediaWorks will realise the flesh left on this bloated corpse is too toxic even for them…

Scout employees drop like flies just two months after launch
After a rapid exit by its news editor Francis Cook just four days after the site launched, more Scout employees have left their posts at the entertainment website.

Sources close to the Scout newsroom have said that since the site was launched by TV3 owners Mediaworks in September, at least eight of the original editorial team have left.

…how has this been allowed to happen? How has the TV3 pro-National Party Management team who believed dumbed down news, killing off Campbell Live and appointing Rachel Glucina were the solutions been allowed to destroy a once proud network in a mere 6months?

How has this been allowed to happen? At what point did the Management Team think letting the viewers know they only cared about money not their fourth estate responsibilities was a good move? Why did the Management Team think killing Campbell Live off for political reasons was a good idea? Why did they think allowing someone as discredited as Rachel Glucina joining them would work? How has killing off 3D, biasing The Nation and dumbing down the 7pm slot worked?

No wonder so many people are boycotting TV3.

At this rate the network may get dumped over the holidays. At some point Oaktree will realise it shouldn’t have been been following Mark Jennings, it’s the idiot management team they should be demanding answers from.



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  1. In the commercial world…. “branding” is everything. Mediaworks took a serious hit on their “brand” when they dumped Campbell. It was a real point of difference with the lightweight ‘fluff’ that Seven Sharp is.

    By dumping Campbell, they not only sabotaged the brand; destroyed their point of difference; but ignored public (consumer) opinion.

    In the commercial world…. ignoring public (consumer) opinion is a dangerous (and often counter-productive and stupid) thing to do.

    Weldon and Christie may be waking up to this reality. If not, they’re in the wrong game.

    (PS: We haven’t watched TV3 since Campbell was fired. We took our “viewing business” elsewhere, which is the right of the Consumer.)

    • Plenty of $5,000 a head fund-raisers buys a lot of media time, media executives who can get rid of “left-wing bastards” and replace them with one-eyed news reporters.

  2. I wish they would dump Paddy stooge Gower and Brook sock puppet Sabin. The sooner those two Key sycophants get the arse card and go work fulltime for the Natzy party as press secretaries the better. Oh wait they already do work fulltime for Key.

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